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【听力套路】我当时就是一共用了16天,每天两套真题,1小时刷题,2小时总结(重点总结错题,但是写对的也会总结),这样做完了4-11的所有真题的解析,得出对我来说几个比较重要拿分key points,大家可以参考一下:

1. 预判:拿到题利用录音在念题干的时间提前看题,对填空题要填的内容作出预判,是名词?动词?还是形容词? 是人名?地名?还是数字?对于选择题,也可以进行粗略的选项对比,做出预判,心里有个底之后听录音就能带着重点去听。

2. 同义替换:雅思考试中很出名的一个原则,网上有很多总结,但我建议自己总结,这样记得比较牢固,我一般在做完题之后会把题干和听力原文对照,将有价值的同义替换整理在一起,会发现有很多同义替换是经常出现的,提高对同义替换的敏感度对于提炼录音中有用的信息至关重要。

3. 关键词:提前看题时,圈出关键词会有助于预判和同义替换,在录音真正开始后,也更容易定位你的answers,因为雅思的answers都是顺序给出的,所以只要关键词找好,一个没跟上不会耽误下一个问题的回答。

4. “夹心饼干”:填空题中,关键词可以在空的两边同时找,括号里也不要放过,这样正确信息(夹心)就能被两边的已知信息(饼干)“夹”出来。

5. 并列原则:填空题中,要学会并列原则的运用,并列原则可以体现在and,also,as well这些词中,也可以是与上下行信息并列组成一个大项底下的组合内容。在录音里,这种并列关系一般表现明显,更方便寻找answers。

6. 答题信号:注意说话者的转折词(but,however,whereas之类的后面很可能是正确结果)和语气(上扬或者问句往往信息还未结束,加强语气、多次重复或者停顿很可能是正确结果)

















6分的我也就不说什么了……怕把失败经验说出来让大家误入歧途。写作虽然也不是很高分,但是真心推荐Simon的网站,看一些他对写作的一些instructions会受益匪浅,因为写作中国人平均分数都比较低,还是看看native的想法会更有助于提升,而且Simon范文写的也都很好抓规律,百度文库之类的也可以搜搜他的大作文和小作文集,最好找带一点讲义的,更方便理解。他还有一本书叫simon idea,我没有看完,如果看完可能会对写作更有帮助吧,有需要的朋友可以找一下,网上应该都有资源。师姐备考的时候看的是顾家北,应该也不错,国内的话主要就是顾家北和慎小嶷了,如果更习惯看中文攻略,则可以两本都买一下,对比着看。









雅思口语Part2话题范文:a famous person

Describe a famous person you are interested in

You should say:

who he or she is

how he or she got famous

when you first knew him or her

and explain why do you think he/she is interesting


I want to talk about David Beckham, who is not only a celebrity in the UK but also in the whole world.

David Beckham was born in Leytonstone, London in 1975. He now lived in London with his wife, Victoria Beckham, who is also a superstar, and with his four children. He is most widely known as a great English footballer but he is also a model, spokesperson and a businessman. He played football for the England National team from 1996 to 2009 and also for the famous football clubs like the Manchester United and Real Madrid. As a professional football player, he became an icon around the world and probably one of the most esteemed celebrity alive. He is a legendary footballer who had a unique style in his bending free-kicks as a right winger. In 2004, David Beckham was listed in the FIFA's 100 greatest living player in the world. He was twice the runner-up for 'FIFA World Player of the Year'. These statistics are only a few to signify how famous he really is. He was one of the highest earners as a footballer in his time and in 2013, he was the highest paid player in the world.

As a fan of the UK football team, I have always liked David Beckham. He is quite an extraordinary player and a fashion figure. In my early college days, he was the footballer I wanted to be! Besides, he is a fashion icon and young generation loves his unique style very much.

My interest in him increased, even more, when he announced the "7: The David Beckham UNICEF Fund" to help protect children around the world. He has been a UNICEF ambassador and his recent philanthropic works are quite exceptional and for that, I admire him greatly.

He is a great person, legendary footballer, a successful husband, a doting father, a fashion icon and finally one of the most revered celebrities not only in the UK but also in the whole world. I guess anyone knows him would admire him.

雅思口语part1话题范文:Water activity

1.What activities would you do if you were spending some leisure time at a beach or near the ocean?

Well, I’m a keen swimmer so I would make the most of the opportunity to swim in the ocean. I also like sunbathing, so, if it was warm and sunny, I would spend some time drying off in the sun. I tend to burn quite easily, though, so I wouldn’t spend too much time at the beach if it was hot.

2.Why do some people like water sports?

I think lots of water sports can be extremely exhilarating. I love to go windsurfing when I get the chance. I’m not very good at it but it’s a fantastic feeling when the wind catches your sail and you start skimming across the surface of the water.

3.Do you think the government should invest money in developing facilities for water sports?

Yes, I think it’s a good way to encourage local people to participate more in water sports. In China, the government runs various water sports centres. There’s one with a huge artificial lake where you can hire boats, canoes or windsurfers. It’s extremely popular.

4.Do you think that human activity is posing a threat to the oceans of the world?

Yes. Unfortunately, I think this is undeniable. Oil spills, toxic waste and all kinds of rubbish and plastic have contributed to the pollution of the oceans. Perhaps people assumed that because the oceans are so vast, the effects of pollution would be minimal but it is clear that this is not the case.

5.What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of travelling on the ocean?

I’m one of those people who love travelling by boat. It can be a beautifully relaxing experience when the boat rocks gently from side to side and you can hear the water lapping against the side. It can be a different story if the water is rough, though. I have a friend who was on a boat trip when the motor broke down. All the passengers were tossed around and pretty much everyone was seasick!

6.Do you think it’s important for children to learn how to swim?

If they are going to spend time around water, then yes, definitely. In China, however, this is not so easy because of a lack of public swimming facilities. Most public pools in China are seriously overcrowded, especially in summer. For most Chinese people, going to the public swimming pool is just a way to cool off.

7.Do you think it’s best for a child to be taught to swim by a parent or by someone else?

That’s a good question. I think it probably depends on whether the parents are confident swimmers – and also on the relationship between the child and his parents. My Dad taught me to swim but because I always loved the water it never felt like a chore for either of us.

雅思口语Part2话题范文:a family member

Describe a family member that you are proud of

Who the person

What the person did

And explain why you are proud of the member


Today the relative that I will tell you about is my mother. My mother has been the most influential person throughout my life not only in my developmental years, but also as a young adult. My mom has provided me with unconditional love and an unyielding devotion that will never be matched by any other person in my life. Being my mother she and I are obviously close but an aspect of our relationship that is perhaps unique is our friendship. I can accurately tell you that I can share any facet of my life, positive or negative and from her I will receive encouraging, responsible and truthful feedback. While I was growing up my mother pos官方真题Officialned a promising career in banking to stay at home and raise me . My mother and I were always together throughout my formative years. Regrettably, as a young adult I seldom have the opportunity to spend time with my mother. She lives in America and I reside in China. However, we do speak and video chat several times a week. I am extremely fortunate that either from biological, psychological or sociological reasons I share many of the same personality traits as my mother. From her I have grown into a generous, humorous, extroverted and responsible young man. The characteristic that I am most blessed to have adopted from my mother is optimism. No matter what problem, big or small, life throws towards my mother she seems to have an innate knack for finding the silver lining. It seems she can take any negative issue and in some way find something positive to take from it. I have found that this positive mental attitude also thrives in me. My mother truly is my hero and make my deeply proud. Thank you.


