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GRE的写作部分被叫做Analytical Writing,作为老师我们都习惯称它为AW部分。这个部分的分数是单独核算的,也就是说,GRE的总分是340+6,而并非346分。

GRE AW部分也是由两篇作文构成,一篇叫做Issue,我们一般称之为立论文;一篇叫做Argument,我们称之为驳论文。你的分数是这两篇文章分数的算数平均数。


但实际上,如果从GRE的一个非常重要的衡量指标percentile(百分位)的角度来看。4.5分的percentile是不错的,达到了82%(数据来源:Analytical Writing Interpretative Data Used on Score Reports 2016);而4分的百分位就一落千丈,来到了60%;3.5分42%;3分则只有18%。换句话说,如果你的GRE写作得了3分,那么在100个人中,你只比18个人考得好,这样的分数,怎么能让人满意呢?




除了考试要求更高之外,GRE的题目难度和考试形式也都比托福提升了不止一个层次。以Issue部分为例,首先,GRE的题目考察的范围比托福更广,范围内考察的深度也更深。尽管托福写作最近也在提升要求,比如上周考的考题:“16-17岁的十一年级学生的暑假安排哪个更好:1. 去上一些他们以后想学专业的大学预备课程;2. 由老师带领去参观博物馆或者是历史古迹,然后写一些论文。(网上回忆)”,这样的题目比官方指南上的例题:“你是否同意:诚实是友情中最重要的品质”要难了一个档次,可是与GRE的题目相比还是要简单不少。


"Rituals and ceremonies help define a culture. Without them, societies or groups of people have a diminished sense of who they are."


"Truly profound thinkers and highly creative artists are always out of step with their time and their society."









GRE issue写作优秀实例:个人责任


The concept of ’individual responsibility’ is a necessary fiction. Although societies must hold individuals accountable for their own actions, people’s behavior is largely determined by forces not of their own making.



Admittedly it is true that forces play a vital role in determining people’s behavior, but one should not go too far to deny the equal importance of individual responsibility. In many cases, it is individual responsibility that is at stake, far over the use of forces.

In the first place, forces are not omnipotent and there are many occasions on which forces fail to take effect and therefore must resort to individual responsibility to regulate people’s behavior. Take marital infidelity for example. Undoubtedly, this behavior is immoral and should be condemned because it severely harms the stability of family and thus impacts negative effects on the development of children. However,hardly can the use of compulsory forces such as laws take effect in preventing the occurrence of this disloyal behavior. The reason for impotency of forces on this occasion is that any attempt to prevent marital infidelity has a great possibility to unduly interfere with individual affairs and seriously violate individual freedom.Therefore, the society has no choice but to turn to individual responsibility for marital loyalty and stability of family.

Also there are many cases where only combined with the use of individual responsibility can forces exert their power to the utmost. Laws can require corporations to be responsible for their consumers and thus can partly ensure the legitimate rights of consumers, but whether consumers can enjoy the best products or services primarily depends on the social responsibility of those corporations rather than the use of laws; likewise, laws require individuals to comply with public morality and even set up some regulations to punish behaviors of violating public morality, but without individuals’ identification with these laws and thus the shape of individual responsibility, can hardly these compulsory measures work well. This is why the state of public morality is still very bad in many developing countries although they have set up numerous regulations and laws to punish violation of public morality.

Last but not the least, even under the circumstances where forces play a dominant role in regulating the behavior of people, the society must try its best to cultivate individual responsibility to substitute for the use of forces more or less, because forces are always associated with high social cost and negative effects on the society. If all corporations can follow laws and behave accountable for their consumers, all citizens can act in the interests of nation, all political figures can work for the public benefit automatically, there would be no necessity to maintain such a large-scale compulsory forces—police, army, prison, judge and so on--in the society and as a result, all the social members will greatly benefit from the reduction in social cost.

In conclusion, the above analysis is not intended to deny the role of forces in determining people’s behavior, but to point out that individual responsibility is irreplaceable to ensure the stability and development of any society. Only combined with the use of individual responsibility can the society as a whole will benefit most.

GRE issue写作优秀实例:理性和感性之价值观


Most people think that their deeply held values are the result of rational choice, but reason often has little to do with the way people form values.



Nowadays there increasingly arises much concern about whether reason plays a role in people forming values or not. As the assertion presented by speaker that most people think that their deeply held values are the result of rational choice, but reason often has little to do with the way people form values. Nevertheless, in my opinion, the deeply believed values are the result of rational choice by people as well as their ancestors.

First of all, in the face of different values, people tend to choose one by considering thoroughly and reasonably. One popular example involves people’s rational choice toward the 9.11 terrorism. When the Taliban government proposed and spread the value of terrorism by attacking the Pentagon building, the Americans as well as all other peace-lovers stood out to excoriate the terrorisms with their cold-blooded and brutal terrors. Undeniably, most people chose peace rather than terrorism by reasonable thought. Accordingly, it is via people’ rational, logical, and prudential choice that determine to accept or reject the values newly emerged.

Some may argue that most of people’ deeply held values are chiefly instilled by education, and are profoundly influenced by their own culture. This specious argument demonstrates that people’ values are primarily determined by culture rather than their own choice. Nevertheless, where did these values deprive? Why are they cherished and selected to preserve? The only answer is that all these deeply held values are the reasonable choice by not only our ancestors, but also our modern people. Just take a look into America history, one need look no further to find that without Washington’s rational choice of independence and democracy, or Lincoln’s reasonable choice of equality, or Martin Luther King’s wise choice against racial discrimination, these value as freedom, democracy, and equality would not be so deeply rooted in American’s mind. Consequently, the values that are commonly taken over world such as peace,democracy, love, cooperation and so on, are the very choice of our ancestors and are passed down from a generation to generation.

Some other people in favor of speaker’s assertion may claim that there are also many values determined by the external forces, such as laws, which are beyond people’s free choice. I concede that indeed, every country has carried out a series of various laws for its citizens to abide by in order to assure the stability of society. However, if only one remembered the failure of Prohibition during the 1930s, and more recently,failed federal legislation to regulate access to adult material via the Internet, as well as the innumerable rules and regulations under continuous amending in order to adapt the updated situations, may he or she clearly realize that it is also people’s reasonable consideration to decision which law is feasible to carry out, which law should be edited,and even which law should be abandoned. In short, once people sensibly chose such valuable values as peace, democracy apart from violence and anarchy, a series of systematic and reasonable laws are another desirable rational choice of people,including the values embodied in the laws.

In sum, from the full discussion offered above, we may draw the persuasive conclusion that people’ deeply held values are actually the result of their rational choice, no matter the values imparted by education and preserved by culture, or the values apparently determined by laws, as a matter of fact, all these values are the richness of our entire human legacy chosen, preserved and passed down by one generation to another.



