




there are a great many beautiful and delicate pictures to illustrate the words and make it more understandable. With those wonderful pictures, learning can be real fun and easy!


The amazing part is its picturesque view and enjoyable surroundings. Having a walk beside the lake and rockery, I can smell the fragrance of grass and the flowers, hear the cries of the birds and feel the bracing breeze on my face.


With the language surroundings, it’ll be easy for me to polish my speaking and listening skills.This can render me a good opportunity to practice my English, and eventually put me in a favorable position in the upcoming competition.


You’ve got to have faith and courage; the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. In this rapid developing society, if we’re easily freaked out by various challenges, then there’s no way we can succeed.


It drives away my lassitude and helps me relax and relieve the pressure from work and study. What’s more? It even puts me in a better mood and wards off the depression and pessimism .


The scene is extremely hilarious and funny and make me laugh. Laugh can definitely drive away my lassitude and helps me relax and relieve the pressure from work and study. What’s more? It even puts me in a better mood and wards off the depression and pessimism .


I would be able to make friends with those who share the same love for this. Perhaps we can have a little get-together. We can talk, laugh, I mean, exchange our ideas and share our feelings. We all feel like one big family.


Since he is the role model for us, heneeds to speak and behave appropriately, in order to set a good example for us. No one can deny that a good example can exert an profound influence on the people.


He is a man of his word and he never breaks his promise. I remember once I asked him to pick up my cousin when I couldn’t come back. He did so even though he had caught a bad cold. I said thanks and sorry but he said it’s ok because he promised me. It is the characteristic of keeping faith enabled him to win my complete trust.


He is very obliging. Whenever you are in trouble, he is always the first one who comes up and gives you the shirt off his back. Once my computer was attacked by Trojan horse, it is him who spent four hours to help me get rid of it.


He should be expressive to convey his ideas effectively and efficiently. He is supposed to speak loud and clear and be able to put difficult things in a way that is easy to understand. Only in this way can we fully comprehend his idea and better do our own job.


He is considerate and shows much care and concern about others. He is always trying to look at things from your angle and not to hurt you or upset you. For example, knowing that I am taking a nap or reading books, he would turn down the volume of the CD player.


It’s such a time saver. In this fast-paced society, we all do our utmost to keep up with time. With the time it saves for us, we can do various meaningful things thus make the most of precious time which elapses every second


Since there is no traffic jam in subway lines, passengers can perfectly avoid the unpleasant traffic congestion. On one hand, it saves us time, on the other hand it’ll make it easier for us to make plans and schedules. In contrast, other vehicles running on the roads and streets are extremely subject to traffic conditions.


The subway system cover almost all the major parts of the cities, stations can be seen everywhere. So it would be more convenient to go out by subway.


1. Typical of the grassland dwellers of the continent is the American antelope, or pronghorn.

2. Of the millions who saw Haley‘s comet in 1986, how many people will live long enough to see it return in the twenty-first century.

3. Anthropologists have discovered that fear, happiness, sadness, and surprise are universally reflected in facial expressions.

4. Because of its irritating effect on humans, the use of phenol as a general antiseptic has been largely discontinued.

5. Insgroupsto remain in existence, a profit-making organization must, in the long run, produce something consumers consider useful or desirable.

6. The greater the population there is in a locality, the greater the need there is for water, transportation, and disposal of refuse.

7. It is more difficult to write simply, directly, and effectively than to employ flowery but vague expressions that only obscure one‘s meaning.

8. With modern offices becoming more mechanized, designers are attempting to personalize them with warmer, less severe interiors.

9. The difference between libel and slander is that libel is printed while slander is spoken.

10. The knee is the jointswheresthe thigh bone meets the large bone of the lower leg.

11. Acids are chemical compounds that, in water solution, have a sharp taste, a corrosive action on metals, and the ability to turn certain blue vegetable dyes red.

12. Billie Holiday‘s reputation as a great jazz-blues singer rests on her ability to give emotional depth to her songs.

13. Essentially, a theory is an abstract, symbolic representation of what is conceived to be reality.

14. Long before children are able to speak or understand a language, they communicate through facial expressions and by making noises.

15. Thanks to modern irrigation, crops now grow abundantly in areasswheresonce nothing but cacti and sagebrush could live.


a. 理由要切题,不能和所讨论话题无关、或关联太小。

比如:图书馆投资书还是计算机话题,有人说买计算机好是因为:计算机的屏幕看起来很舒服,而且可以越做越大(图书馆是用来获得信息的,大屏幕计算机有点奢侈吧?不是主要理由);有人说计算机对现代人很重要找工作都要求计算机能力,所以投资计算机。(这个干脆就跑题了。他应该是用来说明大学里开始计算机课是必须的这个话题的。)b. 理由不能过于道德低下,也不能过于高尚。

比如:用计算机打字好还是笔写好,有人说打字好,这样写恐吓信不会被警方识破。为钱工作还是为兴趣工作,有人说为兴趣工作,认为钱根本不重要,只要自己感兴趣,完全可以不要钱,"全心全意为人民服务"了,好象连BASIC NECESSATIES 都不要,饿着肚皮就可以工作了。(应该说钱不是首要目的,有一些能够满足生活的基本需要就行了,不能成为工作的唯一目的。)c. 理由不能违背话题的一般性比如:图书馆投资书还是计算机话题,有人说我们图书馆早已经配备好的全新的PII了,不用再投资计算机了,全部去买书吧。这就违背了话题的愿意:把两种信息的媒介对比优胜劣汰。

b. 理由不要在政治上敏感。




有人描述了各自好处,结尾综合提到他们共同决定人的健康,一个physically, 一个spiritually. 要注意两面的优点缺点都有所涉及,并提出可行的折衷办法。有些话题是绝对不可以折衷的。比如投资一类的,买书还是买计算机,总不能买旧书和二手电脑吧。


托福写作简单句实用句式:there be句型

there be句型可以说是绝大部分同学或多或少写过的句式。但很多同学写作时很少想到去用这个句式,主要是因为老给考生使绊的“Chinglish思维方式”。Therebe的句型在写作中极容易犯错,比如:明天将会有很多重大新闻。有的考生想都不想地就写成:Tomorrow will have many significant news. 这样的句子就属于较严重的语法错误,tomorrow能发出have这个动作吗?肯定是不能的,所以主语并不是tomorrow。这里很明显没有可以发出“有“这个动作的主语,所以正确答案应该是:There will be many significant news tomorrow. tomorrow 是典型的时间状语,所以以后在there be的写作中要注意可能出现的状语和主语的混淆错误。




读书是一门艺术:Reading is an art.




句子看上去似乎很复杂,考生可能需要想很久、慢慢理清楚词与词之间的关系。其实,这时候有种很简单的方法就可以轻松地解决问题。那就是如果句子里有形容词,可以用这个句型来处理:“It is + adj. + for somebody to do sth.”


1.结构不平行 例:I was able to raise my TOEFL score by studying hard and I read lots of books. 当使用连词将一系列的单词联接起来的时候,应当使用词性相同或同一类型的短语。

2.不知所云 例:Many companies began using computers mouth.

3.段落过长,不分段,主语与动词一致问题 She are a good friend of mine that I has known for a long time. 主语和动词在数方面不一致。

4.句子别扭 We heated the soup in the microwave for too long and the shape of the container changed. 措辞过长或不清。换言之,句子显得滑稽可笑。

5.不要使用缩写 在正式的写作中不要使用缩写形式(can"t,don"t,it"s,we"ll,they"ve等等) ,而应当使用单词的完整形式 (cannot,do not,it is,we will,they have等等)。

6.关联词语重复 Since I want to go to a good school,therefore I am trying to raise my test scores. 不能在该句的主要主语和主要动词前使用连词。

7.句子不完整 Many students have a hard time passing all the tests to get into college. For example, my friend in high school. 句子没有主要主语或主要动词,因为其实它应是一个从句。这是一个非常常见的错误,修改的方法是将两个句子连接起来。

8.不要使用get  When I got home, I got tired, so I got a book and got into bed. Get太不正式,意思也过于含糊,不适合用在正式的场合。应将get改为一个更加具体的单词,如become, receive, find, achieve, 等等。

9.书写难以辨认,信息不正确 I would like to study in America because all modern technology originated there. 传的信息不正确,或者让人听起来觉得可能不正确(如果确实是正确的,应当解释为什么这样,因为读者不认为是正确的)。上述例句中,all的意思是百分之百;我们不能绝对地说每一件新东西都是从美国诞生的。为保险起见,应当使用many或most.非英语单词Computers are very helpful and advantageable. 尽管看起来象个单词,其实不是,至少不是个英文单词。使用这个单词的另一种形式。

10.介词多余 I would like to discuss about something important that you mentioned about to me during yesterday. We went to downtown yesterday to buy a watch. When I first came to the US, I did not have a lot of friends in here. In class, my classmate never mentioned about her husband. 在表示这种意思时此单词不能与介词连用。这种情况常见于downtown,home,there,here等词。这些词语在英语中是副词而非名词,因而不能在它们前面添加介词。

11.跑题或不相关 There are many reasons to buy a car, preferably a nice car. 这个意思与文章的主题无关。

12.陈词滥调 It is okay for children to fail sometimes. 所表达的意思很普通 大多数人都已经知道到了,因而就没有必要再说出来。

13.标点问题 I love animals. And I like to help them. Because they are helpless. So I want to become a vet. 这是一个非常普遍的问题!许多学生在句子中使用了太多的句号,尤其是当他们用手写的时候。

14.重复冗余 Personally, I believe what the newspaper prints. 一种意思的表述不止一次,或者某个词语不必要。

15.单数/复数 Many year ago, dinosaur roamed the Earths. 单词需要从单数变为复数,或者由复数变成单数。 单数可数名词 单数可数名词不能单独使用,应该将其变为复数形式或者加上限定词(a, the, my, his, her, Gary"s, no, any, 1, 3, 50, most,等等)。

16.拼写错误,主语、动词或宾语有问题 I want to buy something for my mother that she will like it. There was a terrible accident happen yesterday. 句子的基本结构有问题, 缺少主语、动词或宾语,或者这些成分重复。

17.语气与文章不符 I was kind of mad at the guy who vociferated angry words at me. I have heard many wonderful things about such cosmopolitan cities as Paris, London, Tokyo, and Hong Kong and I would love to visit these cities to check them out. 语气与文章其他部分不相符, 可能是过于正式或者太不正式。

18.代词指代不明 If people do not speak the same language, it has a greater chance of miscommunication. I intend to complete my studies in the United States because they have good programs there. 代词所指代的指示词(介词所代替的名词)不清楚。

19.过于笼统 We should use our resources on Earth because the Earth is getting worse. 句子或它所表达的意思过于笼统,不能提供多少信息。

20.动词时态错误 Yesterday I will go to the store because tomorrow I needed some food. 动词时态不正确 检查一下是应该用现在时、过去时、将来时还是完成时等等。

21.选词不恰当 I was late getting home because I lost my way. 在这种情况下不应该使用该词 可选择更好的词语或者所使用的词语与文章的总体语气不符。

22.单词形式不当 I want to creation a great web site so that I can becoming wealth. 所使用的单词的形式不正确 检查一下应该使用该词的名词、形容词或副词形式的哪一种。

23.用词错误 Even I don‘t speak Spanish, I was able to find a bathroom in the department store. I gained a lot of pounds during vacation. 用词错误或在此种情况下该词不是最佳用词。


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