
Finally, thus, in a word, in brief;
In conclusion, to conclude, in the end;
In the final analysis, in a nutshell, on the whole;
To summarize, to encapsulate, in sum, in summary
In light of these facts, considering these ideas
Rembrandt is the most famous of the seventeenth-century Dutch painters. However, there are doubts whether some paintings attributed to Rembrandt were actually painted by him. One such painting is known as attributed to Rembrandt because of its style, and indeed the representation of the woman’s face is very much like that of portraits known to be by Rembrandt. But there are problems with the painting that suggest it could not be a work by Rembrandt.
First, there is something inconsistent about the way the woman in the portrait is dressed. She is wearing a white linen cap of a kind that only servants would wear-yet the coat she is wearing has a luxurious fur collar that no servant could afford. Rembrandt, who was known for his attention to the details of his subjects’ clothing, would not have been guilty of such an inconsistency.
Second, Rembrandt was a master of painting light and shadow, but in this painting these elements do not fit together. The face appears to be illuminated by light reflected onto it from below. But below the face is the dark fur collar, which would absorb light rather than reflect it. So the face should appear partially in shadow-which is not how it appears. Rembrandt would never have made such an error.
Finally, examination of the back of the painting reveals that it was painted on a panel made of several pieces of wood glued together. Although Rembrandt often painted on wood panels, no painting known to be by Rembrandt uses a panel glued together in this way from several pieces of wood.
For these reasons the painting was removed from the official catalog of Rembrandt’s paintings in the 1930s.
Everything you just read about "Portrait of an Elderly Woman in a White Bonnet" is true, and yet after a thorough re-examination of the painting, a panel of experts has recently concluded that it's indeed a work by Rembrandt. Here is why.
First, the fur collar. X-rays and analysis of the pigments in the paint have shown that the fur collar wasn't part of the original painting. The fur collar was painted over the top of the original painting about a hundred years after the painting was made. Why? Someone probably wanted to increase the value of the painting by making it look like a formal portrait of an aristocratic lady.
Second, the supposed error with light and shadow. Once the paint of the added fur color was removed, the original could be seen, in the original painting, the woman is wearing a simple collar of light-colored cloth. The light-colored cloth of this collar reflects light that illuminates part of the woman's face. That's why the face is not in partial shadow. So in the original painting, light and shadow are very realistic and just what we would expect from Rembrandt.
Finally, the wood panel. It turns out that when the fur collar was added, the wood panel was also enlarged with extra wood pieces glued to the sides and the top to make the painting more grand and more valuable. So the original painting is actually painted on a single piece of wood, as would be expected from a Rembrandt painting. And in fact, researchers have found that the piece of wood in the original form of "Portrait of an Elderly Woman in a White Bonnet" is from the very same tree as the wood panel used for another painting by Rembrandt, his "Self-portrait with a Hat".
The article presents three arguments why a painting of an old lady was not created by Rembrandt, all of which, according to the lecture, are countered by a recent study.
First, regarding the inconsistency between the humble linen cap and the luxurious coat with the fur collar, the recent study shows that the collar was not a part of the original painting. In fact, someone perhaps added it about one hundred years later to increase the painting's value by making the lady in the picture look more aristocratic.
Second, this study also helps the lecturer explain away the seemingly ill-fitted light and shadow; once the fur collar was removed, the underneath painting displays a light-colored cloth reflecting light onto and thereby illuminating the face. Clearly, the original painting was done quite realistically.
As for the fact that the panel of the painting was made of pieces of wood glued together, which Rembrandt would not do, the study also shows that the original painting was painted on just one piece of wood. All the others were later glued onto the original to enlarge the frame and thus to make the painting more grand and more valueable. In fact, studies have shown that the original piece of wood was cut from the same tree as the panel of another of Rembrandt's painting.
A company is going to give some money either to support the arts or to protect the environment . Which do you think the company should choose? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
Deciding between supporting the arts and protecting the environment is a difficult choice to make, but I think I would choose protecting the environment. Arts help to maintain our culture and serve as a source of entertainment. However, we need a healthy environment in order to survive so we must protect it. We need to protect the environment now to help prevent health problems, to maintain the ecosystem, and to preserve the Earth for our children.
Pollution from factories and cars can cause damage to the environment. Moreover, pollution causes health problems particularly for children and the elderly who have weaker immune systems. We need to ensure that there are controls on the amount of pollution when possible so as to prevent health problems caused by breathing dirty air.
We also need to pay attention to the ecosystem. Trees, plant life, and people all depend on each other. An unhealthy environment can have harmful effects on the ecosystem. For example, if a plant dies because of changes to the environment and that plant is food for a animal, that animal won't have any food. If humans use that animal as a food source, there could be big problems.
If we do not respect our environment now, it will continue to get worse and our children will suffer the consequences. They would not have the same quality of air to breathe or natural beauty to admire. That would be sad.
Without clean air to breathe, a healthy ecosystem, and a future for our children, the human race would not survive. That's why protecting our environment is important. If we have a healthy environment, we have healthy children who will be able to participate and appreciate the arts.
You must select a person to teach others to do a job. Which one of the following is the most important for youto consider in making you selection?
1)The person’s education
2)The person’s work experience
3)The quality of the person’s previous work
Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
Training someone to do a job is an important task. It requires a good education, work experience, and skilled job performance. Of these three requirements, I believe it is most important that apotential job trainer be judged on the quality of his or her previous work.
A person may be well educated, but not able to perform a job proficiently. A doctor may knowhow to treat childhood diseases, but not be able to train medical students to perform surgery. Anaccountant may be able to balance a company’s accounts, but not be able to help the company’sexecutives invest their money.
A person may have a lot of work experience, but not be able to do the job well. Time is not thebest measure of quality. A mother may spend 17-years raising her children, but not be able to trainyoung mothers to care for their infants. A typist may have typed ten-years worth of letters, butmay not type over 30 words a minute.
A person who does a job well is the one you want to be a trainer. I want to learn to fly a plane froma pilot who has faced a lot of mechanical problems in flight and never had an accident. I want tolearn how to make money from a billionaire not form a salaried investment broker.
As in all things, it is quality that we look for, not general knowledge or time spent in an occupation. Iwant others to learn from the best, so they can be the best, too.
36. Business should hire employees for their entire lives. Do you agree or disagree? Usespecific reasons and examples to support your answer.
In some business cultures, it is the practice to hire workers when they are young and employ themuntil they retire. In other business cultures companies hire people to do a job and then fire themwhen they are not needed. To me, the important considerations in today’s economy is jobperformance: speed and change. Loyalty is not a consideration.
Today there is a lot of competition and we need to hire workers who can perform a task well. Weneed to find skilled workers who can do a job without a lot of training. We need to match the jobto the worker, and, if the job changes, we change the worker.
Because of this increased competition, we need to be able to produce our goods or servicesquickly. We need young people who are willing to put in long hours. We need young people whoare aggressive and will push themselves to do their job faster.
In order to compete, we have to be innovative. By changing our workforce frequently, we canbring in new ideas. We must constantly be looking for new ways to do new things. We need freshworkers with fresh points of view.
Although a company’s loyalty to a worker and a workers loyalty to a company is a noble idea, it isnot practical today. Skilled workers do not want to be tied down to one company; they want theflexibility to improve their opportunities. Change makes the economy powerful.