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17"There are two types of laws: just and unjust. Every individual in a society has a responsibility to obey just laws and, even mo re importantly, to disobey and resist unjust laws."



criminal law can deal with murder, theft, adultery , or the like; economical law provides a rule for economic activity and settles the dispute between both sides of the trade; tax law makes sure that tax is handed in according to the tax standard.


Hitler made a series of laws which could be treated as unjust laws. Under the control of Hitler and his laws, mass of the Jews were killed optionally as he liked, and no justice any more then. Still, warm hearted people in German would like to disobey the laws and hide the Jews in their house. More and more people including several judges began to resist the laws in spite of the miserable results followed.If it were not for the resisting of people to th e laws and Hitler, no succ ess would be reached.

3、但是现代社会中也有一些法律很难区分公正与否,立法者需要控制好平衡,交通事故 如果大家都被动地遵守,势必要牺牲一部分人的利益;如果每个人都根据自己的利益决定是否要遵守,会导致社会混乱;所要立法者主持公道


[BEGIN:] The argument that people in a society sh ould obey just law and disobey unjust law seems relatively sound, while after considering the intricate definition of law, the statement above is oversimplify the influence of the law upon the human world.

1、 首先,把法律归类为正义和非正义太过于简单 (First of all, the items just and unjust are too simple to be used to categorize the kinds of laws because so me laws may not be defined as either just or unjust.) 克隆、原子弹

2、 法律并不像人们想象的那样是一成不变的 (The laws should not keep constant, as many people think, on the contrary, they should be challenged and mended in the progress of social development.)

3、 首先,正义的概念是随着传统和其他条件而变的 (In the first place, the item "just" is going to vary greatly according to different traditions, costume and other conditions.)价值观:堕胎 abortion

4、 同样的非正义也是随着因素而改变的 (While, it is precisely the same when it comes to the unjust law.)时间:违抗政府的命令;电脑犯罪(computer crime)

5、 同样的过分强调人们遵守正义和抵制非正义的东西,也会造成一些问题 (Unduly emphasizing people to resist the unjust laws also spe ll certain risks. In the first place, unjust laws are not constant concept but may ) 首先,阻碍社会民主进程(For one thing, compelling all the people unconditional accept and obey the just laws may in some se nse impede the process of the democracy in the nation.) 其次,忽略了传统价值观念在社会中的作用( In addition, it may also undermine the fundamental influence of the traditional value sy stems upon the human society. As is so often pointed out that the regulations and laws is just a manifestation of the value and standard of the human civilizations. In this respect, inculcating people with the traditional value systems are far more important than compel them within the bound of the law.)

[END:] In summary, as one of the crucial elements of modern society, the laws have to be served as the guidance for almost all the citizens to live and work in a right way and also provide them with a stabilized climate.



1 法律,which 用来维持社会的秩序和规范人们行为,没有绝对的公平。第一,很多法律不存在是否公平,仅仅用来定义,以方便其他条款的叙述。比如什么是成年人,什么是儿童,什么是死亡等等;另一方面,公正是一个主观词语,不同的价值观看到的是不同的法律。比如死刑在某些国家来看是不可容忍的,因为任何人无权剥夺其他人生命;而在另一些国家来说,他们的价值观认为杀人必须进行偿命。所以说,法律的公正与否与价值观有很大关系。

2 法律的公正也与当事人的利益有关。几乎没有一个法律的判决或者惩罚是另 plaintiff 和defendant完全满意的,那么不满意的一方必然会觉得法律不公正。比如,在交通事故中,法院根据法律条款要求被告赔偿原告 1000dollars ,被告觉得太多不能接受,那么他自然会觉得法律不公平。这种不公平是无法消除的,它在不同人的 mind里不同。如果这种情况下,被告因为所谓的不公平而拒绝进行给钱,那么等待他的是更严厉的判罚,法律是不允许违背的。所以说,对于不公正的法律不能够用抵抗的方法进行抗议。

3 在民主国家里,对于你认为不公平的法律,不管是不是真的不公平,你可以采用合法合理的手段来进行抗议。比如要求重新审理,或者引起媒体和学者们的注意,从而引起社会的广泛关注。当政府收到广泛的压力后自然就会重新研究该项条款,进行修改。这样的反抗既没有违法,有可以达到很好的效果

17 有两种法律:公平的和不公平的。社会中的每个人都应该遵守公平的法律,更重要的是,不遵守或者违抗不公平的法律。

1-法律的正义不正义没有绝对的定义 is rarely a straight forward issue


法律的一项功能:keep everything in order



未满二十二岁不能结婚 法定年龄 legal age: The age at which a person may by law assume the rights and responsibilities of an adult.


法律的功能:to govern a society , control the behavior of its members

比如:该不该判死刑 death penalty

口香糖 chewing gum

安乐死 euthanasia

2 )在不同利益者中不同

法律的一项功能是和平解决纠纷 resolve disputes peacefully

This is especially true when it comes to personal affairs.

Even in a well-ordered society, people have disagreements and conflicts arise. The law must provide a way to resolve these disputes peacefully. If two people claim to ow n the same piece of property, we do not want the matter settled by a duel: we turn to the law and to institutions like the courts to decide who is the real owner and to make sure that the real owner’s rights are respected.

有争议就有利益纠纷,而争议永远存在。有审判就有满意不满意,just unjust 在两方定义不同。

2-法律不遵守,disobedience 会带来危害 poses certain risks , jeopardize to


Driving would be dangerous and chaotic.


Laws resemble morality because they are designed to control or alter our behavior. But unlike rules of morality, laws are enforced by the courts; if you break a law—whether you like that law or not—you may be forced to pay a fine, pay damages, or go to prison.

.民主社会中,法律的作用是。但是法律有时候可以被认为是 just 和unjust的。

对于不同的利益群体来说,比如污染环境的工厂,环境保护法要求进行污染治理,增加的成本造成工资下降和失业,工人利益因为法律而收到损害,认为法律 unjust,而周围的居民则认为法律是 just

对不同文化背景和宗教背景的人来说。比如刚移民到美国的亚洲人,也许在教育孩子时侯有点暴力是可以的,但是当地人肯定认为这是家庭暴力。被法律惩罚的亚洲父母认为法律是 unjust

但是法律不仅仅规定了行为,还给了合法的途径去改变,废除法律。如果 disobey 和resist ,只能降低法律权威和造成非理智的冲突,危害社会稳定,举刚才工厂的例子,村民与工人的冲突。


"There are two types of laws: just and unjust. Every individual in a society has a responsibility to obey just laws and, even more importantly, to disobey and resist unjust laws."









一、Can we?不行。不同意,for reasons having to do with subjective definition of justice, the ideal form of laws, and the principle of legislation.

二、公正是不好说的Fairness, a subjective judgm ent, can never be the standard of a law because everyone has a distinctive measure.

1.每个人都有 value system ,priorities. 杀人犯, abortion

2.不可能 gratify每个人, emotional, radical, chaos


1.如果满足每个人,将不再满足抽象性。满足每个人 unilateral 意味着ruin the integrity 和practicality

2. 个人 judgment 不能带代表全部,尽管他 cries for justice

四、涉及到法律的原则性问题 bills are voted by the majority and after their pass, everyone is equal, which is the base of any democratic society.


2.Resist 意味着赋予某人 privilege,破坏法律的平等性

3. erudite 的Socrates

17T "There are two types of laws: just and unjust. Every individual in a society has a responsibility to obey just laws and, even more importantly, to disobey and resist unjust laws."



②对于公平和不公平的定义在变化。如:是否应有死刑(execution) , euthanasia

③对第二个assertion: 确实要遵守公平的 Undoubtedly, every citizen should obey just laws, which preconditions a stable and orderly society.

④对不公平的要看情况, 可以反抗,同时也促进法律进步。Yet it is more important for individuals to resist unjust laws, for doing so will help improve the legal system of a nation.不合作主义 civil disobedience Laws and regulations are set up along with the entr enchment of a government serving as a means to control the country.

Since laws are built up under the power of government, which represents the public interest whereas run by a few individuals, it is qu ite possible that laws are constituted in the name of representing the majority while on the contrary in a few individuals favor.

Facing unjust laws, every individual has the very responsibility to re sist them.

No matter that whether every individual could reach an agreement on unjust or not, one point is important that we should put forward our opinions toward unjust laws.


18"Only by being forced to defend an idea against the doubts and contrasting views of others does one really discover the value of that idea."


1、在为观点辩护的时候要从对方立场上来分析观点的薄弱之处,如果不能 withstand critical arguments, 说明价值少;如果能够,说明有价值

technology bring challenge to modern life


people can learn from past history


whether a teaching method is effective

18T "Only by being forced to defend an idea against the doubts and contrasting views of others does one really discover the value of that idea."




③不是the only way 还可以通过实践经验来检验等

Think of those ideas which we have long been used to, maybe since we are young.

When the idea held is challenged, however, we are motivated to defend it against doubts and disagreements.

Anyway, one should never be a bigot, who sticks to his own point of view and never budge even if lethal errors are rooted in.




社会成功首先体现在个体的 well-being,个体利益得到满足后(research; invention; business) 才有动力促进社会利益

2 、如果只注重社会整体的成功,而忽略社会成员的幸福,整体的成功也不会久远。比如,一个国家倾尽所有财力(impose high taxes)去研究外太空,而不去发展经济,导致人民生活困苦,即使研究很成功也不能说这个国家是繁荣的,相反还有可能造成社会的不稳定。


business; economy 个人成功后有 drive and resources for social sucess

19T "If a society is to thrive, it must put its own overall success before the well-being of its individual





③长远来看,必须把个体利益放在社会利益之上。A 社会的发展是由一个个的个体所做出的。有责任使他们生活幸

福。否则,会引起暴乱 B 存在risk ,政府以社会的整体利益为借口来满足个人利益。

The achievement of social entire success owns much to ceaseless an d assiduous hard work of every citizen.

If a country overemphasizes the priority of its overall success in the process of thriving, it risks to obtaining the achievement at the expense of individual’s interest.

However, not every individual’s interest accords with th at of society.

Tim: A society is a community comprised by the members. It exists because its members exist. In my opinion, its overall success entirely depends on the welfare of its individual citizens. Such welfare should be prioritized.

Prior to our analysis, we need to agree upon the definition of "overall success". Hypothetically, if we eliminate the elderly, the weak, the mentally and physically handicapped, and the unfit, then clearly our society consists of only healthy and intelligent members. It will likely become productive, and thus make considerable advancement.

Does this considerable advancement mean overall success? If it does, then we should indeed adopt a policy of master race, such as the one advocated by Nazis. We should place our emphasis on the society's success ahead of the welfare of individual members.

My definition of overall succe ss, however, is different. Rather, happiness of its members is the main criterion. If members are stressful throughout their life, this society is not deemed successful even if it enables its members to land on Mars.

Again, hypothetically, let us say that our world population is reduced from 6.2 billion to 100 million. All the unfit have been annihilated. These 100 million people are good looking, tall, smart, young, and healthy. Their earth is filled with bountiful food and is equipped with advanced technology. Now, let us examine the likelihood that they will be happy.

First, this master race still cannot defy agin g and death. The members will age and die. But according to their own regulations, people at the age of, say, 50 must be phased out. So, what do you think that those reaching ages of 35, 40, or 45 will feel?

Second, other than aging, the members do not dare to show any sign of weakness. If they are sick, they'd better pretend to be well. If they do not understand something, they will pretend that they are bright. If they are unable to accomplish some tasks, they will appear to be competent. So they constantly live in pretense and anxiety.

Finally, how will these cut-off limits of unfitness be defined? It is law of nature that nobody on earth is perfect. Nobody can possibly possess every nice attribute in him. If he is bright, but physically weak, will he be eliminated? The society will become chaotic, as there will be constant debates over the definition of unfitness.

In summary, based on three reason s stated above, members of this society will not likely live happy lives. If they will not, the society, deemed by me, is not successful. If I am allowed to uphold my own definition, then clearly we should accept every member, weak and strong alike, as he is, and prioritize his well being. The society does not necessarily have to make progress.


20"National governments should devote more of their social programs and services to children than to adults."

20 部分同意




孩子和成人都很重要,但不可能付出大量精力,所以要平衡;assign priority according to the importance of the program; 失业服务项目优先于儿童after-class activity program; 儿童健康项目优先于garbage recycling programs

【Position 】: 尽管儿童的成长关系国家发展可持续性,但成人才是社会的中流砥柱,因此国家应该优先为成年人提供服务。





20T "National governments should devote more of their social programs and services to children than to adults."


①成人是社会财富的创造者,是社会的中坚力量。Adults, who make up the major work force of our society, are where the fortune and power of the nation lying, thus the premise of the social stability. 如:从古代的埃及金字塔、长城到现代的农民、工人或是白领阶层。从公平原理上来说,应该回报给他们一定的 programs and services.

②另一方面,许多社会问题的存在都是由于成人所引起的。如:老龄化,失业。要解决这些问题,就要给予成年人足够的关注。反面说:如果没满足,会引起人们对于政府、社会的不满。Faraway from the superficial impression that national government has set enough social programs and services to help adults, the fact is that, such help still can not meet the request and even worse is that some of them are not adequately conducted to bear the assumed outcomes.

③小孩应该给予足够的关注,A 因为是社会的未来。B 许多现在社会问题的解决要依靠今天对他们的教育。As we have to keep sufficient notice on adults’ affairs, we shall absolutely never fail to provide children a safe, clean and nice environment for them to grow happily and robustly.




