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149. How would you use some land given to you?

Imagine that you have received some land to use as you wish. How would you use this land? Use specific details to explain your answer.


可以采取It depends的策略:要看这片地有多大?在哪里?视情况而定。


Living in a bustling city is very convenient at times. However, there is usually one thing lacking from these urban landscapes: trees, flowers, and greenery in general. If I received a portion of land in the city, I would transform it into a park. There are many reasons for doing this, as detailed below. Firstly, a park would offer a much-needed relaxing place, which is usually few and far between in cities. Many people commute to the city for work, and find that the stress of their jobs, combined with the intensity of urban life, is very tiring. If one could walk through a park on one's lunch break, she/he would go back to work feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. A park can also contain many plant species that are not prevalent in the surrounding environment.

The calm, unpolluted atmosphere of a park is an excellent place to grow such flora.

The second reason why I would build a park is for environmental reasons. Trees' main function in the

ecological cycle is to convert carbon dioxide into oxygen during a process known as photosynthesis. Almost all

major cities have a problem with pollution, and every tree helps. In addition to cleaning the air, parks offer a

habitat for many species of animals that would regularly not survive in an urban environment. Offering animals a

place to live is a very noble thing to do.

Lastly, I believe that building a park would be making the best use of my property because it would create a community focal point. People from all over my neighborhood could wander through the beautiful landscape, conversing with each other and getting to know one another better. In my park I would also include benches and tables where people could have barbeques and picnics, or play social games such as chess or mahjong. I would also be inclined to include badminton nets, table tennis facilities and a football field for the more athletically inclined.

Thus, I believe that the most appropriate use of a piece of land in an urban environment would be to develop it into a green space. By doing this, one creates a location where community, serenity, and the interests of the environment are all taken care of.

150. Is watching television bad for children?

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Watching television is bad for children. Use specific details and examples to support your answer.

『分析』 不能同意,但是watching too much TV is bad for children, and some programs are really detrimental to children.






There is much conjecture over whether television is a positive or negative influence on a young child's development. There is a good case to be made for either of these opinions; I believe that both could be true depending on the programming the children are absorbing.

Nature programs, documentaries and educational programming can expose children to a wide variety of useful information. When children watch these types of programs, they are more likely to become concerned about the world around them, whether in terms of environmental issues, political issues, or cultural issues. Watching educational television is an excellent method of helping young people discover where their interests lie. For example, if a child sees a documentary on space exploration, they might develop a passion for it and continue studying it later in life. A show that a person watched when they were a child could possibly have been a catalyst for choosing a career.

On the other hand, most cartoons, soap operas, or violent crime television shows are detrimental to a child's development. Cartoons offer no useful information to a young person, and usually do not succeed in getting the child interested in anything except fantasy. Adult television, such as soap operas, can introduce children to subject matter that is not appropriate for their innocent minds, and can often cause children to grow up too fast. Violent television is perhaps most damaging for a young child to watch. It has been proven that if children watch violence on television when they are young, they become desensitized to it, and sometimes end up becoming violent adults.

In conclusion, I believe that the argument over whether watching TV is bad for children should definitely be swayed by what the children are viewing. Educational television can be very beneficial to a young person. When this medium is used in such a way, new thoughts and ideas can be opened up to the young person. However, watching the wrong television shows can be very dangerous. Children can desensitize themselves to the world around them, and become antisocial, violent adults. I think the best situation is to ensure that parents monitor their children's television shows very carefully. By using this method, children will receive all of the benefits of good television, while avoiding all of its negative aspects.


151. What is the most important animal in your country?

What is the most important animal in your country? Why is the animal important? Use reasons and specific details to explain your answer.





Animals have the power to be iconic symbols for a country. Every country has its own symbolic animal, which is supposed to represent the values and ethics of that country. For example, Americans have enlisted the eagle as their national animal. The Germans represent themselves with the Black Bear. In China, however, our national animal is the Panda.

The Panda is a great source of pride in China. It is an animal that is on the verge of extinction; however, it has had a long and great history. Scientists have traced this curious creature's roots back to the time of the dinosaurs, hundreds of thousands of years ago. Because of this long history, the Panda has lovingly been termed the "living fossil." Today, scientists can study the panda and discover many interesting facts about the history of our planet and its habitats.

In ancient times, a flag with a panda on it would be raised at the border between two countries to represent peace, love, unity and respect between the two neighbors. In modern society, China often offers a panda to a friendly country as a sign of kinship. For example, China has presented both the United States and Japan with pandas.

Finally, the history of pandas is profoundly intertwined with the history of China. In ancient times, emperors used to keep pandas as pets. These animals were seen as magical and mystical by all who knew them. Some emperors kept pandas to ward off evil spirits and also believed that they prevented natural disasters.

Another reason why the Panda is the animal ambassador for China is that it represents peace and friendship.

Thus, the giant, black and white panda is the national symbol of China. These graceful animals are a joy to all who see them, and are a source of pride for the Chinese. The government is so concerned about keeping these animals in existence that it is spending millions of dollars trying to determine how to artificially inseminate the giant panda. Hopefully, they will succeed and this animal will be on earth for another million years.


146. Leisure activities: outdoors or indoors?

Some people prefer to spend their free time outdoors. Other people prefer to spend their leisure time indoors. Would you prefer to be outside or would you prefer to be inside for your leisure activities? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your choice.



When one lives in a seasonal environment it is difficult to deny that both outdoor and indoor activities have their place. As the seasons change, so does one's mood. Certain activities become more or less appealing, depending on the weather and the length of the day.

Spring is a time of the year when the world starts to awaken from its winter slumber. The trees and flowers bloom, birds return from their migrations and there is a general sense of gaiety in the air. During this season, I enjoy going on long walks through parks and watching the world come alive. Many consider summer to be the apex of the year. The city comes into full swing as the weather becomes warmer and warmer. During the summer, I prefer to spend the daytime anywhere that is air-conditioned. This can include the library, a shopping center or a movie theater. I often enjoy spending the warm evenings sitting on the wide balcony of my house and having drinks with my friends.

Fall, with the turning of the leaves and the intense heat of the summer dissipating, is another excellent time to go on long walks during the day. I love to be outside during fall and see the life of the city returning to its hibernation. Another reason to go outside during autumn is to savor the last days of warmth until the next year. Winter brings the shortening of days and cooler weather. Outdoor activities tend to become less attractive and curling up on the couch with a good book becomes my favorite activity. It is not enjoyable to spend time outside if it is too cold. The only exception to this is the rare time I go skiing. So, my decision to spend time indoors or outdoors is vastly dependent on the season. Different seasons call for different activities and therefore it is impossible to choose whether I would spend all of my leisure time indoors or outdoors.

147. The best way the school spends a gift of money Your school has received a gift of money. What do you think is the best way for your school to spend this money? Use specific reasons and details to support your choice.


[11]题中,已经讨论过把钱花在图书馆上的重要性,所以,这道题要写: 盖一个图书馆,给现有的图书馆买更多的书。[167]本质上也是一样的题目


It is a very fortunate occurrence when a school receives a sizable grant. School officials must make the difficult decision of where to allocate the funds, and I want to propose that spending the money on computers would be the most utilitarian decision.

Computers are rapidly growing in popularity, to such an extent that they affect all aspects of modern life. It is rare that one finds stimulating employment that does not require at least basic computer skills. If children are to become successful in today's society, they must have understanding in this field. As computers are the future, it is important for students to become adept users early in life. Not all children have equal opportunities to learn the important skills of using a computer. Many low-income families cannot afford to purchase such an expensive item, thus continuing a cycle of social immobility.

Purchasing computers for public schools gives children from low-income families the opportunity to break out of this cycle.

Finally computers allow students to access a wealth of information that could not possibly be stored in a library, or efficiently be kept up to date. One of the most common activities on a computer is "surfing" the Internet.

The Internet is updated by literally billions of people every day, and therefore offers up any information that one could dream of. The Internet is also an excellent source of inspiration, as so many people that update it have incredible ideas.

In conclusion, I think that spending the grant money to buy new computers would be most beneficial for the entire school. With the addition of new computers, students will be able to get an edge on their peers at different schools, and be ready for university and the workforce. This is especially true for low-income students.

Computers allow students to expand their minds and think in a new, exciting way.


148. Does playing

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Playing games teaches us about life. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.



Across the world many cultures have their own favored games. While most of these cultures created the games themselves, many of these games have similar attributes. One reason for this is that people everywhere find games entertaining. More importantly, however, games teach us about life, socialization, and about how to work as a team, and how to win and lose gracefully.

One of the most important developments one can make in his personality is the ability to socialize well with others. Having a charismatic personality will take a person far in any field. Almost all games have socialization aspect deeply ingrained in them. Football and basketball both encourage a person to treat others with respect. This is known as having good sportsmanship. Of course respecting others is a social skill that we all must learn if we are to succeed in life.

Many popular sports involve a group of people, ranging from two people to twenty people working together as a team. In these situations it is always of utmost importance to be a team player. Of course in the business world being a "team player" has become a buzzword in most offices. Being a team player means that one should work well with others in the face of adversity. Team sports are full of challenges and obstacles that a team must overcome together.

Finally most sports teach a person the value of winning and loosing gracefully. In sports etiquette it would be incredibly uncouth to start crying or throw a tantrum if one were to lose a game. Likewise if one wins a game and gloats excessively in the face of their adversary, it is equally looked down upon. The same goes in "real life." One must learn the subtleties of defeat and victory and learn to minimize their outward emotions.

In conclusion, I posit that games have much to teach us about life. To sum up they teach us how to work well with others. On a lighter note they also teach us how to have fun, which is an important life lesson in and of itself.

games teach us about life?


