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GRE写作,全称为GRE Analytical Writing,即GRE分析性写作,不仅仅是整个GRE考试中最难的部分,也是全球现有国际性语言考试中最难的写作考试之一。作为一种输出型考试科目,语言表达能力是考查的基本点,此外,和其他写作考试不同的是,GRE写作考查的重心在于“analytical”上面,对考生的分析判断、逻辑推理等思维能力提出了较高的要求。毫不夸张的说,GRE写作考试是一场“披着英语外皮的智力测验”。为了帮助广大考生更好的进行写作备考,本文结合多年来GRE考生的经验和新航道学校教学研发成果,对写作部分的备考提出三项建议:


Issue(先考) Argument(后考) 时间    45分钟    30分钟     形式    2选一1    1V1     数字    550-600    450-500    题库数量    243    242    





在Issue部分,你将会遇到涉及法律、教育、经济、行为学、传媒、国际化、艺术、政治等11大类别的243个庞大话题,而GRE要求的并不是简单的“agree or disagree”, 而是你能对这些话题提出有深度的、有足够支持的分析和讨论,最重要的是,你必须有自己的观点和看法,并且有相应的合适例子来说明。这里的例子最好是国际性的、西方的例子,因为GRE作文的阅卷人都是美国人,而我们大部分童鞋们熟悉的都是国内的例子。这里就存在一个”knowledge gap”,如果你用慈禧的例子来说明独裁的危害、用秦桧的例子来说明民族忠诚度、用八大山人的例子来说明伟大艺术家不被当时的时代所认可,那么美国阅卷人一定会很囧,因为这些人他都不认识,而你会很杯具,因为他会觉得你的观点没有说服力。所以,为了你的Issue,请扩大阅读面,扩大知识量吧,最好能把西方社会文明各个方面的奠基著作的核心观点大概浏览一遍,这样你才能做好充分的准备,才能提出自己的观点和看法。



如果说段落内部的逻辑结构是拿分的基本点,那么段落间的逻辑结构就是拿高分的关键。绝大多数童鞋由于平时没有受过训练,或者由于考试时间紧张,通常并不注意段落之间的逻辑衔接。在GRE作文判分的要求中,有一点叫做“sustainment of discussion”,即讨论的持续性,指得就是文章各个段落之间要有明显的逻辑连接,体现的方式很简单,就是多使用过渡性单词、短语和句子。一句简单的 “As discussed above,… “ 或者 “Before I draw my conclusion, I want first ….” 可能就会让你的分数提升一个档次,因为GRE阅卷过程中的电子阅卷器(e-rater)在判分时会计算你试卷当中所有逻辑连接词的个数。



当然,GRE作文要求的语言相对难度高一些。首先你不能写很口语化的表达,因为这是学术性写作;其次你不能千篇一律的短句或者散句,而要长短结合,主次分明;最后在遇到重复概念的时候你不能用同一个词汇表达10次。当然,我也不是要你挑战自己的智力极限,全部用GRE单词去写作文,事实上如果你这样做了,效果不见得好,因为很多GRE单词美国人也不认识。你只需要在合适的地方用合适的词就可以了。整个GRE作文的语言要求在于两点:sentence variation (句式变换)和expressive diction(生动的选词)。



GRE issue写作优秀实例:下一代的教育


How children are socialized today determines the destiny of society.Unfortunately, we have not yet learned how to raise children who can help bring about a better society.



People are never born into separated environment, while society will be their destiny to face and join no matter whether they are willed to do so. After being educated in greenhouses of campus,children will one day step into this destiny inevitably, therefore making socialization an indispensable progress of their growth. However, it seems to me that socialization is a method of acclimating to the surroundings and such abilities are inborn. So it may be too extreme and pessimistic to say we have not yet learned how to raise children who can help bring about a better society, especially when the education and other related fields are keeping a high-speed development.

Socialization, defined as converting and meeting the social needs, determines a society's future by making its members work as effective parts of it. Society is a huge constitution combined by different individuals and groups, who need cooperation with each other and gain the methods for living and developing. Modern development has made such cooperation spear into every corner of our daily life: industry, service, agriculture and academic fields provide the people living in a society what they need, and supported by each other's products.

Education, as a way for us to raise children, gives them knowledge to take parts in this society and realize their personal values. When entering schools, children are living with other contemporaries for years, learning how to communicate with each other, gaining senses of cooperation,competition and understanding. After that, they graduate and face the practical issues, such as manufacturing, researching, designing and so forth. All these issues ask for cooperation during modern time, because they are all highly complicated with different products provided by different fields. An architecture design project, for instance, contains parts of architecture design, structure design, air-conditioner system, water supply system and so forth. During its designing progress,architects and other experts need communicate with each other, persuade or be persuaded to change their ideas and plans. If some one of them are not socialized and just keep on working individually, the outcomes will be not reasonable or even not feasible.

Moreover, socialization is an indispensable part of social living, even people do not take parts in producing. We are living in a connected world, facing other peoples for information, products and so forth. After graduating, children will leave their greenhouses which are supported by their parents, teachers and society. They have to work and live directly with other social members. If they are not socialized, and just continue their greenhouse life, they will find the world as a vacuum, bogging them with complex relation of people. In Japan, a group of people are called OTAKUs, who are trapped by their childhood interests, including animation, video game,internet, and the sense of security at home. Those people are a reverse example of those who are not well socialized. They have their own worlds, cut off with others, and they are afraid of communicating. As a result, certain social problems have long been reported among these OTAKUs, such as suicide, crime, psychic diseases and so forth. In this case we may know the importance of socialization.

Nevertheless, although modern society has provided us both necessity and risks of socializing, our society has kept on its progress of development, despite of some people who are dropped by it because of lacking of socialization. To illustrate this phenomenon, I think it is reasonable to believe that socialization is an inborn ability that can be developed during education and social work.

All creatures have abilities to acclimate to the environment, and because of such abilities they have evolved during the past myriad years to today. As the most intelligent and developed creature,human beings are tend to be even more capable when facing a new environment. So when they are in societies, they will learn how to live and success by their practice, not saying about the developed education system, which can help them gain more knowledge and experience before the social life. Considering a foreign student who seeks for further education in a new country, he may have difficulties in language, social relation and cultural background when facing the new life. But we know that there are myriad foreign students who graduate successfully from their schools, after overcoming these problems. Such successes are due to their efforts in learning and working,bringing them new abilities to meet the new environment's need.

Additionally, modern education has developed in a way for students gaining more chances to cooperate and get in touch with the society, making them more socialized. For instance, my university has provided its students chances of working with their teachers and for the social agencies, including enterprises, governments and so forth. During these works, students will know their abilities and disadvantages when they one day come into the society totally, and amass the knowledge and senses to cover such disadvantages.

To sum up, socialization is a determining issue for children who are changing our world in future.Despite of certain problems caused by current society, children are steady under the society's care.As long as we keep an open mind to the necessity of socialization, and as long as we learn the proper way to raise children, our offspring will come a long way toward bringing about a better society.

GRE issue写作优秀实例:客观与主观


Facts are stubborn things. They cannot be altered by our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions.



This statement above put a puzzling question in front of us: Could facts be changed by observers? Some people might sincerely believe that facts are stubborn things, which would not altered by our wishes, inclinations, passions, while other people hold their opinion seriously that human are omnipotent and could change the world as a whole in the direction of their wills. In my opinion, though human beings could recognize, even alter sometimes, facts to some extent, they would not achieve with deviating from the natures of facts.

In the first place, any facts could not maintain in their former situation without any alteration; in another word, facts change at any time without the limitation of observers. Throughout the whole history of human, whether one is willing or not, he or she would come through different stages in his or her life, from birth to neonate to teenager, to adult, to the age, then to death. Though during thousands of years countless people engaged in looking for medicine against death, none had ever succeeded. Therefore, we would not go very far to see that facts develop according to its own nature without interruption, unless science and technology have been advanced enough to turn one elder to a young man, or somewhat taking the river back to its origin. These possibilites would still have to obey the nature of the facts, or vice versa.

In the second place, the observers could recognize the same matter from different aspects of these facts and draw their diverse conclusions. There is a very interesting experiment which would aptly illustrate this point. Image a ball suspended by a string from the ceiling in a house. Two persons would look at this ball from the opposite directions and one person see a red ball with the other green. When they exchange their place, they would see what the other has picked up earlier. From this experiment,we could easily conclude that the recognition of the same item would differ according to the diverse standpoints of observers.

However, facts would be changed by the willingness of human sometimes. Throughout the whole history of human race, enormous amounts of achievements, from the huge pyramids to the Great Wall, from intricate internet to the space station, have illuminated this issue to some degree. We must concede that those unbelievable huge architectures manifest some kind of regulations mastered by human being and human can utilize those underlying principles to meet their demands once having discovered them.

At the same time, even though facts sometimes can be altered according to the will of human under delicate planning, they often obey the nature of themselves. In this point,the human being has to accept the disasters at the expense of their civilization once they ignore or overlook the nature of the things. In this time of high degree of urbanization and globalization, countless amount of catastrophes, from air pollution, to the global warming, nuclear leakage, desertification, and so on, all substantiate the importance of recognition on the nature of things. All in all, facts should be altered according to the regulation of themselves.

To conclude, I would claim that facts would develop in the pace of themselves, and human could recognize them in different aspects, and though human have a chance to change the environment in their wills, they must abide by the nature of those things without disobeying.



