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  在托福的备考中,对于托福的写作大家应该都知道托福写作是应用写作(practical writing),考察学生的语言表述能力,而不是文学创作能力。也就是说,在写作中最为基本的要求在文中有清晰的书面表达,让阅卷人能读明白。下面是学习啦小编给大家带来的如何掌握托福写作词汇多样性,供大家参考!


  而对于这一要求就会涉及到了托福语言中的用词准确性和多样化。能够达到词词准确,又使用到不同的词句来表达相同、相似的意思,从语言角度来说已经符合托福考试的高分要求。比如这样一个句子:My writing ability increased by reading many books.粗看起来整句内容没什么问题。但是,细看用词上面,就不难发现,ability和increase是不搭配的。


  在托福的写作过程中,我们也常常会提及大家需要有文字的多样性。原因很简单,也许大家在备考过程习惯于看模板或是范文,有些大众化的短语会在几个学生的作文中同时出现。比如:“more and more”这个词。当然,这个简单的词汇在使用上并不会出现很多错误,但是,过于频繁的使用也会令考官感到,词汇贫乏是你的一个弱点所在。



  Consumer motivation is associated with Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory. According to his theory, motivational forces have different levels of importance. The most common needs are physiological needs (including food and shelter) and safety needs, both of which are tightly connected to basic survival. Higher-level needs include social needs (including relationships and love), esteem needs (including recognition and status) and self-actualization needs (also known as the needs to fulfill oneself). In Maslow’s view, individuals must meet their lower-level needs before being motivated to fulfill their higher-level needs.


  be associated with 与…相联系

  =be connected to

  Criteria for the judgment of purchasing different products may be associated with a number of elements, particularly personal preferences and specific functions.

  fulfill 实现、满足=accomplish

  fulfill a work program

  fulfill one’s responsibility


  …, both of which … 这两者都,非限定性定语从句结构

  Chess encourages personality and mental development, both of which are very important in a child’s early years.


  People often buy products not because they really need them, but because other people have them. (2014.11.2/2013.5.11)

  The main purpose for people to have jobs is to earn money rather than gain public recognition. (2012.5.20)

  People today spend too much time on personal enjoyment. They do things they like to do rather than do the things they should be doing. (TPO 5)


