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若水分享 1147




The candidate speaks smoothly without much effort. The linking words are used naturally and in the right places. He doesn't cover the whole subject in his answers.

His vocabulary is appropriate but not sophisticated and doesn't show variations, the language is fluent but relatively simple.

He uses some idioms and sometimes dose that inappropriately. The control of grammar is good, the mistakes are rare. His pronunciation is good and the accent doesn't get in the way.


Many of them need to be very strong vocabulary, wonderful grammar, very unique ideas and very very fluent. Many of them can’t have all of these skills together, get something but not all of them. That’s the problem.





雅思口语中很常见的一个问题就是Are you working or study? Do you like working? / Do you enjoy your work?


Answer 1:

No. It's too stressful, the working hours are too long – about ten hours a day – and the pay's much too low. I really want to find a better job. (6分)

Answer 2:

No, I don't(直接回答问题). It's too stressful(形容词的使用), the working hours are too long – about ten hours a day – and the pay's much too low(解释原因). I really want to find a better job(总结). (7分)

Answer 3:

No, I don't, to tell you the truth. There's virtually(高分副词的运用) nothing I like about it. For example(举例,扩展答案), it's too stressful, the working hours are too long – about ten hours a day – and the pay's much too low. So, as you can imagine(短语), I really want to find a better job(总结). (8分)

其实在上面的评分标准中,关于词汇有一个很重要的词叫appropriate, 合适的,所以与不少烤鸭误解必须要用大词不同,往往很多时候需要多用一些地道的表达来修饰自己的句子。

此外在语法上,上文中的高分答案除了流畅的副词,动词短语使用外,定语从句的使用也让句子的起承转合非常自然,也就是我们评分标准中说到的linking words,自然,地道,这样的表达往往最受考官青睐,烤鸭们一定要注意哦!


1perfectly 完全地


Doing exercises is perfectly beneficial for people’s health.



Singing is not merely a kind of amusement activity but a way of interpersonal interaction.

3distinctly 明显地


This book has two distinctly different sectors.



So the values for commercial products are specifically highlighted.



Scenes from our childhood still appear vividly before us.



We should act calmly and deliberately when we have the interview.



Most of the travelers, especially old people, do not like making long journey.



After practicing with my foreign English teacher, my oral English has been improved drastically.



She has got a moderately successful career after several years’ working.

10utterly 完全地


Everything about the country seemed utterly different from what I'd experienced before.

雅思口语Part2最新话题高分范文:two people from the same family

Describe two people who you know from the same family.


You should say:

Who these two people are

How much these two people have similar personalities (characters)

How much they look similar

And explain how (how well) the two people get along with each other.


To start with, the two individuals that I’d like to talk about are twin sisters, one is named Lily, and the other is Lucy.

We went to the same high school together, which means I’ve known them for quite some time . As I mentioned in the very beginning-they are twins, so it’s no surprise that the girls look like two peas in a pod. Believe it or not, having been friends to them for this long, sometimes I still have problems telling them apart. However, the funny thing is that although they look exactly alike, their characteristics are another story.

To be more specific, Lily is passionate about outdoor activities , such as badminton, basketball, swimming , you name it. On the contrary, Lucy is more of an indoor kind of girl. You know, she prefers to stay at home, reading a book, surfing the Internet, or something like that.

Well, no matter how different the sisters are, they have this special bond that could never be broken. For example, when they were at school, they kept each other’s company all the time and I have to say that they looked so adorable next to each other. Honestly, I always wish that I could have a twin sister, which I believe could be so much fun! All right, that’s my story of the twins.

雅思口语超实用语料分享:park or garden

Describe a garden or park you like

where it is;

what it look like

what people are doing there;

why you like it

先介绍一些有关Park 或garden的超级实用词汇:

Viking ship |ˈvaɪkɪŋ| 魔天伦

seesaw 跷跷板

bumper car 碰碰车

merry-go-round 旋转木马

maze 迷宫

slide 滑梯

bungee jump 蹦极

Ferris wheel 摩天轮

rockery 岩石

fountain 喷泉

flowers are in full bloom. 花团绽放

In the morning, you can see seniors working out 晨练

When the dark falls, you can see couples

chatting and kissing under the trees 谈恋爱

sitting on the grassland 静坐草坪

walking on the bank of the lake 在湖岸行走

tower 塔

giant stride 旋转飞椅

monorail 单轨列车

entrance 入口

swinging boat 秋千船

money exchanger 换币处

coffee cup 咖啡杯

guide 导游

rest room 休息室

excursion boat 观览艇

revolving boat 碰碰船

mini-train 小火车

track 铁轨

roller coaster 环滑车

go-cart 单座赛车

rotor 大转轮

mad-mouse (proper noun) 疯狂老鼠

Sample answer:

★I wanna say something about the Water Park, which is located in the heart of Tianjin. Last week, I visited there with my family to celebrate my 18th birthday, although it’s a bit far, it’s still handy to go by car. It took us only 30 mins.

★Nearly everyone who lives in my hometown will go to visit Water Park. This park has been there for about 20years. It features a huge lake and willows. In spring, the weeping willows sway gently in the breeze. On weekends, local people in my hometown like to go to the park to take in the fresh air and soak up the warm sunshine. Besides, there is a white pagoda embraced by the red walls and swaying lotus. I often see a lot of people making offerings and praying.

★As for why I like it, it feels great rowing a boat on the lake, feasting my eyes on the view while listening the birds chirping. At the same time, I enjoyed walking barefoot on the green grass. And I took some time to lie on the grass, watch clouds float across, and let my mind go completely blank. I have to say it is a wonderful place where you can stay away from the hustle and bustle of the big cities.

★Besides, the park has left me so many colorful and meaningful memories. As I just mentioned, my parents and I celebrated my 18th birthday there. You know, since I decided to study abroad, my parents have been working so hard in order to pay for my tuition. They don’t have enough time to stay with me. So I really cherish the time we spent together. And that is also the reason why I must take the test and have to get 7 at least. I suppose I may not touch the score, but no matter what happen I’ll try my best and never let them down.


(1) 了解历史know history

(2) 增长知识enrich my knowledge

(3) 激发想象inspire my imagination

(4) 培养创造develop my creativity

(5) 艺术品位develop a taste of art

(6) 陶冶情操cultivate my temperament.

(7) 艺术鉴赏cultivate my aesthetic judgment.

(8) 消磨时间It’s a great way to kill time.

(9) 放松方式It’s a wonderful way to unwind=loosen up

(10)丰富生活It can spice up my life.

(11)大饱眼福I can feast my eyes on the breathtaking view.

(12)心情大好It can always put me in a good mood.

(13)放空自己It can make my mind go completely blank.

(14)家人团聚It’s an amazing way to enjoy the quality time.

(15)沐浴阳光It’s a wonderful place to soak up the warm sunshine.

(16)远离喧嚣stay away from the hustle and bustle of the big cities.

(17)保持健康It’s a great way to keep fit.

(18)缓解压力It’s an amazing way to ease the pressure.

(19)广交朋友It’s a great way to expand my circle of friends.

(20)开阔视野It can help me broaden my horizons.

雅思口语Part2话题范文:a book you want to read again

You should say:

What the book is about

Why you read it

What you learned from this book

And explain why you would like to read it again.


Ok, well after a bit of thought, I’ve decided that the book I’d like to talk about is one called Think Like DaVinci, as it's definitely a book I would like to read again at some point, for reasons I'll come on to shortly. But firstly though, with regard to what the book’s about, well in a nutshell, it basically explains how all of us have thecapability and potential to become a genius, like DaVinci. And it outlines a few various things that he used to do, which we can also get into the habit of doing. So essentially, it puts forward some ideas on how we can all live to our full potential. Anyway, as for what made me read it, well if my memory serves me correctly, I wasbrowsing around in my local bookshop one day, and the book's cover kind of just caught my eye when I saw the name DaVinci written in bold letters. So I read a few pages to see if it was any good, and ended up buying it.

I should also mention the fact that I'm quite a big fan of self-help books, because on the whole, I tend to learn quite a lot from them, and this book was definitely no exception. Just to give you an example, I would say I've learned to become much more observant after reading this book, such as generally paying more attention to everything around me. And in so doing, it’s made me appreciate things a lot more. Of course, there were a number of other things I learned, but nothing else is coming to mind right now, and that's really kind of why I want to read the book again, because I've forgotten a lot of it. So I kind of need to refresh my memory a little bit!


with regard to 关于

capability 能力

outlines 概述

browsing 浏览

caught my eye 吸引我的注意力

bold 黑体的

self-help books 励志类书籍

observant 善于观察的

refresh my memory 唤起我的记忆













