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自改革以来,很多考生感到茫然,特别是新gre写作的issue部分,很多issue的原论点都经过特殊设计,由于新GRE写作是我们的薄弱环节,面对新GRE写作题目我们写不好的根本原因是审题不对以及论证素材和论据素材太少,以至我们向外输出内容过于空洞乏味,下面是小编搜集的如何备考新gre issue写作的三点建议介绍:


我们有时觉得有些题目太抽象,无从下手的感觉,这个时候我们千万不能以抽象对抽象,而应该抓住某个关键词展开从而具体化,这样我们的论证才有力,有说服力。比如有道关于人们是追求knowledge 还是追求certainty这个问题,我们可以具体化的,分领域分学科展开,就可以有话可说了,领域学科不必面面俱到,只需要选几个典型的自己认为自己能够说得清的领域就好。





新GRE写作issue一定要较为详细的写Issue提纲,否则,在考场如果遇到没有思考过的题目,很容易乱了阵脚,临场去想,导致失败。此外,新GRE issue写作题目必须考前按题材分类去写提纲,知道对立面和大致写作思路,往往论据在同类的很多题目中通用。希望以上三点建议对大家备考新GRE考试有所帮助。

GRE issue写作优秀实例:全球化大学问题


"All nations should help support the development of a global university designed to engage students in the process of solving the world's most persistent social problems."



A global university, considered as absorbing foreign students and faculty, cooperating with foreign universities and facing a highly globalized view, is recently being accepted and desired by more and more countries, since it can concentrate the world's most talent intellectuals, so as to gain different perspectives and successful experiences. On the other hand, nowadays world is facing diversified social problems,including poverty, economical reform, terrorism, multi-media globalization,environmental problems and so forth, many of which are interacted between elements separated in different nations, therefore asking for a global sight to analyze and solve.In these senses, I think it will serve many nations' interests to develop a global university to engage students in the process of solving the world's most persistent social problems.

Universities are born to provide nation elite in evey field of it. From ancient Greek forums to nowadays world-top universities, these campuses have never lacked of young students who are eager for knowledge and ideals, as well as experienced and erudite teachers. In both teaching and researching aspects, modern universities are playing an important role propelling the world's development. Consider these facts:the first computer which had then changed the world was made in University of Pennsylvania; a myriad scientists who won Nobel Prize came from Princeton University; many of current leaders of China graduated from the nation's most famous university, Tsinghua University; the architecture department of Delft University,which locates in Amsterdam, has provided not only the Netherlands but also the whole world a number of van ward and creative architecture masters. It is these universities' feat that has solved many social problems, changed the world dramatically and supported it by their graduates or undergraduates.

Realizing the important function of universities, establishing a global one seems more effective in solving the world's most difficult social problems, which ask for a myriad efforts and most intelligent talent, in the following three points.

Firstly, a global university which gains students from different nations, different cultural backgrounds and different education systems can therefore contain diversified views, methods and perspectives when dealing with a social problem. Students in different countries are taught in their unique basic education systems, and they are influenced by the society and their traditional culture separately. New views can be brought to a global universitiy by those who have never been to its nation, making its thoughts more creative. For instance, as an American university student, IM. Pei, who was born in China and entered the countries far away from his motherland, won his first competition, the Monument of Vienam War. This monument was considered as a very important issue to show Americans' views to that cruel and tragedy war. IM. Pei used a different way to create a knife like shape into the site and made the monument full of symbols. After his graduation, IM Pei has then managed many global projects.Undoubtedly, a multi educating background gave him the ability to face architecture in different nations. As the students receive such diversified creative methods, the society will benefit a lot from a global university, which seems to be bidirectional.

Secondly, a global university itself can be a solvent for many social problems, such as racism, war and national abhorrence. Students in universities will likely become the nations' leaders after their graduation, since they are most educated and intellectual. In a global university, elite from different countries, with different skin colors will get together. They get in touch with each other, understand others' thoughts, religions and learn about tolerance, communication and so forth. Because of such communications with foreigners, global students will come out of campuses of global universities, bringing a global world for peace, tolerance and understand.

Thirdly, from developing a global university, a country's education system can absorb successful experience from other countries during its reforming progress. Universities in different countries have different researching, teaching and managing methods.Some are reasonable, while others are not. By learning from international students and teachers, an university can understand the world's most advanced teaching methods,managing structure and so forth. China has understood this, therefore making its Peking and TsinghuaUniversity more globalized, by inviting professors from other nations, encouraging international enrollment and learning from American top universities. Professors and students from Princeton, MIT, UPEN, Delft, Oxford and many other world top universities join in their projects and forums, therefore providing these universities vitalized development. Such projects and forums are many focused on environmental problems, poverty, urban renovation and other social problems, having solved many persistent ones.

To sum up, a global university can be effective when dealing with the world's most persistent social problems, considering about its mentioned advantages. Although languages, resources and policies may play as obstacles during a global university’s establishment, I believe all nations need a global university or even more for its further development, because the world's social problems need the whole world to face, especially for those who have made themselves branch into this uniformed system.

GRE issue写作优秀实例:过度专业化问题


"Academic disciplines have become so specialized in recent years that scholars' ideas reach only a narrow audience. Until scholars can reach a wider audience, their ideas will have little use."



Although academic disciplines have become so specialized in recent years, scholars' ideas can still reach a wide audience by the advantage of the knowledge structure. We can simply put that it is the human beings' knowledge structure that makes it possible for a scholar's ideas in his specialized discipline to reach a much wider audiences who don't necessarily belong to his own discipline.

The reason why I draw this conclusion will be illustrated by recalling the process of social evolution.

During the passed centuries, the social economy has been greatly boosted by the revolutions in science and technology, which in turn increases the width and depth of academic disciplines to solve unencountered and more complex problems arising in the new situations. To solve new problems, we probably need new methods. That will undoubtedly calls for invention of new ideas, which will certainly adds to human beings' knowledge. Thus with the progress of science and technology, more and more knowledge will be added to the old system. A new problem will come: how the newly obtained knowledge is organized. This problem will be clear when we make classification of the new knowledge according to the old knowledge system. If there is content of the newly-get that doesn't properly belong to any sort of the old system, it means a new discipline will emerge. But could we just assert that the newly formed discipline doesn't possess any relationship with any of the old ones? Certainly not. This is because the new knowledge is obtained through the old methods, which obviously means the new knowledge do have some connections with some old disciplines, otherwise I am quite sure we could not find it!

From the above, we can easily reach the conclusion that every academic discipline has certain relationships with some other ones. The structure of human's knowledge is just like the complexity of a net! And also it is a natural trend that academic disciplines become more and more specialized.

With the depositing and specializing process of knowledge, it causes humans to accommodate themselves to this situation. Because the God gives every person a limited time and energy, it is necessary for a person, who wants to make progress in his discipline, to adjust his knowledge structure to adapt to his research domain, that is to say, to be more devoted to his own research area. On the other hand, if he cares too much for unrelated or less related area, he will probably not be able to bring innovation to his main academic discipline. Simply put, we almost cannot find a man who constructs the Theory of Relativity and in the mean time composes symphony like Mozart's! So we can say every scholar must be more devoted to his own discipline than to others, but a wider knowledge of other disciplines sometimes involuntarily invokes sparks of new ideas.

The structure of human knowledge is just like the complexity of a net, which means various disciplines have interconnections and a progress in one will undoubtedly bring changes to some others, which is because scholars belonging to related areas will probably get useful implication from progress happened in this one. And with this similar process going further, innovations may occur in several other disciplines, which will even bring forth new disciplines. It is obvious that scholars' ideas can reach a wide audience by the advantage of the knowledge structure without necessarily reaching wider audiences directly.




