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GRE阅读难点长难句题型实例分析 ,双重否定和长修饰现象难点讲解,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。

GRE阅读难点长难句题型实例分析 ,双重否定和长修饰现象难点讲解

1. Although qualitative variance among nerve energies was never rigidly disproved,the doctrine was generally abandoned in favor of the opposing view,namely,that nerve impulses are essentially homogeneous in quality and are transmitted as "common currency" throughout the nervous system.



解释:前半个分句中有一个双重否定,was never rigidly disproved,这种表示法用中文说出来还是比较好懂的,原因是我们熟悉中文的这种表示法,但在英文中出现,因为在以前的学习中见得少,所以感觉上很别扭。因此,同学们的任务,就是通过反复阅读此类句子来熟悉这样的英语。其实在英文表达中,很多双重否定与中文表达是一样的,表示肯定;如not unlimited就等于limited。但是值得读者注意的是在GRE和GMAT这两种对考生的逻辑有苛刻要求的考试中,如果这种双重否定中所涉及的概念不是dichotomous(即二分法的词汇,比如上面例子中的limited和unlimited),则双重否定不一定表示肯定;比如本例中的not disprove, 不能理解为agree, 不反对者中,的确有人会同意,但通常心存疑虑,随大流者居多。不但如此,大双重否定中加上限定词以后,在否定的范围上也有所变化,如本句的be never rigidly disproved,没有完全被反对,不能理解为从来都被严格支持的,而应该理解成从来都可能有人支持的。综上所述,对双重否定的句子,简单的把其置换为肯定,不是最精确的理解。而最好的办法,就是通过多读、多练来熟悉其语言表达及其逻辑方式,按照其字面的表达理解成没有完全否定,然后大脑中反应出其目前的生存状态是一个仍未消失的状态;这种理解才是在考试现场既快速又精确的理解。

运用前面所说的用合理化原则中的取非读法,可以很容易的读出作者在后半个分句中想说前面的那种观点被反对了。但是,初学者会对这个分句中的 something be abandoned in favor of something else这种语言表达感到突然,如果理解成因为喜后者而抛弃了前者,虽然也能说得通,但是其实原文从来没有这种因果关系,in favor of强调的是这两种动作的同时性;抛弃了前者,而转向后者,namely之后的内容是前面的opposing view的同位语。

意群训练:Although qualitative variance among nerve energies was never rigidly disproved, the doctrine was generallyabandoned in favor of the oppsing view, namely, that nerve impulses are essentially homogeneous in quality and are transmitted as "common currency" throught the nervous system.

2. Other experiments revealed slight variations in the size,number,arrangement,and interconnection of the nerve cells,but as far as psycho neural correlations were concerned,the obvious similarities of these sensory fields to each other seemed much more remarkable than any of the minute differences.



解释:在前后两个分句之间有一个插入语as far as psychoneural correlations were concerned。在后面的分句中,主语the obvious similarities之后的、修饰主语的成分较长、以至于有很多读者看到相隔很远的more remarkable than时一下子反应不过来是什么比后者更明显。其简化形式应为:similarities seemed more remarkable than differences.

意群训练:Other experiments revealed slight variations in the size, number, arrangement, and interconnection of the nerve cells, but as far as psychoneural correlations were concerned, the obvious similarities of these sensory fileds to each other seemed much more remarkable than any of the minute differences.


As rock interface are crossed, the elastic characteristics encountered (by seismic waves)generally change abruptly, which causes part of the energy to be reflected back to the surface, where it is recorded by seismic instruments. (4)



解释:绝大多数人读到the elastic characteristics encountered generally change abruptly这一句的时候,第一反应都是把encountered看成了谓语动词,再看到change abruptly的时候又搞不苾怎么会跑出来两个动词,反复看上n遍才看清楚这句话的结构。本句难就难在主语the elastic characteristics后面的表示袪的过去分词encountered的动作发出者在句子中根本就没有出现过,相当于原文在encountered后面省略了一个by seismic waves,倡读者却没有心理准备,同时也不熟悉这种分词修饰的方式,因此也难以读懂。

意群训练:As rock interface are crossed, the elastic characteristics encountered (by seismic waves)generally change abruptly, which causes part of the energy to be reflected back to the surface, where it is recorded by seismic instruments.


Not only are liver transplants never rejected,but they even induce a state of donor-specific unresponsiveness in which subsequent transplants of other organs,such as skin,from that donor are accepted permanently. (4)

但是,我们已经发现,在许多种老鼠之间,这些移植法的“常规”并没有被肝脏移植物所遵循。肝脏移植物非但从没遭到过排斥,甚至还诱发了一种供者特异性无应答状态(donor-specific unresponsiveness),在此状态中,随后来自那个供者其它器官的移植物,如皮肤,会永久地被接受。


解释:Not only放在句首时谓语被提前,这种倒装对我们的读者来讲不算什么新鲜事。干扰度比较大的是在修饰unresponsiveness的定语从句in which subsequent transplants of other organs, such as skin, from that donor are accepted permanently中,插入语such as skin和前面的transplants搭配的from that donor共同作用,反复地打断读者的思路,使得从句中主语和谓语不能连贯。

意群训练:Not only are liver transplants never rejected,but they even induce a state of donor-specific unresponsiveness in which subsequent transplants of other organs,such as skin,from that donor are accepted permanently.


An impact (on the Mars) capable of ejecting a fragment of the Martian surface into an Earth-intersecting orbit is even less probable than such an event on the Moon, in view of the Moon’s smaller size and closer proximity to Earth. (5)



解释:in view of的意思是考虑到、由于,等于because of,本句粗看上去十分简单,可是你看完之后会发现本句十分难懂。这句话的意思很容易被理解成:如果考虑到月亮的尺寸和与地球的距离的话,火星碎片被撞击所发射到地球的几率,要小于发射到月亮上的几率,有点常识的人就会知道这是不可能的:月亮比地球小得多,而且与火星的距离也与地球类似,碎片射到月亮上的几率怎么会反而高呢?这里的关键在于such an event在文章中指什么,如果是指把火星碎片射到月亮上,那么本句的意思当然是荒谬的;可是如果是指把月亮的碎片发射到地球上,那么本句的意思就对了,实际上句首的An impact之后被省略了一个on mars,所以原文的such an event on moon,指的是An impact on moon capable of ejecting a fragment of the lunar surface into an Earth-intersecting orbit.因此如果把原文补全,则句子就变成了下面的样子:An impact capable of ejecting a fragment of the martian surface into an Earth-ibntersecting orbit is even less probable than an impact on moon capable of ejecting a fragment of the lunar surface into an Earth-intersecting orbit, in view of the Moon’s smaller size and closer proximiy to Earth.

意群训练:An impact (on the Mars) capable of ejecting a fragment of the Martian surface into an Earth-intersecting orbit is even less probable than such an event on the Moon, in view of the Moon’s smaller size and closer proximity to Earth.







