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像美国人一样说英语:[6] Susan stays home and bakes cookies

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lesson 06 susan stays home and bakes cookies

susan decides to cheer up her husband. bob loves her homemade cookies. nicole suggests she start a cookie business.

susan: bob, i baked cookies for you.

bob: that was so nice of you, dear. you've got a heart of gold!

susan: go ahead and pig out!

bob: these are delicious!

susan: i thought they might cheer you up. you've been in a bad mood lately.

bob: i guess i have been a little on edge. but these cookies are just what the doctor ordered!

nicole: do i smell cookies?

susan: yes, nicole. help yourself.

nicole: yum-yum.* these are out of this world. you could go into business selling these!

bob: you could call them susan's scrumptious cookies. you'd make a bundle.

susan: good thinking!

nicole: don't forget to give me credit for the idea after you're rich and famous!

susan: you know i always give credit where credit is due!

* yum-yum: this is said when something is delicious. you can also say "mmm, mmm" or "mmm-mmm, good."


