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a)让步分句(如:带although的分句、带it is true的分句、带do的分句等)一律跳过,只看后半个分句。

b)such as后的内容一律跳过,不过要数数列举的个数。

c)for example举例只要提炼关键词的首字母就可以了,重点看后面或前面的结论。

d)原因。标志词常为because、since等,一律跳过,只看结果。比较容易被忽略的是result in 和 result from,遇到这两个,可以在下面划横线做标记。






金牌GRE阅读材料 私人医保冉冉升起

Hints of how to provide better health care for less money


CHENMED doesn't look like much. Its clinic north of Miami has a modest waiting area and circle of examination rooms. But every action is engineered and tracked. Jennifer Thomas, a senior executive, pores over data. Whiteboards on her walls are covered with diagrams, a vestige from her days at McKinsey, a consultancy. “We've kind of figured it out,” she says.


“It” is how to care for the most expensive patients in the world's most expensive health system. Chen Med is devoted to poor elderly people who may have half a dozen chronic conditions. It profits when they are kept well and their health-care costs are kept low. Clinics like Chen Med are the exception, not the rule. But the company is one of many that provide a hint of how American health care might work better.

“这件事”是指如何在世界上最昂贵的医疗系统下照顾诊费最高的病人。Chen Med致力于照看那些全身都是慢性疾病的贫困老年人。有把人照顾得好且所用医疗费用低时公司才能获利。像Chen Med这样的诊所是一个特殊的例子,不是普遍地规律。然而这家公司和其他众多的公司一样,可以为美国医疗体制更好地运行提供一些建议。

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Chen Med is led by Christopher Chen, a doctor and the son of the company's founder, a Taiwanese immigrant. Other members of the Chen family hold senior positions, but they have been joined by high-flying executives and management consultants, lured by Chen Med's model and the promise of profits as the company grows.

Chen Med是由台湾移民克里斯托弗·陈领导的。他是公司创始人的儿子,同时也是一名医生。陈家族的其他职员都持有高级职位,ChenMed向他们展示了公司未来的发展模型,并保证随着公司的发展,利润会不断增加。他们被此吸引,加入了该公司,成为了雄心勃勃的公司高管和管理顾问。

The idea is simple. Medicare, the public health programe for the elderly, has a growing share of patients who use government money to buy private insurance. ChenMed contracts with those insurers, most of which pay a capped rate for each patient, and then plies patients with primary care to keep them out of hospital. Chen Med has vans to take patients to and from its clinics—lack of transport often keeps elderly patients from seeing their doctors. Once at the clinic, patients wave a card at the front desk and are automatically checked in. Staff perform a tightly choreographed routine, with data fed back to Ms Thomas and others to find further improvements.

这个想法很简单。由于针对老年人的医疗保险和公共卫生计划的不断发展,越来越多的患者拿政府的钱来购买私人保险。Chen Med和那些保险公司签订合同,其中大部分为每位患者支付一个最高金额,然后为患者配备初级的护理,让他们出院。Chen Med还有专用的货车带患者往返于患者的住处和诊所,因为缺乏交通工具是阻碍老年患者就医的一个常见问题。到了诊所,患者在前台刷卡就能自动登记。员工遵循一个严格设计过的步骤,然后把数据反馈给托马斯女士和其他人,以便寻求进一步改善。

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Examination rooms circle a central hub so that doctors can confer easily with assistants and specialists. A mobile app lets doctors see patients' medical records and refer to clinical protocols. The clinic has a pharmacy, so doctors give patients pills directly and answer any questions; failing to take medicine often sends patients to hospital. Most administration is centralised elsewhere, so staff at the clinic devote their attention to treatment.


This seems to work. Medicare patients at Chen Med spent nearly 40% fewer days in hospital than the national average. Thanks to a venture with Humana, a big insurer, it has expanded to three dozen clinics. Dr Chen is bullish. “We don't see why we can't grow by 300% to 400% over the next five years,” he says.

这样做似乎很有效果。在Chen Med就医的医疗保险患者相比全国水平而言,在医院少呆了40%的时间。由于一个大保险公司胡玛纳的加入,Chen Med名下已经有两36家诊所,陈博士很乐观,他说“我们不明白我们为什么不能在未来的五年内增长300%到400%。”

【金牌GRE阅读】啤酒企业的合并 弥漫着泡沫的战争

SAB Miller may be swallowed up by its main rival, ABInBev


THE world's biggest brewer, AB InBev, is also the most frugal. There are no company cars forsenior executives. Carlos Brito, the boss, flies economy class. That is one reason why, with 18of global beer sales, ABI has a third of the profits.

英博,全球最大的啤酒制造商,同时也是最节俭的一个。英博旗下的高管都没有公司配车。老板Carlos Brito平时出行都乘坐经济舱。之所以英博的啤酒销售额占全球的18,利润额却高达全球的三分之一,这就是原因之一。

This will matter in the wary manoeuvres now taking place among the giants of global brewing.On September 14th Heineken, the number three by volume, said it had rejected a takeoverproposal from SABMiller, the number two. SAB seems to have been trying to defend itself against a possible takeover by ABI, which was said to be talking to bankers about raising 75 billion to buy its rival. That was little more than a rumour, but industry-watchers suspect something big is indeed brewing, in brewing. And the chances are that ever-thirsty ABI, makerof Budweiser and Stella Artois, will swallow SAB.


The beer behemoth has few other ways to grow. In rich countries, consumption of beer hasstopped rising. In America, ABI's Anheuser-Busch division is suffering growing competitionfrom small makers of “craft beer”. The number of American breweries has jumped from fewerthan 100 in 1983 to more than 3,000 today. ABI has its roots in Brazil, but there drinkers aresuffering from a sluggish economy and post-World Cup blues. This leaves ABI with twooptions, says Andrew Holland, an analyst at Societe Generale: give its cash back to shareholders or buy something.

啤酒业巨头已无其他发展之路。在富裕国家,啤酒的消费量已止步不前。在美国,英博的Anheuser-Busch部门正面临着来着生产“精酿啤酒”的小型制造商日益激烈的竞争。美国啤酒厂的数量已从1983年的不到100家跳跃式增长到如今的3000多家。英博起源于巴西,但那里的啤酒消费者正遭受着经济疲软与世界杯后的萧条。Societe Generale的分析师Andrew Holland说:这使得英博有两个选择,要么把现金还给股东,要么买些什么。

SAB is a tempting target. Though based in London, its origins are in South Africa; it has breweries and bottling plants in 15 African countries, where people still mainly guzzle moonshine. It has stakes in 21 others through an alliance with Castel, a French drinks company.Nearly 70 of SAB's sales are in emerging markets, many of which are still developing a taste forbeer. Last year its sales by volume expanded by 3. ABI's, in contrast, dropped 2.


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If ABI gets hold of SAB it will no doubt try to repeat tricks that have worked well since AmBevof Brazil merged with Interbrew of Belgium a decade ago and then pushed out its American boss: squeeze costs and use the new acquisition as a platform to spread its brands. That was the formula after the merged group bought An heuser-Busch, the maker of Budweiser, in 2008. Grupo Modelo, a Mexican brewer which makes Corona and has been part of ABI since last year, is now undergoing the same rigours.

十年前,巴西AmBev啤酒集团并购了比利时Interbrew啤酒集团,而后解聘了其美国老板:压缩成本,并使用新收购的公司作为其传播品牌的平台。如果英博吞并了南非米勒,其无疑会试着故伎重演。自从合并后的集团收购了百威的制造商安海斯- 布希公司之后,这就成了定式。Corona的制造商—墨西哥啤酒集团Modelo去年也成为了英博的一部分,其如今正处于相同的窘境之中。

SAB would be a more difficult undertaking. For one thing, notes Mr Holland, it is more tightly managed than “fat and lazy” An heuser-Busch was, so there is less scope for cutting costs.SAB is bigger and more complex than anything else ABI has taken on. A knack for cost-cutting may not serve it as well in fast-growing markets. Another problem is that in some countries thetwo giants' combined businesses would be too big. In America Anheuser-Busch and SAB's joint venture with Molson Coors, another rival, would together have three-quarters of the beer market. InChinathe two would have more than a third. These are not insurmountable problems.InAmerica, for example, the stake in the joint venture could be sold to Molson Coors.

南非米勒将会是一个更加困难的任务。Holland先生指出,首先,比起过去臃肿懒惰的安海斯- 布希公司,南非米勒管理更为严格,因此压低收购价格的范围更小。比起英博收购的其他公司,南非米勒要更大更复杂。压低收购价格的技巧对于快速增长型市场也许并不适用。另一个问题在于在有些国家,这两家巨头合并后的企业将过于庞大。在美国,安海斯- 布希公司以及南非米勒与 另一个竞争对手—莫尔森库尔斯的合资企业共同占据着3/4的啤酒市场。在中国,这两者的市场占有率超过1/3。但这些并不是无法克服的难题。例如在美国,南非米勒所持有的合资公司的股份可能会被出售给莫尔森库尔斯公司。

Despite the obstacles, a merger of the leading two beer companies looks the likeliest of the potential huge deals. Heineken, which is controlled by the Heineken family even though itowns just 23 of the company's equity, has now given notice that it does not want to bebought. Carlsberg, the smallest of the big four, is controlled by a foundation. So theparsimonious Mr Brito may well get his hands on SAB if he wants it enough. Teaching Africans to like Budweiser, however, may prove somewhat harder.



