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雅思口语自我训练1. Listen to yourself.


雅思口语自我训练2. Slow down!

很多英语学习者常说语速太快容易养成他们的坏习惯。由于太快而模糊不清是口语考试的大忌。所以我们要accuracy 然后才是fluency,每天操练一些基本语言以单音节开始,然后单词,把几个词连在一起,组成句子。这样你就能慢慢开始表达自己的思想了。

雅思口语自我训练3. Picture it...


雅思口语自我训练4. Get physical!

发音是个形体动作。要学会嘴巴的发声方法和移动肌肉的方式。每天集中训练几个音。你发this, thank, they,和little, wool等单词困难吗?试试发‘th’,将你的舌头放在齿间(不要咬住)并从口中吐气。感受气流从你的舌间吹过。

雅思口语自我训练5. Watch yourself.

站在镜子前查看当你发某些固定音时的嘴型,唇型和舌头的位置。和你看到的native speaker的发音对比!平时还可以把自己的发音模样录成video,仔细观察比较。

雅思口语自我训练6.Copy the experts.


雅思口语自我训练7. Practice makes perfect.



雅思口语part2:Describe a game show or a quiz program you watched on TV or online

You should say:

Where you watched it

What it was like

How often you watched it

How you liked it

And explain why you liked/disliked it

Part 3

Why do people like to watch TV shows?

What kinds of TV shows do people like to watch?

What is the difference between the games people play now and those people played in the past?

Why do some people watch TV shows online?


The TV quiz show that I would undoubtedly most like to take part in is Who Wants to be a Millionaire?. The reason is quite simple: the top prize is one million pounds. Get all of the questions right on the night and your life will not be the same ever again.

The setup of the show is quite simple: there are 15 questions to attempt, each worth an increasingly large sum of money. The first few questions, worth relatively small amounts, are easy and straightforward, but as the prize money increases, so does the difficulty of the questions. The questions can cover any range of quiz topics, including general knowledge, history, science, famous people &etc., but many of the later questions are extremely obscure in nature. When you feel that you don’t know the answer to a question, the quiz show offers you a choice: leave with the money that have already gained (from answering preceding questions correctly), or ask for help. One of the ways you can get help is by phoning a friend and asking them if they know the answer. This is why one of the things I would need to prepare before entering the show is to pick a friend who I could count on – and one who is good at quizzes! Of course I would also to prepare myself for the questions by reading up on quiz books, and watching previous episodes of the quiz show. It may sound like a lot of work just to appear on a TV quiz show, but when the prize is £1,000,000, I suspect that it will be worth it!


Why do people like to watch TV shows?

It relaxes us, many people associated feeling calm with sitting down and watching TV. So it makes sense people continue to watch it for hours on end.

We use it to escape,Just like reading a book, watching TV allows us to escape our own world and enter into a world of crime, fantasy, romance or whatever your heart (and Netflix) desires.

They know how to work us. Because we get so involved, we can’t help but watch the next one to find out how the story ends. But of course, the next episode has a cliffhanger too, and it’s a vicious cycle.

What kinds of TV shows do people like to watch?

1.soaps 2.sports 3.documentaries 4.sitcoms 5.reality Tv shows 6.game shows 7.other

What is the difference between the games people play now and those people played in the past?

The gaming industry has gone through countless eras based on the latest technologies, but one of the most disruptive additions was the birth of the Internet. The Internet has changed the face of gaming as we know it, from connecting gamers across the world to changing the way we envision, play, and even purchase games.

Why do some people watch TV shows online?

Movie theaters feel suffocating. I need to be able to fast-forward and rewind and accelerate and slow down, to be able to parcel my attention where it's needed. And the rising popularity of video streaming services like Netflix, and the number of shows made available through streaming.

finally, if you're on a long train or bus ride you can't just bring your TV with you.


雅思口语part2:Describe an advertisement you remember well

You should say:

Where you saw it

What it was about

What it was like

Why you remember it well

Part 3

Why do some people hate advertisements?

Do people usually buy stuff after watching advertisements?

Is music useful in advertising?

What are the advantages of TV advertisements?


Well, I think in the present scenario, advertisement is the best tool for marketing. With the help of these advertisements, we know about the different types of products which are launched in the market.

In fact, nowadays we are flooded with a lot of advertisement through t.v, newspaper, magazines, and billboards. Here I would like to talk about an advertisement that I saw on television approximately 5 years ago. This advertisement is about a soft drink ” Mountain dew”.

In this ad, a young boy is trying to learn “parachute jumping” which is the most dangerous and adventurous sport in the world. In this ad, he is trying to jump from an aircraft with wearing a parachute. Firstly, he is feeling very scary and take his steps back. However, his friend motivates him to jump then he gathered all his courage as well as, confident. after getting a lot of confident, he drinks “mountain dew” and jump from an aircraft. Interestingly, he is lending safely in the end.

I remember each and every scene of this ad because it broadcast repetitively in between daily soaps. Secondly, the model of this ad was Salman Khan who is my favorite actor. Apart from it, the tag line of this ad is quite attractive and fascinating. I remember this tag line “Dar ke aage jeet hain” which means ” fear brings victory”.

On that time when I heard these lines the first time, I repeated it so many times because I feel relaxed and confident after sung those lines. I also believe that nothing is impossible in this world if we put or great effort then, we definitely achieve success. All in all, this advertisement gives a beautiful message and I remember it yet.


Why do some people hate advertisements?

People feel overwhelmed, interrupted, and stalked by bad digital ads, but they don't really mind the good ones.

Do people usually buy stuff after watching advertisements?

An ad works if it is well targeted and solves a problem a user has.From what I know, it depends on the product that is being advertised on fb and if the niche/market is the type of market who will spend money. I have friends who have marketed supplements and have had zero luck through fb ads and success elsewhere but then on the flip side, I know people who have started selling really niche apparel products and have made a ton of sales through fb ads.

Is music useful in advertising?

Music in advertising affects the way viewers perceive the brand by different means and on different levels, and "can significantly effect the emotional response to television commercials.

What are the advantages of TV advertisements? How about internet advertisements?

Grabs attention. One of the biggest advantages of TV ads is the ability to call out to your potential customers right where they are.

Combines sight and sound. TV ads are intrusive, capable of interrupting whatever else a viewer might be doing to watch and listen to your pitch.

Fosters emotion and empathy.

Reaches a wide, targeted audience.

How about internet advertisements?

Extremely low risk

Reduction in costs through automation and use of electronic media

Faster response to both marketers and the end user

Increased ability to measure and collect data

Opens the possibility to a market of one through personalisation

Increased interactivity

Increased exposure of products and services

Boundless universal accessibility


雅思口语part2:Describe an occasion when you invite your family or friends to dinner

You should say:

When you invited them

Where you had the dinner at home or at the restaurant?

Why you invited them

And how you felt about this dinner

Part 3

Where do Chinese people usually eat?

At restaurants or at home?

Why do more and more people like to eat at restaurants rather than at home?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of eating at restaurants?

Do you think it is possible that everyone will eat at restaurants instead of at home in the future?


I am a social Butterfly and I love to connect with people. I also love to try new restaurant or cuisines as they are really scrumptious.. So, I usually go out for dinners or invite people for the same. Recently, one of my pen pal was visiting us from Italy with his family, so I decided to take them out for dinner. I asked them about their preferences for food but they said they would like to go wherever I took them.. Finally, I decided to take them to Sukhdev Dhaba because one can enjoy multiple cuisines there and the best part is that one can have unlimited food. This restaurant is located in the heart of Panipat and the best part is that one can have unlimited food. This restaurant is located in the heart of Panipat and Delhi and there is always a huge waiting list. So, I made a booking in advance with them for us. My Friend had never been to this restaurant before. When we reached there, he was really felt over the moon to see the interiors of the restaurant. I then explained them about the unlimited food concept and they got really excited as they were looking forward to trying Indian food, none other than 56 bhog. At this restaurant a charcoal grill is placed at the table and one can barbeque the starters on it. After few minutes, we got a big platter having 56 items in it. There was also a big screen which was running Live Cricket Match from IPL tournament and since we both are fans of Cricket, we enjoyed watching cricket along with really tasty food. I believe people should often have dinner together as it is a good way to spend time and build healthy relationships.


Where do Chinese people usually eat? At restaurants or at home?

People still cook alot at home, but keep in mind that there are tons of restaurants and small kitchens wherever there are people and these places are often quite affordable.

Things are going to vary with demographics, but I've spent time in both heavily urban and rural areas. Urbanites tend to be more wealthy and can afford to eat out frequently. At the same time, urban areas tend to have much much higher concentrations of restaurants, eateries, and cafes. Rural is just the opposite.

Why do more and more people like to eat at restaurants rather than at home?

Someone in the city with working hours of 9–6 would probably eat out as they are too tired to cook food for themselves. And,if many people are invited for certain occasion , not possible for many to cook and serve at home.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of eating at restaurants?

The biggest advantage of eating in restaurant is that it helps in families getting close and spending good time together because when one is at home than there are many distractions which do not allow all people of the family to eat together but when it comes to going out for dinner there are no such distraction which help the families in creating a strong emotional bond between family members.

while,when it comes to taste of food and also nutritional contents of the food eating outside may not be the best option as only a few restaurants concentrate on nutritional contents of the food. Another problem with eating outside is that there is no surety that one will get tasty food in a restaurant; hence even after paying so much money, you do not get the right food then it will naturally be a disappointment for the whole family.


