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Teaching Aims and demands   本单元通过学习马克·吐温的《百万英镑》并改编成短剧形式的课文,学生能初步了解作者的风格。学生应能在教师的指导下,排演这个短剧。通过对话课的学习与操练,学生接触表示坚持个人意见的常用语句,并要求学生运用到实际会话中。学习并初步掌握as if和no matter引导让步状语从句的用法。 Teaching important and difficult points 1.单词 run, choice, note, change, fool, order, pleasant, right, assistant, customer, foolish, insist, tailor depend, favo(u)r , apologize, excited 2.词组 shop assistant, a clothes shop, give back, or else, change…for …, in the sun, try on, depend on, take place, get off, put on, drop in, once upon a time, do up, in fact, keep back, play the part of, next to 3.交际用语 There seems to be something wrong with it. I would like you to change this blouse. You sold me a blouse that I can’t use any more. I am afraid I can’t do that right now. Why can’t you do something about it? Is anything the matter? 4.语法 学习as if和no matter的用法。


课文建议   在Lesson 38课,建议教师应组织学生1)以节目的形式演出这段对话。2)教师可选取录像或多媒体形式完成此课的教学任务。3)教师把学生分成三人一组,适当准备一些道具排演本课的最后结局的短剧。4)教师要求学生找出能刻画服装店老板人物特征和心理变化的相关语句。如:There’s a customer, Tod, Will you serve him? / No matter what he is wearing , Tod, just show him the cheapest./Come, come. Get him his change, Tod..

对话分析   本单元对话是讲述在服装店调换衣服的经过,学生对其内容较易理解,但一些新单词的用法应掌握,如:customer, run, insist, change…for…。本课中也提供了给学生做相应对话的练习,如:A pair of trousers, A radio的口语练习。

教学重点难点 1.serve的用法

1)serve(sb.) as sth.表示“为(某人)工作,(尤指)当佣人”。   He served as a gardener and chauffeur.他做园艺工人兼司机。   2)serve还可表示“供职,服役”。   He has served his country well.他为国尽职。   3)serve sb. (with sth.). 表示“将(饭菜)端上桌。”   Four waiters served lunch for us.有四位服务员招待我们吃午饭。   4)serve 还可用于“(在商店等处)接待(顾客)或为顾客取货物”的意思中。   Are you being served?有售货员接待您吗?   He served some sweets to the children.他为孩子们拿来了他们想要的糖。   5)serve 还指“(一份饭)够……”。   This packet of soup serves two.这包汤料够两个人食用。 2.judge的用法   1)judge用作动词,表示作“断定,估计,认为”解。其后可带宾语从句,也可带不定式或形容词、名词等引导的宾补成分。   We judge that they have finished.我们估计他们已经干完了。   We judge them to have finished.我们估计他们已经干完了。   She judged him about fifty.她估计他在五十岁左右。   The committee judged it better to start the investigation at once.委员会认为立即开始此项调查。   From his letter, we judged his visit to China a great success.从他的来信判断他对中国的访问非常成功。   2)judge用作“判断,断定”解时,还可接wh—分句或wh—加不定式结构。   I can’t judge whether she was right or wrong.我不能断定她是对还是错。   3)judge还可表示“评判,评价”,可说judge sb. / sth.   Don’t judge a man by his looks.勿以貌取人。   4)Judging by / from…(从……来看,据……来判断)是惯用短语,可用来引导独立分句。   Judging from his looks ,he may be sick.从外表看,他或许生病了。   Judging by his accent, he must be from Guangdong.听口音,他准是个广东人。 3.get off的用法   1)get off意为“脱下”。   It’s rather hot today, we must get off the jacket.今天太热了,我们必须脱下夹克衫。   2)注意:get off还可作“下车”;“离开”;“出发”;“起飞”解。   As soon as I got off the bus, I started for the village on foot. 我一下公共汽车,就开始步行到村里去。   We must get off at once or we' II be late我们必须马上走,否则要迟到了。   We got off immediately after breakfast.我们一吃过早饭就出发了。 The plane got off on time. 飞机准时起飞。

4.favor的用法   1)in favor (of )表示“赞成、主张”,常用作表语或后置定语。   The students were in favor of reform. 学生赞成改革。   2)do sb. a favor或do a favor for sb. 是个正式的礼貌用语,意思是  “给某人以恩惠,帮某人的忙”。   Would you do me a favor? 帮我一下好吗?   Do me a favor by turning off the radio. 帮我把收音机关掉。   Do me the favor to come. 务请光临。   注:do sb. a favor后接of doing 或不定式时,应将不定冠词a改为定冠词the。

5.put down的用法

1)意为“写下;记下”。   Put down your name and your telephone number.写下你的名字和电话号码。   Put this down in your notebook for future reference.这点记在你的笔记本上,以供今后参考。   2)可作“_;扑灭”。   The fire was finally put down by the firemen.大火最后终于被_员扑灭了。 6.as if的用法   as if 是连词词组,作“好像”、“好似”解,引导表语从句,用于下列句型中:   It looks/seems as if ....表示“看起来似乎……”。其中It为无人称代词,本身并无词义。looks / seems是连系动词,as if引出表语从句。   It looks as if it is going to show. 看来,要下雪。   It seemed as if the suit was made to his own measure. 这套衣服看来似乎是按尺寸给他定做的。   除此之处,as if也可以引导方式状语从句,修饰主句的谓语,此时从句中的谓语动词常用虚拟语气。关于这一点,暂可不必向学生交代。   The woman loves the children as if she were their mother.这个妇女爱这些孩子,她好像就是他们的妈妈一样。

7. no matter 的用法   no matter作“无论”、“不管”解,用以引导表示让步的状语从句,常用在下列句型中: 句型中的No matter what (who/when etc.)...分别表示“无论何事”、“无论何人”、“无论何时”等,这个从句可以置主句之前,也可以置主句之后。   由no matter + what等引导的让步状语从句。No matter后面接关系代词或关系副词引导状语从句在句中作让步状语。   No matter what you do, you must be very careful.不管做什么事,你都必须非常细心。   No matter之后可用what以外的关系代词或关系副词。例如:   No matter who you are (=Whoever you are), I’ll never let you in.无论你是谁,我绝不让你进去。   No matter which…无论哪一个……   No matter which you choose(=Whichever you choose), you will be satisfied.不论你选择哪一个,你都会满意的。   No matter where…无论何处;不管在哪里……   No matter where I go (=Wherever I go) , I will be thinking of you. 无论我到哪里,我都会想着你。   No matter when …无论何时,不管什么时候……  I’ll discuss it with you no matter when you like(=whenever like). 你什么时候高兴,我愿意同你讨论这件事。   No matter how..不管……如何;无论……多么……   No matter how hard you try(=However hard you try), you will never be successful. 不管你如何努力,你都不会成功的。 8.drop in, drop in on 与drop in at的区别   drop in 意为“顺便走访” He often drops in for tea. 他经常顺便来喝茶。   drop in on 后接人意为“顺便拜访某人”。   She dropped in on me yesterday.   drop in at后接表示地点的名词意为“顺便来(去)某处看看”。   Tom usually drops in at my place on his way home. 答题时要注意drop in后所接的名词表示的意思。   Jane used to ____ the tailor’s on her way home from work.   A. drop in B. drop in on C. drop in at D. drop at   詹妮以前常下班后去成衣店看看。the tailor’s 表示地点,故正确答案为C。

9.run的用法   1)表示“跑,奔跑,赛跑”。   The boy ran off as soon as we appeared.我们一来,孩子们都跑了。   She used to run when she was at college.在大学时她经常练跑步。   2)run还可表示“(火车、汽车、轮船等)往来行驶”   Buses to Oxford run every half hour.去牛津的公共汽车每半小时一班。   The trains don’t run on Christmas Day.圣诞节火车停驶。

3)run可用业表示“(液体)流动”。   Could you run me a hot bath?你给我放盆热水洗澡好吗?   Your nose is running.你又流鼻涕了。   4)run表示“(衣服上的染料或颜色)掉色,扩散”。   I’m afraid the color ran when I washed your new skirt.很遗憾,  我洗你那条新裙子的时候它掉色了。   5)run可表示“融化”。   It was so hot that the butter ran.天太热,黄油开始化了。   The wax began to run. 蜡开始融化了。   6)run还可表示“负责、经营、管理”。   He has no idea of how to run the successful business.他不知道把企业办好的方法。   Stop trying to run my life for me.我的生活用不着你来管。 10.Come, come. Get him his change. Tod. ( = Hurry up. Tod, Give the man his change.) 得了,得了,给他找钱吧,托德。   句中的come用作感叹语,表示“劝导”,“不耐烦”的情绪。come作感叹语用时,在不同的情况下,可以表示不同的感表,如“鼓励”、“惊异”、“命令”等。例如:   Come, come, Alice, you must be patient. 好了,爱丽丝,你得忍耐点。   本句中的change是不可数名词,作“零钱”,“找给的钱”解。又如:   Here is your change. 这是找给你的零钱。   change还可以用作及物动词,作“零钱”,“换钱”解。   Could you change a 10-yuon note, please? 你能换开10元钱吗?

教学设计方案Lesson 37

Teaching aims   1. Practise in pairs talking about buying clothes in a shop.

2. Study the language points in lesson 37.

Teaching procedures


1. Check the homework exercises.

2. Revise articles of clothing by asking questions. Get as many as possible from the students and write them on the blackboard.

Questions for the teacher to ask the students:

1) What words have you learned about clothes ?

trousers, coat, jacket, shirt, overcoat……

2) What color do you like best if you buy a blouse ?

a gray one, red one, blue one, black one, yellow one, white one ……

Step Ⅱ Warming-up

Look at the picture on P 55.

1. Ask the students to say something about the picture. Let the students know a new word: blouse.

Answer: It’s a clothes shop. There are many clothes in the shop. Two women are talking now. They are talking about the white blouse and the red blouse in the shop.

2. Ask the students how different clothes are washed. Make a table on the blackboard if you like

as follows:

HOT WASH white cotton

WARM WASH coloured cotton

COLD WASH silk , wool

Step Ⅲ Listening and reading

Let the students listen to the dialogue once or twice and then answer same questions.

1. What did the customer buy last week?

… She bought, a blouse last weds

2. What's wrong with the blouse?

… When doe washed the blouse, the color ran.

3. What did the customer ask the assistant to do?

…She asked the assistant to change the clothes or give the money back to her.

4. Did the assistant give the money back to the customer ? Why ?

…No, because the manager of the shop wasn't in. And the assistant couldn't decide whether to give it back to her or not.

Step Ⅳ Practice

Let students fill in the blanks of the dialogue.

SA: Good afternoon. Can I 1 you ?

C: Yea, please. I 2 this radio the day before yesterday. But there is something 3 with it. Last night it just couldn't. I 4 can't use it.

SA: Let me 5 . It scans as if it hasn't been 6 properly. Has it been left in the sun or__ 7_?

C: Of 8 not. How can I be 9 foolish ?

SA: 10 it's the 11 of the factory that made it. I think I will send back to the 12 and get it repaired.

C: You may 13 it back to the factory, but I would like my money 14 .

SA: I’m 15 I can't do that.

C: Why can't you do 16 about it ? I'd like you to change this 17 or else 18 me my money back.

SA: All right. You can 19 it for another one. Would you please 20 a look at these ones ?


1. help 2. bought 3. wrong 4. work 5. see 6. used 7. rain 8. course 9. that 10. Maybe 11. fault 12. factory 13. send 14. back 15. afraid 16. something 17. radio18. give 19. change 20. have

Fill in the blanks.


Is there ______ _______ ________ the radio?


Please give me _______ the book that you _______from me.


It _______ as if it’s going to_______.


He _______ that he _______ there tomorrow.


Don’t _______ the child stand ________ the sun. 6.我想让汤姆的弟弟去做那项工作。

I would _______ Tom’s brother ________ do the work.


1. anything wrong with 2. back …borrowed 3. seems…snow 4. insists …go 5. have/ keep …in 6. like …to

StepⅤ Language points

Let students read the dialogue and ask them to pay attention to some key sentences and then the teacher gives some brief explanation.

1. There seem (s) to be…

2. like常见的句型是

like sb. to do sth./ like to do sth./ like doing sth.

3. I’m not that foolish = I am not so foolish.

4.It looks as if + 句子 = It seems as if + 句子

5. insist + that - clause + ( should ) + v

Step Ⅵ Further practise

1.Get good pairs of students to act out their dialogues in front of the class without their books if possible.

2. Provide a few situations for the Ss, let them practise the dialogues by dividing the different groups.

1)You have just bought a pair of shoes from a shoe shop. But later you find that the shoes are not of the same size. So you go to the shop again. Make a dialogue between the shop assistant and you.

2) You have just bought a tape—recorder. But it does not work as soon as you get home. So you go back to the shop and ask for a new one..

Step Ⅶ Exercise

Do exercises Ex 1——3. on Page 118.

A customer brought a blouse in a clothes shop last week. She found that the colours _____when she washed it. Thinking that there must be ______wrong with it, she went back to the shop. The shop_____ asked her whether she did not follow the ______and washed it in hot water. The ______said she was not ______foolish. It seemed that it was the ______of the company that produced it .The customer _______that the shop should give her money back, but the shop assistant refused. Finally the customer decided to change the blouse _______another one.


ran, something, assistant, instructions, customer, that (so), insisted, fault, for

StepⅧ Homework

1.Do exercises Ex 2——3. on Page 118.

2.Get the students to do the vocabulary preparation in Lesson 38 .

教学设计方案Lesson 38

Teaching Aims   1. Learn lesson 38 to get brief idea of the story.

2.The students are required to answer some questions.

Step I Revision   1)Check the homework exercises.

2)Oral practice.

1.你的手表有问题吗? 2.我想让你去做这件事。

3.似乎看来这本书被他看完了。 4.我坚持让他把钱还我。

5.对不起,是我的错。 6.你为什么让他一直在田里工作。


1. 1s there anything wrong with your watch?

2. I’d like you to do the work.

3. It seems as if the book has been finished reading by him.

4. I insisted that he (should) give me my money back.

5. I'm sorry. It's my fault.

6. Why did you have him working in the fields?




1. 教学目标

(1)知识目标:学生能掌握下列重点单词和短语的意义和用法:greet, represent, approach, expression, defend, misunderstand, adult, cheek, major, likely, in general。能够表达一些Body language.





(1) 培养学生的阅读策略和技巧,让学生了解文章的细节知识和文章结构。

(2) 让学生合适地使用不同的身势语。



Step 1. Lead in

(1)The teacher shows a question on screen: How can we communicate with others when we can’t speak ?

Then ask a student to answer.


(2) The teacher shows some pictures on screen of some body language and ask some students to guess and discuss the meaning they stand for. 设计说明:引出本节课的题目。

Step 2. Fast reading

1. Go through the passage quickly and find out the main idea of each paragraph.

o Match the main idea of each para. with lines.

(Para.1) A. Other examples of different greeting body language.

(Para.2) B. Different people have different body language.

(Para.3) C. Summary of body language.

(Para.4) D. Meet the visitors at the airport.

(Para.5) E. Examples of different greeting body language.

2. Try to write down the main idea of the text.

The text is mainly about different _____________ in different countries. In order to avoid difficulties in today’s world of cultural crossroads, we should ___________________________.


Step 3. Careful reading

Read Para. 1 and decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F).

(1) Yesterday, another student and I, representing our university's student association, went to the Capital International Airport to meet this year's international students. ( )

(2) After an hour of waiting for their flight to arrive, I saw several young people enter the waiting area looking around curiously.

( )

Read Para.2&3 and match the people with their ways of greeting

Tony Garcia (Columbia) A. shakes hands and kisses others twice

on each cheek

Ahmed Aziz B. Bows


Akira Nagata (Japan) C. shakes hands

George Cook (Canada) D. approaches others closely and touches

their shoulder and kisses them on the cheek

Darlene Coulon(France) E. stand quite close to other men but will

usually not touch women.

Read Para. 4&5 and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).

(1) All cultures don’t greet each other the same way. ( )

(2) From the passage we can see western cultures are better than eastern cultures. ( )

(3) It’s necessary to study body language because it helps us to get better understanding among people from different cultures. ( )

(4) Only a small number of people greet by shaking hands. ( )


Language Points

1. approach vi. &vt.向……靠近;n.靠近;方法,步骤(后常跟介词to)


(1) When I ____________(approach) the dog, it ran away at once.

(2) Can you come up with a good approach of solving this problem? (单句改错)

2. likely adj. 可能的;有希望的

be likely to do 很可能……;有希望……(主语既可以是人,也可以是物)

It is likely that...很可能……


(1)She is the most _________ girl to win the prize.

(2) It’s likely that he will succeed.(句型转换)


3. Yesterday, another student and I, representing our university’s student association, went to the Capital International …...

representing 是现在分词(非谓语)作定语,相当于定语从句:who represented ….,谓语是went。


(1) Mr. Wang, who taught us English before, retired last week. (把划线部分变为非谓语)_____________

(2)The girl __________(study) in the classroom is my sister. (用非谓语填空)

4. I stood for a minute watching them and then went to greet them.

watching 是现在分词(非谓语)作伴随状语,表示watch和stood同时发生,谓语动词是stood和went。


(1) The boy stood there and cried.(把划线部分变为非谓语)

The boy stood there_________.

(2)The boy is sitting before the computer__________ (play) games. (用非谓语填空)


Step 4. Consolidation


Yesterday, another student and I,(1)___________(represent) our university’s student association, went to meet this year’s international students. After half an hour of (2) _______(wait), I saw several young people enter the waiting area looking around(3) ___________ (curious). I went forward to meet (4) _______(their). After being introduced, they greeted each other in different ways, (5) __________(cause) some cultural mistakes.

As I get to know more international friends, I learn more about this

(6) __________ (culture) body language. People communicate not only with

(7) _________(speak) language, but also through physical distance, actions or posture. These actions are simply ways in (8) __________cultures have developed. (9) __________general, studying international customs can certainly help avoid(10)__________(difficult) in today’s world of cultural crossroads.

Correct the mistakes in the sentences.

1. I stood for a minute watched them and then went to greet them.

2. Julia stepped back appearing surprising.

3. Akira Nagata from Japan came in smiled.

4. Most people around the world now greet each other by shake hands.

5. These action are not good or bad.

Step 5. Free talk

After discussing with your deskmate, think out the body language you know and act it out.

Ask some pairs to perform in front of the class.

设计说明:学生通过阅读和讨论对文章有了深层的理解,同时对身势语这个话题更加熟悉。 这个环节师生互动、生生互动,训练了学生的口语表达能力,促使他们把所学的知识和技能转化为运用英语的能力。

Step 6. Summary

What have we learned in this class?

We have learned:

o some body language in different countries

osome language points

ohow to communicate with different people properly using body language


Step 7. Homework

Underline all the important words, expressions and sentences.



Yesterday, another student and I,(1)___________(represent) our university’s student association, went to meet this year’s international students. After half an hour of (2) _______(wait), I saw several young people enter the waiting area looking around(3) ___________ (curious). I went forward to meet (4) _______(their). After being introduced, they greeted each other in different ways, (5) __________(cause) some cultural mistakes.

As I get to know more international friends, I learn more about this

(6) __________ (culture) body language. People communicate not only with

(7) _________(speak) language, but also through physical distance, actions or posture. These actions are simply ways in (8) __________cultures have developed. (9) __________general, studying international customs can certainly help avoid(10)__________(difficult) in today’s world of cultural crossroads.

Correct the mistakes in the sentences.

1. I stood for a minute watched them and then went to greet them.

2. Julia stepped back appearing surprising.

3. Akira Nagata from Japan came in smiled.

4. Most people around the world now greet each other by shake hands.

5. These action are not good or bad.


Period 1&2 warming up and reading

Teaching Aims:

1.Enable the students to talk about the qualities needed to be a good reporter and how to conduct a good interview

2. Enable the students to learn some reading strategies

3. Enable the students to learn the necessary qualities in their future job

Important Points and difficult points

Learn about how to be a good reporter

Teaching methods

Strategic reading method; Task-based method

Teaching procedures:

I. Elaboration (warming up): Help the students to relate their known knowledge to the topic that will be learned

Task 1 :( group discussion) Talk about jobs in China Daily?

Types of jobs What it involves


Task2: Predict what is going to be learned by looking at the title of the text. Which type of job will be talked about in the text?

II. Prediction (pre-reading):

Task 3: Predict the main idea of the text by discussing the following questions:

1. What are the qualities a good news reporter needs to have?

(Have group discussion first and then finish Part 1 individually)

2. What your first day at school was like? How would you feel on your first day at work? (Group discussion)

III. Skimming, scanning, analyzing (Reading & Comprehending)

Task 4: Read the text quickly to get a general idea of the text.

Task 5: Divide the passage into three sections and match the following main ideas to the three sections:

How to get an accurate story

How to protect a story from accusations

How to become a reporter

The skills needed

The importance of listening

Stages in researching a story

How to check facts

How to deal with accusations of printing lies

Work in a team

Task 6 Read quickly to find out the information to fill in the form below

Task 7: Tell what is required for a reporter and a photographer

patient; imaginative ; well-organized; technically good; polite; concise; thorough; creative; curious; careful; gifted; professional

A reporter A photographer

IV. Summarizing

Task 8: Write a summary of the text

V. Assignment

Read an English newspaper and retell the main idea of one article in it.

Period 3&4 Words & Expressions

Teaching Aims:

Get the students to know how to use some words and expressions correctly and appropriately

Important Points and difficult points

Use some words and expressions correctly and appropriately

Teaching methods

Demonstrating and summarizing; practicing

Teaching procedures:

1. occupation n.

1). Teaching is my occupation. 职业

2). Swimming is my occupation. 使…忙碌的事情;消遣

occupy v.


occupy oneself in/with sth.

employment; occupation; job; profession; vocation; work; trade

He is looking around for .

: artist

He is out of .

She chose teaching as her .

She’s a lawyer by .

He’s a carpenter by .

2. assign v.

assignment n.

She gladly accepted the assignment. (分派的任务;工作)

The English assignment is a book report. (课外作业,功课)

3. on one’s own

of one’s own

for one’s own

We should complete the test _________

4. experienced adj.

be experienced in/at sth/doing sth.

Who is experienced in cooking in your home?

5. The first/last time + 时间状语从句

The first time I came here, I was not used to the climate here.

Cover n. 封面,掩盖(物) ;


1). Tom will covered the outbreak of the disease.

2). The road was covered with snow.

3). She laughed to cover her worry.

4). The red army covered about 30 miles a day.

5). Is the money enough to cover the cost of a new shirt?

7. Be eager for sth. (sucess)

to do sth.

that clause

He is eager to see his daughter.

We are eager that the project should be started early

be anxious about =be worried about

8. Concentrate on sth./doing sth.

We should concentrate on our study.

Tom is concentrating on fishing.

9. of +抽象名词(importance; value; use; help; benefit)

of special interest=

of no use=

The meeting is of great importance.


Each minute is _____ for us.

of greatly valuable

great valuable

of great value

for much value

10. acquire; get; gain

1). I sat in the front of the bus to ___ _ a good view of the countryside.

2). Gradually we _______ experience in how to do the work.

3). They _____the victory after a bloody battle.

11. have a nose for 嗅觉灵敏

She has an ear for music. 有鉴赏能力

She has an eye for color and style in clothes. 有眼光

12. Meanwhile=in the meanwhile

=in the meantime

=at the same time

Mother went shopping; meanwhile, I cleaned the house

13. trade n. v.

1). Japan does lots of trade with the United States.

2). He is a shoemaker by trade.

3). She trades 3 apples for some bananas.

14. Trick

1). 窍门,手法

2). play a trick(joke)on sb.

=make fun of sb. (玩笑,恶作剧)

3). He got into the building by a trick (诡计,花招)

15. Challenge

1).He challenge my view on that matter.

2).To finish the job in 2 days was a real challenge.

16. Support

n. 1).I need your support.

v. 1)为…提供证据,证实

2) The old man entered the room supported by his grandson.

3). He has always supported the weaker party.

4). He has a large family to support.

17. Case

1).He thought he had solved the problem , but that was not the case.

2).Here is a case of being careless.

3).We will look into that case.

in case of sth. 如果,万一…

in that/this case 在那样/这样情况下

in no case 决不

in case + 从句 以防;可能;倘若

Take an umbrella in case it rains.

(in case 从句常用一般现在时表将来, 或should+do)

17. accuse sb. of sth.

=charge sb. with sth.

Tom ____ his boss of having broken his word.





18. so as to do sth. 只能在句末

= in order to do sth.

=so that + 从句

= in order that + 从句

I got up at five so as to catch the train


19. admit

admit doing /having done

admit sb. Into/to (the university)

Lily finally admitted___ my umbrella by mistake.

to take

to have taken

having taken

have taken

20. n. adj.

profession professional 具有….特点

Finish Ex 3 on Page 29


Finish Ex1 and Ex 2 on Page 28 and Ex 3 on Page 29 (Discovering useful words and expressions)

Finish Ex 2 , Ex3 on Page 63 and Ex4 on Page 64 (Using words and expressions) in Workbook.

Period 5 Grammar

Teaching Aims:

Get the students to use “Inversion” correctly and appropriately

Important Points and difficult points

Use “Inversion” correctly and appropriately

Teaching methods

Task-based method; Demonstrating; discussion; summarizing; practicing

Teaching procedures:

I. Presentation

Task 1: Comprehend the following sentences

Only then did I begin my work on designing a new bridge.

=I began my work on designing a new bridge only then.

2. Not only was there a Christmas tree, but also exciting presents under it.

=There was not only a Christmas tree, but also exciting presents under it.

Inversion: 起强调作用

II. Analyzing & summarizing

Task 2: Find 4 examples of inversion in the reading passage

1. Never will Zhou Yang forget his first assignment at the office of China Daily.

2. Only when you have seen what he or she does, can you cover a story by yourself.

3. Not only am I interested in photography, but I took a course at university.

4. Only if you ask many different questions will you acquire all the information you need to know

Task 3: Analyze the sentences above and summarize the rules

1. Why can these sentences use inversion ?

2. How are these inverted sentences made?

※ 否定副词no;not;hardly, little, seldom, never, no sooner…than, no more, not only, only 等开头的句子要部分倒装。

※ 部分倒装:只把谓语的一部分(如助动词\情态动词)等放到主语前,或把句子的强调部分提前。

Task 4: Analyze more sentences below and summarize the rules

1) Only after he had spoken out the word did he realize he had made a big mistake.

※ 如含有从句,只要求主句倒装

2) ______,there was no hope of her being able to sleep.

As she was exhausted

If she was exhausted

Exhausted as she was

Now that she was exhausted

※ 当as(尽管)引导让步状语时,要部分倒装

3) . I often go out for a walk after supper. So does she.

4). If you don’t wait for him, nor shall I.

※ 当so, neither, nor表示另一者也具有前面所述的情况时,要部分倒装.

III. Practice

Task 5:Do Exercise 3 on Page 30 (“Discovering Structures”)

IV. Analyzing & summarizing

Task 6: Analyze sentences below and summarize the rules

1). There appeared a man in black in the distance.

2). Under the tree sits a beautiful girl.

Inversion(倒装) → 部分倒装

↘ 完全倒装

※ 以地点副词here, there, down, under和时间副词now, then开头,后面的动词是be, come, exist, fall, follow, go, lie, remain, seem, stand等,而且主语是名词时,构成完全倒装句.

※ 完全倒装:把整个谓语动词放到主语之前

3)The teacher came in and the class began.

=In came the teacher and the class began

4).____ from the tenth floor when the policeman pointed his gun at him.

A. Jumped down the thief

B. Down the thief jumped

C. The thief jumps down

D. Down jumped the thief

5). Here we are.

※ 在here, there引出的倒装句中,当主语是普通名词是用完全倒装句,当主语是代词时,则用陈述句语序(主+谓)

V. Assignment:

Do Exercise 1 on Page 64 (“Using Structures” in Workbook)

Period 6 Extensive Reading

Teaching Aims:

1. Enable the students to know writing and printing process for an article and what is the primary source and the second source

2. Enable the students to consolidate some reading strategies

3. Enable the students to learn the necessary qualities in their future job

Important Points and difficult points

Enable the students to know writing and printing process for an article and what is the primary source and the second source

Teaching methods

Strategic reading method; Task-based method

Teaching procedures:

I. Elaboration (warming up): Help the students to relate their known knowledge to the topic that will be learned

Task1.Review the types of jobs in a newspaper

Task2. Talk about the process of making a newspaper? (Group discussion)

Give the following hints when needed: interview; do some research; write a story; check the article written by a reporter; print the first edition; set the page; check again

II. Skimming and summarizing

Task 3: Read and fill in the form

Task 4: Learn some words and expressions

1. Accurate 准确,精确

1) Is this watch accurate?

2) His information was accurate

2. set to sth./doing sth. 开始做某事

=get down to sth./doing sth

1). As soon as I got home, I set to preparing supper.

2). They’ll set to the project, as soon as it is approved.

※ Look forward to…, devote… to…, be/get used to…, lead to…, prefer…to…, pay attention to…, object to…

3. approve vi. (approval n.)

approve of sth./doing sth.

=agree to/on/with

1).Your parents won’t approve of your going there. = agree on

2).I cannot agree to this plan. =approval of

4. process v. 加工,处理

1) The street is in the process of repair

2). They are using a new process to make glass.

process food adj. 加工过的,处理的

Task 5: Retell the main process of making a newspaper

III. Read the passage on page65 (“Reading Task) and answer the following questions

IV. Assignment

Read an English newspaper and retell the main idea of one article in it.

Period 7 Listening and Speaking

Teaching aims:

1. learn how to make an appointment

2. Improve the students’ listening and speaking skill

Important Points and difficult points

Learn how to make an appointment

Teaching methods

Task-based method

Teaching procedures:

I. Elaboration & prediction: get the students to predict what they will listen to and elaborate the topic to their known knowledge.

Task 1: Go over Ex1 on Page 31 and guess what they will listen to on the tape.(group discussion)

II. Listening

Task 2: Listen and circle the correct summary of the listening passage.

This is about a young man who is refused an interview with Liu Ming.

This is about a young man who is trying to arrange in interview with Liu Ming.

This is about a young man who wants to ask Liu Ming about how to work abroad.

Task 3: Listen to the tape again and answer questions on Page 32.

Task 4: Listen to the tape again and try to note down the dialogue (pair work)

Task5: Role-play the dialogue and elect the best actors (the most similar to the original dialogue)

III. Speaking and Listeningwww.xkb1.com

Discuss the phrase that may be used in making appointments (input)

Shall we make an appointment? How about…?

When are you free? When do you think is convenient for you?

Is it possible to…? I shall be busy at… and… but I can be free at…

Where is the best place? Maybe we can meet at…

Task 6: Make an appointment according to the situation in Ex3 on Page 32

Task 7: Listen to the tape and do Ex 1 and Ex2 (LISTENING)) on Page 62.

IV. Assignment

Work in pairs. Make an appointment according to the situation in Ex 1 (TALKING) on Page 62













