Q1: Did you like studying science subjects when you were younger?
Q2: Do you think studying science subjects is important?
了解一下Native Speakers 受到过的教育和培训你就知道,为什么考试的时候考官会经常不动声色地流露出悲伤和绝望的气息?
Q: Do you think studying science subjects is important?
A: Yes, absolutely. I think science is really important because it's relevant to our daily life .
For the public,Science is included the nature、 the world also ourselves, even the universe.
So if we want to know the world well, we must study some basic Science.
Also Science is the key of develop human civilization.
①此回答的第一处问题是把 science subjects 一步登天直接抽象到 science (even the universe)
②第二个问题,没有站得住脚的论证过程:原因1息息相关囊括万物+原因2人类文明推动器,没有例子证实息息相关,如果我不想know the world well我也可以不学科学对吧,做个无知的人也挺快乐的;人类文明进步只能证明科学的重要性不能证明“理化生还是要好好学的”,而且也没有例子。
Science is included ... 常见动词误用,include就是包括了,不需要被动
the key of develop 介词的宾语:名词(development)动名词(developing)
Q: Do you think studying science subjects is important?
A: Yes,definitely. Because in my opinion,science plays a vital role even just in our daily life.
For instance,without basic knowledge of it we would never tell the weather for the next day, no mention of the appropriate clothes to wear.
so only when we study science,can we have the chance to keep the close tie with the world.
no mention of 是“未提及”,
not to mention to 才是“更不必说”
Q: Did you like studying science subjects when you were younger?
A: Yes,when I was in primary school, Science is one of my favourite subject.
与之相对的,就是有的同学知道该讲 事实型细节并且努力呈现的:
Absolutely yes. I studied a lot of science subjects when I was in school, like observing the plant cellular structure which is so interesting.
It will open the new world for you through studying a variety of things about the nature you ever know before.
Anyway, Science is amazing!
U1S1 长度还是有点短,不过讲到植物细胞结构,已经是非常直接扣题的例子了。
studying the interesting changes happening inside a tube化学实验
observing cells of plants and animals under the microscope生物实验
verifying Galileo’s theory by repeating his famous experiment物理实验。
taste 味道
tasty 美味的
delicious 味道好的
sweet 甜的
sour 酸的
bitter 苦的
hot 辣的
salty 咸的
spiced 加香料的
fragrant 香的
seasoned 加作料的
tasteless 无味的
flat 淡而无味的(如走了气的啤酒)
greasy 油腻的
bland 清淡的
light 清淡的
Advent (耶稣)降临节
Lady Day, Annunciation 天使报喜节(3月25日)
Ascension Day 耶稣升 天节(复活节后第四十日)
Assumption 圣母升 天节(8月15日)
Candlemas 圣烛节(2月2日)
New Year, New Year's Day 新年(1月1日)
Corpus Christi 圣体节
Quadragesima 四旬节(四旬斋的第一个星期日)
Lent 四旬斋,大斋期(复活节前的第四十个星期日)
Low (或Quasimodo) Sunday, 复活节后第一个星期日
All Souls'Day (天主教)万灵节(11月2日)(如遇星期日则顺延一天)
Palm Sunday 棕枝全日(复活节前的星期日)
Easter Sunday, Easter 复活节
Epiphany, Twelfth Day 主显节(1月6日)
day of obligation 每人需停止工作参加礼拜的日子
Maundy Thursday 濯足星期四(耶稣受难节)
Shrove Tuesday 忏悔节(四旬斋开始的前一天)
Ash Wednesday 复活节前的第七个星期三
Christmas 圣诞节(12月25日)
Christmas Eve 圣诞前夕
New Year's Eve 新年前夕
Easter 复活节
Whitsun, Whitsuntide 圣神降临周(复活节后的第七周,尤指前三天)
Quinquagesima 四旬斋前的星期日
Ramadan 斋月
Rogation Days 祈祷节(耶稣升 天节的前三天)
Sabbath 安息日
Feast of the Sacred Heart 圣心节
Midsummer Day 施洗约翰节(6月24日)
Passion Week 复活节前第二周
Holy Week 圣周(复活节前一周)
Septuagesima 四旬斋前的第三个星期日
Sexagesima 四旬斋前的第二个星期日
Ember Days 四季节
All Saints' Day 万圣节
Trinity Sunday, Trinity 圣三主日(复活节后的第八个星期日)
Good Friday 耶稣受难节
Visitation 圣母往见节(7月2日)
football, soccer, Association football 足球
field, pitch 足球场
midfied 中场
kick-off circle 中圈
half-way line 中线
football, eleven 足球队
football player 足球运动员
goalkeeper, goaltender, goalie 守门员
back 后卫
left 左后卫
right back 右后卫
centre half back 中卫
half back 前卫
left half back 左前卫
right half back 右前卫
forward 前锋
centre forward, centre 中锋
inside left forward, inside left 左内锋
inside right forward, inside right 右内锋
outside left forward, outside left 左边锋
outside right forward, outside right 右边锋
kick-off 开球
bicycle kick, overhead kick 倒钩球
chest-high ball 平胸球
corner ball, corner 角球
goal kick 球门球
ground ball, grounder 地面球
hand ball 手触球
header 头球
penalty kick 点球
spot kick 罚点球
free kick 罚任意球
throw-in 掷界外球
ball handling 控制球
block tackle 正面抢截
body check 身体阻挡
bullt 球门前混战
fair charge 合理冲撞
chesting 胸部挡球
close-marking defence 钉人防守
close pass, short pass 短传
consecutive passes 连续传球
deceptive movement 假动作
diving header 鱼跃顶球
flying headar 跳起顶球
dribbling 盘球
finger-tip save (守门员)托救球
clean catching (守门员)跳球抓好
flank pass 边线传球
high lobbing pass 高吊传球
scissor pass 交叉传球
volley pass 凌空传球
triangular pass 三角传球
rolling pass, ground pass 滚地传球
slide tackle 铲球
clearance kick 解除危险的球
to shoot 射门
grazing shot 贴地射门
close-range shot 近射
long drive 远射
mishit 未射中
offside 越位
to pass the ball 传球
to take a pass 接球
spot pass 球传到位
to trap 脚底停球
to intercept 截球
to break through, to beat 带球过人
to break loose 摆脱
to control the midfield 控制中场
to disorganize the defence 破坏防守
to fall back 退回
to set a wall 筑人墙
to set the pace 掌握进攻节奏
to ward off an assault 击退一次攻势
to break up an attack 破坏一次攻势
ball playing skill 控球技术
total football 全攻全守足球战术
open football 拉开的足球战术
off-side trap 越位战术
wing play 边锋战术
shoot-on-sight tactics 积极的抢射战术
time wasting tactics 拖延战术
Brazilian formation 巴西阵式, 4-2-4 阵式
four backs system 四后卫制
four-three-three formation 4-3-3 阵式
four-two-four formation 4-2-4 阵式
red card 红牌(表示判罚出场)
yellow card 黄牌(表示警告)
instruction, education 教育
culture 文化
primary education 初等教育
secondary education 中等教育
higher education 高等教育
the three R's 读、写、算
school year 学年
term, trimester 学季
semester 学期
school day 教学日
school holidays 假期
curriculum 课程
subject 学科
discipline 纪律
timetable 课程表
class, lesson 课
homework 家庭作业
exercise 练习
dictation 听写
spelling mistake 拼写错误
(short) course 短训班
seminar 研讨班
playtime, break 课间,休息
to play truant, to play hooky 逃学,旷课
course (of study) 学业
student body 学生(总称)
classmate, schoolmate 同学
pupil 小学生
student 大学生
schoolboy 男生
schoolgirl 女生
auditor 旁听生
swot, grind 用功的学生
old boy 老生
grant, scholarship, fellowship 奖学金
holder of a grant, scholar, fellow 奖学金获得者
school uniform 校服
teaching staff 教育工作者(总称)
teachers 教师(总称)
primary school teacher 小学老师
teacher lecturer 大学老师
professor 教授
schooling 教授,授课
assistant 助教
headmaster 校长 (女性为:headmistress)
deputy headmaster, deputy head 副校长
rector 校长
dean 教务长
laboratory assistant, lab assistant 实验员
beadle, porter 门房,学校工友
games master, gym teacher, gym instructor 体育教师
private tutor 私人教师,家庭教师
pedagogue 文学教师(蔑称)
of school age 教龄
beginning of term 开学
matriculation 注册
to enroll, to enroll 予以注册
to take lessons (学生)上课
to teach (老师)上课
to study 学习
to learn by heart 记住,掌握
to revise, to go over 复习
test 考试
to test 考试
to take an examination, to sit an examination, to do an examination 参加考试
convocation notice 考试通知
examiner 考试者
board of examiners 考试团
examination oral, written examination 口试,笔试
question 问题
question paper 试卷
crib 夹带 (美作:trot)
to pass an examination (或exam), 通过考试
pass, passing grade 升级
prizegiving 分配奖品
to fall an examination 未通过考试
failure 未考好
to repeat a year 留级
degree 学位
graduate 毕业生
to graduate 毕业
project, thesis 毕业论文
General Certificate of Education 中学毕业证书 (美作:high school diploma)
holder of the General Certificate of Education 中学毕业生 (美作:holder of a high school diploma)
doctorate 博士学位
doctor 博士
competitive examination 答辩考试
Chinese 语文
English 英语
Japanese 日语
mathematics 数学
science 理科
gymnastics 体育
history 历史
algebra 代数
geometry 几何
geography 地理
biology 生物
chemistry 化学
physics 物理
physical geography 地球物理
literature 文学
sociology 社会学
psycology 心理学
philosophy 哲学
engineering 工程学
mechanical engineering 机械工程学
electronic engineering 电子工程学
medicine 医学
social science 社会科学
agriculture 农学
astronomy 天文学
economics 经济学
politics 政治学
commercial science 商学
biochemistry 生物化学
anthropology 人类学
linguistics 语言学
accounting 会计学
law, jurisprdence 法学
banking 银行学
metallurgy 冶金学
finance 财政学
mass-communication 大众传播学
journalism 新闻学
atomic energy 原子能学
civil engineering 土木工程
architecture 建筑学
chemical, engineering 化学工程
accounting and statisics 会计统计
business administration 工商管理
library 图书馆学
diplomacy 外交
foreign language 外文
botany 植物
major 主修
minor 辅修
school 学校
kindergarten 幼儿园
infant school 幼儿学校
primary school, junior school 小学
secondary school 中学
high school, secondary school 专科学校
business school 商业学校
technical school 工业学校
technical college 专科学校
(university) campus 大学
university 大学
boarding school 供膳宿的学校
day school 日校,无宿舍学校,走读学校
day student who has lunch at school 提供午餐的走读学生
academy 专科学院
faculty 系
hall of residence 学校公寓
classroom 教室
lecture theatre 阅览室 (美作:lecture theater)
amphitheatre 阶梯教室 (美作:amphitheater)
staff room 教研室
headmaster's study, headmaster's office 校长办公室
(assembly) hall 礼堂
library 图书馆
playground 操场
desk 课桌
blackboard 黑板
(a piece of) chalk 粉笔
slate pencil 石板笔
wall map 挂图
skeleton map 轮廓图,示意图
globe 地球仪
text book 课本
dictionary 词典
encyclopedia 百科全书
atlas 地图集
satchel 书包
exercise book 练习本
rough not book 草稿本 (美作:scribbling pad)
blotting paper 吸墨纸
tracing paper 描图纸
squared paper, graph paper 坐标纸
(fountain) pen 自来水笔
biro, ballpoint (pen) 圆珠笔
pencil 铅笔
propelling pencil 自动铅笔
pencil sharpener 铅笔刀,转笔刀
ink 墨水
inkwell 墨水池
rubber, eraser 橡皮
ruler, rule 尺
slide rule 计算尺
set square 三角板
protractor 量角器
compass, pair of compasses 圆规