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若水分享 1147





它虽然相对来说比较间接,却如机器上的螺丝般扮演着tiny but vital的角色。



1. 完成一张Accommodation Request Form

2. 填写你的Weekend Trips


1. Describe an interesting historic place.

2. Describe an interest or hobby that you enjoy


In many countries schools have severe problems with student behaviors. What do you think are the causes of this? What solutions can you suggest?





中国如今有很多学生爱拼词汇,觉得用的词越复杂越华丽就越有竞争力。比如:在口语考试中背了一大堆光鲜的辞藻,形容人的品德时觉得active,responsible太普通,太俗,而audacious、 expressivity、conscientious却是张口就来,觉得别人越不知道的越突出了自己的独特性。



取自《剑6》中Test 2中的Writing Task1 一篇得到6分的作文范文:

There is a noticeable decrease in public transportation locally where it dropped from 429 people in 1985 to 274 people in 2000.

这个句子里noticeable 和 locally 用的不错,可是这里的错误是典型的乱用由where引导的状语从句。这样的句法结构错误,再高深的词汇量也不能帮你从5分提高到6分。



For example:It is commonly believed that nowadays Globalization—which means the international spread of products, ideas and information has brought the world closer together.



我们来看这样一个例子:The worker who gets a promotion, the student whose grades improve, the foreigner who learns a new language-all are examples of people who have measurable results to show for their efforts.一个整句中包含4到5个定语从句,一看就使人昏头昏脑。



用语法知识把上文的长难句切分一下,提出主干:Who后面引导的全都是定语从句,实际上是来修饰主干的,可以剔除,所以最后剩下:The worker、the student and the foreigner are examples of people.典型的主+系+表结构。

再来把主干扩充:什么样的worker:who gets a promotion; 什么样的student:whose grades improve;什么样的foreigner:who learns a new language-all。它们都是什么样的人们的例子呢:who have measurable results to show for there efforts。这样去进行剖析,其实就很简单了。


看《剑4》中Test 1 Listening Questions 11-13中Riverside Industry Village 中的第11和第12题:11. Riverside Village was a good place to start an industry because it had water, raw materials and fuels such as _____ and _____.12. The metal industry was established at Riverside Village by _____ who lived in the area.

11题中的 it had water, raw materials and fuels…, such as 是“例如”的意思,那么不难推出一定是举例和such as 挨得最近的名词“fuels(燃料)”的种类,所以我们在读题时就已经可以了然于心了,肯定是往煤,汽油等方面去猜测,这样在听的时候也就能带着推理来听,正确答案的几率就能大大提高。

第12题,熟悉语法的人都能看出____who lived in the area是典型的定语从句,用来修饰前面的空格里的词,这样就缩小了一点范围了,因为who是来形容人的,说明这个空格里应该填的是某一类人,再看空格前的“by”, by有“被”,“由”的意思,更可以推出空格里应该填某一类人,范围第二次被缩小,也就更加能肯定自己的答案了。



4分作文:《剑5》Test 1中 Writing Task 2,Universities should accept equal numbers of male and female students in every subject. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

看看这位考生写的第二段:Firstly, I will discuss about two reasons of argument for to begin with universities should accept equal numbers of male and female students in every subject because it will be balance of idea while studying. In general, there usually are different ideas between man and woman. These lead to, new ideas from different vision will happen. Another reason is it display that have equal of society not accept in each side. In addition, nowadays, the most societies become to accept ability of both in any way.


7分作文:《剑4》Test 3中 Writing Task 2,Creative artists should always be given the freedom to express their own ideas (in words, pictures, music or film) in whichever way they wish. There should be no government restrictions on what they do. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

同样来看看这位考生写的第二段:Creative artists play a major role in our society, be it the government, old people, the youth or the children. Their works enlighten our minds, no matter if is factual or entertainment based. It is disserving that after a day’s work when we want to take some time off for ourselves, we look out for some leisure. For instance: either pleasant music or a family movie which soothes the mind. Entertainment give gives us an overview of a new side of life which every individual respects. There is almost everything good in what is given to us through the media world which is made up of artists.







举个简单的例子,考官问你以前拜访过的最好的城市是哪个。这时你在几秒钟的准备思考时容易注意的是如何组织这个句子和选择哪个城市,脱口而出的可能就是:The city I like the best is Beijing.但是你注意到了吗:“你以前拜访过的城市”,“以前拜访过的”对现在造成了影响,其实你应该用的是现在完成时,所以最好的答案是:Beijing is the best city I have visited before. 关注时态,实际上就是在提炼最好最合适的答案。


Describe a well-known person you like or admire.

假设你想说鲁迅:A Chinese well-known person I like is Luxun, he was a famous writer.(这是1个简单句)将它扩展成一个结构较复杂的句子看看:A Chinese well-known person I like is Luxun who was one of the most famous contemporary writers in China.一个标准的定语从句,说起来琅琅上口,这是能给考官留下好印象的拿分点。


科技与传统的冲突。When a country develops its technology, the traditional skills and ways of life die out. It is pointless to try and keep them alive. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?


Modern technology is efficient, whereas traditional ways have low productivity, e.g. cultivating crops

Technological progress is a social trend which is inevitable, e.g. from pigeon mail (飞鸽传书)to telephones to smart-­‐phones, people have kept moving on from old ways of doing things.


žž Traditions embody the culture, and the continuation of civilisation highly depends on it. If traditions were abandoned, the corresponding culture disappeared as well, and the world would become a boring whole, e.g. it is hard to imagine a Chinese that does not celebrate Spring Festival, so does an American who forget about Thanks Giving. 政府资助语言保护

(语言中体现传统 ,很多传统电机都是由语言作为载体进行传承的 ,无论是文字的还是口头的 。);政治家与科学家,孰重孰轻(政治家制定政策保护传统文化)

Tradition is the origin of literally all technological innovation, e.g. from rope knot count (结 绳计数) to math to calculation to modern computing science. In other words, technology is merely the other facet (另一面) of tradition.

An interesting thought is that we can use technology to protect and even promote tradition,

e.g. the productions of shadow play (皮影戏) are too old to fascinate people nowadays, especially the younger generation. Instead of giving up this unique form of art and watching ‘Britain’s Got Talents’, some people have decided to revive it by employing modern script writing and filming techniques to make it popular again. 科技进步的利弊;政治家与科 学家,孰重孰轻(科学家研发的科技有利于传统的保护)



Some people believe governments should spend money in saving languages of few speakers from dying out. Others think it waste of financial resources. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.


Technological progress in the past century has its negative effect, despite its remarkable contribution. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Some people think politicians have the greatest influence on the world. Other people, however, believe that scientists have the greatest influence. Discuss both of views and give your opinion.



The development of social welfare and the unfolding (方兴未艾的) pursuit of individualism make it easier for people to become independent at a much earlier age than before, without having to worry about family protection.

We are living in an increasingly globalised world, therefore, people become more and more internationalised, and they move around more often than in the old days, which largely weakens family connection.

During the progress of modernisation and urbanisation, it has become a typical pattern for people to live in separated flats and mostly spend their spare time online. Friend gatherings are much rarer than it used to be, and even there is one, it seems like a game of touching screens with everyone holding a smart-­‐phone on their hands.


The society should seriously reconsider the weight of traditions, since almost all traditions

stress on family reunion.

The government should make modern technology more available and humanised, e.g. the facetime on iPhone allow people to see and talk with family and friends at any time.



As countries develop, their populations tend to live individually or in small family units. In your opinion, what factors caused such development and what are the effects on the society?


In many countries today, people in cities either live alone or in small family units, rather than in large, extended family groups. Is this a positive or negative trend?


支持正方 人们过度消费对社会造成的影响

The behaviour of throwing exhausts resources and triggers all sorts of pollution.

People with such habit are leading a wasteful life, which will result into unhealthy trend of life.

Those who keep buying will form a psychology of comparison and will even become shopping maniac.

The habit of reuse is environmentally friendly, and goes along with the idea of low carbon life.

As well as saving money, repairing improves people’s surviving skills.

A healthy mood of satisfaction can be maintained when one repairs a lot and makes only necessary purchase.

The habit of repeating consumption will probably attract sizeable social resources to production. If this became true, we would find ourselves in great difficulty, because repair

work would then be in short supply, and poor people would not be able to afford it, which would further induce an instable society.



Now people are consuming more and more products. Is it good or bad for the economy and the society?




