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雅思口语答题思路拓展, 多个角度别有洞天,希望能够帮助到大家,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。

雅思口语答题思路拓展 多个角度别有洞天




1. “WH问题”

Part1 真题:Do you prefer to buy things in small shops or in big supermarkets and department stores?

思路演示:Well,I’m more into small shops if I would like to buy things that are special, you know, something like shoes,or accessories. But if I need to buy foods or electrical equipment, then it’s more likely that I would go to a department store, which is more reliable …

2. “Yes/No问题”

Part 3真题:Do you think healthy eating is important?

思路演示:Yes,eating healthy foods is necessary in many ways,especially that it can prevent some diseases like diabetes. But I think that it is fine to eat a little unhealthy foods in moderation,in fact,we have to say that most of the fast foods are tastier than healthy foods…



造成答案过短的主要原因之一就是“只回答”考官所提的问题。而是事实上,考官提问的目的并不“只想听”问题的答案。在基本答案的基础上,考生们需要主动给出更多额外信息,因为考官想听到更多“语言能力”的展示。  所以大部分的题目的核心拓展思路为:Direct answer + X  1. X= 5WH+ How Often

这个方法基本就是“自问自答”,把与核心内容相关的各方面信息主动提供给考官,然后连缀成完整的答案。下面我们来看一下part1和part2的一些真题演示。  Part 1真题:Have you travelled recently?  思路演示1 :Yes, I have. (Direct answer)Last month(when) I went to Hong Kong(where) with my parents(who). We had a great time at the Disney Land and went shopping,too.(what) 思路演示2: No,I haven’t(Direct answer). I’m been busy with my studies(why).But after the exam(when), my parents and I(who)are going to Hong Kong and we would like to go to Disney Land and go shopping, too. (what)

Part 2真题:

Describe a library that you have used.

You should say:

where it was

what type of library it was

what you used the library for

what you liked and /or disliked about this library

and explain how useful it was for your studies or research.

思路演示:“where it was”: on campus(Direct answer)  (Where): It was next to our teaching building of English Department (When) : It was built 50 years ago when our school was established. (Who) : Most of the students liked to go there as well as the teachers (How often): I almost went there everyday especially around exam time.  我们可以看到,这个方法简单易行,是拓展思路最基本的方法,只要具备基本的语法功底就可以轻松做到。 但在part2中笔者建议考生们不要使用“过量”,因为part2有严格的时间限制,如果每一条point都补充很详细的信息很有可能会遗漏卡片上的重要信息,甚至会让考官觉得你“跑题”,所以适可而止就可以了。  2. X= examples  在基本答案之后,考生可主动引入例子。


Part 1 真题: What's your favourite type of music? 思路演示: Well,I’m a big fan of Modern Popular Music(Direct answer), you know, like Hip-Pop, Rap, Rhythm and Blues , Rock ‘n roll, things like that… Part 3 真题:What kinds of films do people in China like to watch? 思路演示:Well, they watch a broad range of movies, in fact(Direct answer). For instance, men prefer Action & Adventure , Martial Arts and Romantic Comedy. But women are more into Romance and Romantic Comedy. And children are quite interested in Science Fiction and Animated Cartoons…  你会发现,如果你对所涉及话题比较熟悉,就应该主动找机会采取举例子的方法,把之前积累的词汇作为“examples”展示出来,这是展示“vocabulary”的能力,化被动为主动向考官拿分的好方法。

3. X= feelings and opinions

我们都知道在口语part1和part2中问题都是围绕考生的personal details来设置的,所以可随时加入自己的感受与观点,我们先来看一下常见的真题的演示:

Part 2真题:Describe a teacher who has greatly influenced you in your education.

You should say:

where you met them

what subject they taught

what was special about them

and explain why this person influenced you so much.

思路演示:“what subject they taught” He taught us maths in the second year of middle school. Well, I have to say that, before I had Mr. Chen as my teacher, maths had always been so boring and difficult to me that I always slept during class, it was my nightmare, you know. And I guess that is why I didn’t like him at the beginning…




就近原则。由or;either...or;neither...nor;not only…but also等词连接的名词或者代词作主语,谓语动词的单复数取决于与动词最近的名词的单复数。Neither you nor your friend is to blame.

意义一致。这个主要是涉及到集体名词,比如audience;army;family;jury;stuff;crew;couple等,如果这类词意义上指整体的概念谓语就用单数,如果意义指具体成员则谓语动词就用复数。如:The population in this area is increasing very slowly。/One third of the population in this area are workers.

就远原则。由as well as;rather than; with;together with; in addition; combined with这几个词连接的名词或者代词作主语,谓语动词的单复数取决于这几个词前面的名词是单数还是复数。如:The teacher rather than the students opens the door./The students rather than the teacher open the door.

还有需要注意的是:a series/line/group/list+of+名词复数,谓语动词用单数;分数、百分数、part/rest/half+名词作主语,谓语动词的单复数取决于名词本身的单复数。;both of+名词复数,谓语用复数;each/neither/either/everything/anything作主语,谓语用单数。



1.such as与for example的混用。我们知道,在表示举例子的时候,such as与like是完全等同的,如:Wild flowers such as/like orchids and primroses are becoming rare。但是考生对于Such as、for example 的把握还是不够准确。我们都知道,后者接句子前者接词语表示举例子。于是就有了下面的写法:There is a similar word in many languages, such as in French and Italian。这里的such as改为for example为好,因为“in French and Italian”其实是“there is a similar word in French and Italian”的简化,所以要用for example来引出例证。再来看几个类似的例子:It is possible to combine computer science with other subjects, for example physics。

2.assume 及claim 使用不够准确。我们知道, think,assume,claim是议论文中常用引出观点的动词。在实际作文中,同学们往往认为几个词的意思是一样的,完全可以代换,所以拿过来就用。甚至还有同学把consider也拿过来与之混用。我们首先还是从定义来看这几个词的不同:Think: to have opinion or belief about sth。翻译为“认为”,通常接宾语从句来表达比较确定的观点。Assume: to think or accept that sth is true but without having proof of it。翻译为“假设、假定”,是否有事实依据是不确定的。Claim: to say sth is true although it has not been proved and other people may not believe it。翻译为“声称”,用这个词往往意味着不赞同紧跟其后的观点,所以很少用作‘I claim that…Scientist are claiming a breakthrough in the fight against cancer, but in fact, …。所以‘It is claimed that’通常翻译为“有报道称。。。”。和‘it is reported that ’的区别在于后者翻译为“据报道”,往往代表着作者赞同报告的内容,Consider: to think about sth carefully, especially in order to make a decision.翻译为“考虑”,一般不用作引出观点,看个例子:We are considering buying a new car。所以,千万不要在雅思大作文的第一段(观点表达段)就因为用词把握不准而导致对整篇文章的低分印象。


1).普通介词的误用。一般表现为固定搭配错误,如常把provide sb with sth用成provide sb sth; be satisfied with用成be satisfied for等等,虽然这样的错误看似无伤大雅,但在考官眼里就是影响顺畅阅读的,当然会影响最终成绩。解决的办法简单而古老:把常见的固定搭配牢记于心,问题自然就解决了。

2).“to”作为介词的误用。“to”最常见的用法是以动词不定式符号的形式出现的,所以同学们也已经习惯了“to do”的固定搭配。对于一些如walk to me, to the left等介词to表方向等常见用法一般也不会出现错误。但是对于与动词搭配的介词to就会经常犯错:

More and more students have taken to depend on their parents to make decision for them。

这里的‘take to’ means ‘to begin to do sth as a habit’其中‘to’为介词,所以后面只能接名词或相当于名词的词,如动名词。所以句中depend on 应改为“depending on”。“take to”的另一个常用用法也需要牢记:

He hasn’t taken to his new school. (这里‘take to’ means ‘to start liking sb or sth’)

Prefer A to B中的“to”也是介词,会有prefer doing sth to doing sth/ prefer sth to sth else,另外,“prefer to do sth rather than do sth”中的“to”可是真正的不定式符号。

3.compare与contrast的误用。我们先从两者的定义入手来看两者的区别。 Compare的定义为:to examine people or things to see how they are similar or different. Contrast的定义为:to compare two or more things to show the difference between them。由定义不难看出前者侧重于找到两个或多个事物的异同,而后者则侧重于它们的不同。看个例句:

It is interesting to compare their situations to ours./It is interesting to contrast their situations to ours。



There is an obvious contrast between the culture of East and West。

The company lost $7 million in contrast to a profit of $6.2 million a year earlier。

When you look at their new system, ours seems very old-fashioned by contrast。

雅思口语part2如何利用黄金60秒 生死时速!



当你拿到话题卡后,迅速浏览最上面的标题,千万不要错看或漏看任何一个单词。由于考生在考前都有大量准备,许多口语话题在脑海中已经形成惯性。比如‘Describe a dream you have had in mind since thechildhood.’,如果考生讲的是现在的梦想,就会失分;再如 ‘Describe an unforgettable (or, enjoyable)activity that you have taken part in as part of your English study.’,如果考生一直在说一个和英语学习无关的活动,即使再难忘也跑题了。


比如有道题目让学生描述‘A class or course that you have studied (or are studyingnow)’,最后一个提示点为‘And explain how useful this class was (or is) towards your futuregoals.’ 如果考生没有注意到这个提示点,很有可能只是对该课程的好处大谈特谈,而忽略“这门课程对你未来的目标有什么帮助”。即使你说的再流利,也因为不切题而扣分了。


话题卡前两个提示点大都关于 ‘Who’ ‘What’ ‘Where’‘When’等背景信息的描述,所以考生可以利用10秒钟时间迅速在你的稿纸上记录一下时间,地点和所讲述的人或物的名称。对于这些背景信息,最好能够用缩写或者用只有你自己才能够读懂的略写的方式,比如长城你可以直接写作‘GW’, 紫禁城可写作 ‘F city’。有时候,你也可以直接在稿纸上简单的画上两笔,以作提示。


话题卡的第三个提示点基本上询问 ‘Why…’和 ‘How…’。比如对于一件物品,会问 ‘Why you bought it’;对于一本书,会问‘Why you read it’;对于一件事,会问 ‘Why it is unforgettable (or, why you enjoyedit)’。

当然,有的时候也会通过‘What…’让考生进行细节的描述,比如描述一位老师,会问 ‘What was special abouthim/her.’;描述一位餐厅,会问 ‘What its environment looks like’;描述人物性格,会问 ‘What is his/herpersonality andlifestyle’。所以,对于话题描述的主体部分,考生最好能够列出几个点,可以是关键词或短语,但最好不要用长句子。另外,要注意各个点之间的联系和点与点之间的衔接,按照一定的时间或者空间顺序。


话题卡中最后一问通常以 ‘Explain how…’ 或者 ‘Explain what and how…’,有时候也通过疑问句来引导考生说出自己的感受或观点,比如 ‘Are you going to change it in the future? Why orwhy not’, ‘What made it so memorable for you?’ ‘What made the movie so appealingto you?’ 等等。在雅思口语培训过程中,笔者通常会提供给考生一些关于心理感受的词或短语,甚至要求考生背诵相应的2-3个描述心理活动的段落。





