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雅思写作想要拿高分 这些误区要不得







譬如说“receive treatment”有些同学觉得receive太简单,写成“acquire treatment”。这个学生就是5.5分级别的学生,为什么?因为英文很烂,烂到不知道acquire和treatment不能连用。


事实:句子变化是体现一个人的写作能力,但是如果你的复杂句错误,考官会扣分,而不是加分。使用不恰当,譬如说套句,不该用的地方粗暴出现,那么也会扣分。譬如说很多同学喜欢用定语从句,“where have…”这就是5.5分







雅思大作文:the best way to reduce crime

雅思大作文题目:.The best way to reduce crime committed by young adultsis to teach parents parenting skills. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Givereasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.


The relationship between home education and juvenile delinquency has always been a topic that concerned by crime academia. Thus, an idea has been proposed as a prime one that parenting concepts and skills should be further implanted and acquired for the sake of lower rate of teenager crimes.

One of the greatest advantages of this proposal is that good parenting goes right to the core of the matter. This is because children make most of their interpersonal contact with their family members before kindergarten and primary school and these members, especially parents, conveys the sense of being loved, if only, during this formative years. Without this, the youth when coming at the age of reason may be in difference and show no affection to others, which in the long run, leads to committing crimes.

Another positive effect of concentrating on family issues lies in the contribution in the future. A valid childhood education establishes a solid and just foundation of views and values. Although this sort of approach may not as immediate as the trials and penalty in deterring crimes, this effort devoted may take effects as a psychological disincentive rather than a cruel deterrent, to say the least, inthe next few decades.

Any method that claims to be the best, however, is both too absolute and unilateral. As for this one, there is one premise not to be neglected which involves the performance of parents during and after the instruction of such techniques as all the efforts are but in vain if the subjects taught spare no efforts in implementing these conceptsand theories. Moreover, schooling and social factor should be included in crime prevention in search of a so-called best solution.

雅思大作文:the difference in age between parents and children

雅思大作文题目:In some countries, the difference in age between parents and children is generally greater than it was in the past. Do you think advantages outweigh disadvantages?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.Write at least 250 words.


Young couples in the global context are adopting a more self-oriented lifestyle in which many choose to postpone the age of having their first baby, and this happens more specifically in the middle and upper class in developed worlds, bringing benefits and drawbacks on each family member affected.

The advantages of the delayed reproduction come from the more experienced parents. The greatest part of this decision is that these parents who have been dedicated in working for years since graduation may earn a higher income when their first offspring is born, compared with those who have merely graduated. And definitely, the wealthier family can provide surely the new member better conditions like a professional maternal nurse, nutritious diet and private schooling. As well as being rich, these more mature parents have psychological superiority to young adults in parenting. To be specific, the older ones may have gentle and even temper when children are naughty and be properly responsive to children’s demands.

The middle-aged new mothers and fathers, however, have their determined physical disadvantages. The most obvious one is greater generation gap, which means the difference of age between the two parties, parents and children, may be greater than three decades and thus less mutual understanding can be given and more domestic conflicts would occur during upbringing. Another problem is about physical decline due to aging. This process means the difficulty in pregnancy and the risks of natural diseases for the fetus although medical interference can solve some of the issues. Moreover, having the first descendant late suggest less energetic parents who may sense the process of raising the children overwhelming, leading to less and poorer company.

In conclusion, this phenomenon has more benefits to all family members. Although late childbirth faces emotional and physical problems, more people still choose this way when they have stable financial conditions and are more experienced to tackle those thorny problems in rearing.

 雅思大作文:it is natural process of animal species to become extinct

雅思大作文题目:It is natural process of animal species to become extinct (e.g. dinosaurs, dodos etc.). There is no reason why people should stop happening this. Do you agree or disagree?Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.


The scenes of evolution and extinction of creatures on the earth have been on for millions of years. Learning these cases, people would naturally perceive such process inevitable and should not any efforts in its prevention. However, human beings nowadays are capable of helping with these species.

Nature seems to have been strongly holding the principle in which the strongest survive. According to archaeological studies globally, we have collected many strong evidence to prove that a variety of animal species had been wiped out regionally or even eliminated as a whole due to natural disasters, such as dinosaur, and fierce competition with other kinds including human race. Therefore, people may rashly conclude that it is not their charge to take in preventing animals from dying out.

Nevertheless, creatures can and should be preserved out of a wide range of reasons. Compared with the ignorant status of human ancestors, this contempoary generation has realized the importance of the diversity of species, which can result in a stable food chain as a vital element in remaining a stady ecosystem. Moreover, our race, homo sapiens, has perished all other hominins and occupied an absolutely dominant situation around the world in modern times. Thus, we are entitled to assign space like nature reserves and to spare resources which may involve allocating funds and organizing agents to help. The most important reason out of all is that a suitable and stable ecosystem may guarantee a promising future of our race. No one can predict what happens by the time others disappear in this so-called natural process.

Simply put, with the awareness and resources and for the long-term and better survival of human beings, the extinctions of other animals should be prevented.













