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1. 关于发音


其次是语调,我从大学时期开始一直看美剧,但并没有像一些答主反复地去听和练习,只是单纯地很享受地去看。遇到很好的句子,很搞笑的桥段才会加以模仿。这种模仿其实是很有趣,很有帮助也很有必要的。它可以训练你正常使用英文交流的能力,因为在模仿的过程中,你既练习了每个词的发音,也揣测了在说这句话的情感,有了情感,就有轻重缓急和停顿强调,才不至于听起来像一个机器人一样。我接触到很多学生,他们太强调每个词的发音准确,而往往忽略了语调的起伏和气息的分布,导致每一个词的时间都是一样长的。大家可以想象一下,如果我们说汉语的时候,每个词持续的时长都一样,那听上去是多么地死板和了无生趣。在雅思考试里,考官就坐在你对面,你的回答如果生动而具有感染力,这无疑会增加回答的趣味和说服力,听起来真诚而又令人信服。在各种机构模板到处飞的今天,如果你做到了真诚,那无疑就向7分迈出了坚实的一步。其实要做到有感情也非常的简单,适度地使用程度副词(尽量避免通篇very),在程度副词上有一定气息的延长,听起来就非常地convincing,比如I re~~~~~~~~~ally hate politics. It's extre~~~~mely boring and a~~~bsolutely useless. 我考试的时候并没有用到什么很大的词汇,都是很生活化的,考官听到后会觉得这是你真实想法的流露,即使用词很简单,也不会影响分数,因为这就是生活啊。


a. 元音[æ]

很多单词都含有这个元音,比如man, and, hand, plant, can等等。由于跟拼音很相似,很多同学会运用汉语的思维,发成‘慢’,'按的'(尤其是这个), ‘汉的’, ‘普朗特’, '砍'(简直灾难。。。)。但其实这个音发音的要领在于嘴角要向两边咧开,嘴唇张开大概两个指头的宽度。大家可以练习这个绕口令。A can can can a can.

b. 元音[e]

pen, Ben, ten, Wendy, when常听见有人发成'喷', '笨', '疼', '温蒂', ‘问’。这也是把中文的发音套到了英文上,这个音同样需要嘴角向两侧咧开,张开大约一个指头的宽度。

c. 元音[ai]

这个音的错误主要在开口度不够大,尤其是跟辅音组合在一起之后,比如inspire, behind, shine等等。注意开口度到位就好。

d. 辅音[θ]和[s]


e. 辅音[v]和[w]


f. 辅音[p], [t], [k], [tr]在s后面的浊化

sport, special, store, star, school, skirt, strike, strand等等,在s后面不再念成[p], [t], [k]而是[b], [d], [g], [dr]。还有一些在x[ks]后面也会浊化,比如extraordinary。注意一下浊化发生的必要条件还有重读,这也就解释了为什么basket仍然读成[k]而不是[g],因为重音在[b]上面,而不是在[sk]上面。

g. 双元音

这个个人认为是见真章的时候了,尤其是在down, sound这种还跟鼻音配合起来的发音组合。一般学生在发的时候会发成'荡', '桑的',但你去听听native speaker的发音,他们往往发得非常饱满和夸张。我自己没有很系统地研究过,只是简单对比了一下中文双元音和英文双元音地感觉,中文的感觉是两者结合发成了一个纯粹的音,英文更强调两个元音的过渡,所以英文的双元音发出来感觉音长更长,变化更丰富,而中文更加干脆。这个恐怕需要大家细细揣摩和对比,通过长时间的模仿和训练来感知两者的差别。

2. 关于口语句型和词汇的丰富度



进考场的时候,我很主动地跟考官套近乎,问他How are you?结果他没理我,我又问了一遍,他才说I am fine,当时有种马屁拍在马腿上的感觉……下面说说考试。

雅思口语Part 1

a. Can you tell me your name?

My name is .... My English name is Joy, which means happiness.


b. What's your job? Do you work, or are you a student?

I am an English teacher. I re~~~ally enjoy teaching. I think I was born to be a teacher.

c. Is there any teacher you like?

Yes. I admire my math teacher from middle school. I had a crush on him when I was a teenager. He not only teaches us knowledge, but also how to become a better person, how to find out who we really are.

(用了have a crush on,稍微有点夸张,但是自己觉得很真实,我觉得考官应该也bought my story)当时考完试每个问题都记得。。。。现在就只回忆起这三个,等我再想想。。。

雅思口语Part 2话题

If you can work in another country, where do you want to go?

If given a chance, I would like to work in Canada. Edmonton, to be specific. First of all, I've stayed there for two years. I studied there to pursue my master degree. I also worked there as a Chinese teacher and I taught Chinese to undergraduate students. Absolute love this job. Secondly, the weather is pretty nice(扯的). You know Edmonton is very cold in the winter and it snows heavily. I am a big fan of skiing(扯的). So If I can live there, I can enjoy the weather. Last, Edmonton has the largest shopping mall in North America(应该不是最大的但是没有关系!Who cares?). And I am a shopaholic. So if going there, I can go shopping everyday.

大致记得这些,说到第三点快要词穷的时候时间到了。答雅思口语Part 2的时候还是简单句比较多,词汇也很生活和平常,所以没什么语法错误。刻意地使用了if given a chance,其他都是第一反应。应该是这三部分里答得最普通的一部分。

雅思口语Part 3话题

a.Why do many people want to work in an international company?

An international company usually means it's huge and successful. So it's a better platform where you can meet different people and have better career opportunities.

b.What are the necessary skills if you want to work in an international company?

I think your language skill definitely matters because you need to communicate with people from all over the world. So learning English is important. Secondly, communication skill is important too, because you need to talk to people from different cultural background.

c.Are there any different requirements for skills if you work in a domestic company?

I think communication skill is still important, but not for your second language skill...


d. Are there any cultural differences?

Yes. Definitely. An international company is usually more open-minded, and a domestic company usually tends to ask you to follow the rules and do what the boss says.

e. So do you think we should understand the local culture?

That's definitely important. You should do some research before entering the market. For example, in China we don't like the number four because it sounds similar to 'death'. So if I am a food company, I would try to avoid the use of number 4. (这里我说的是am,但其实用were更好啊)

f. So do you think we should have a culture consultant?

It would be great to have a culture consultant so we can understand the target culture better. Or you can simply hire some local stuff and ask them about it. It would be cheaper too.



Describe a dinner that you really enjoyed.

You should say:

When it was

What you ate at the dinner

Who you had dinner with

And explain why you enjoyed the dinner

I had a really enjoyable dinner with my family on my birthday. It was a few months ago, actually. We went for a buffet meal at a big hotel not far from where I live. I love seafood, and this buffet specializes in great seafood – lobsters, crabs, scallops, all sorts. Myself, my mother and father and a friend attended the dinner, and we had a really great time – we ate a tremendous amount of food, and also lots of desserts and wine. I was completely full by the end of it, and frankly felt a little bit sick. I think I had been way too greedy to be honest. But, like I said, I love seafood and this place is excellent for a stunning variety of seafood and also has an incredible range of sweets and pastries and cakes to finish off with. I’ll certainly go back again, perhaps when it’s the birthday of one of my friends or family members. Everyone had a fantastic time and said they would certainly like to return again in the future. It was a little on the expensive side, but definitely worth it.


1. What’s the difference between eating at home and eating out on a special occasion?

Well, there’s a lot of difference! Eating at home is a more everyday thing. And eating out on a special occasion is, well... a lot more special I guess! I mean, at home we would cook fairly normal tasty dishes and sit around and have dinner, maybe watch TV and chat casually. Whereas at a formal restaurant you might try much more exquisite foods, intricate dishes, and things you’d not normally be able to create at home – at least not without a lot of ingredients and preparation. So, there are a few key differences. Another difference is atmosphere. If you choose a particularly famous or elegant restaurant, your dining experience will be a lot more special – have a lot more atmosphere and put you in a totally different mood, than if you were to just sit at home and eat dinner. People also often dress up to eat out, which adds an extra element of mood at ambience.

2. Why do people like to have food on special occasions?

Food, in many cultures of the world, is an important thing to share, and dinners are a time when people relax and share food, drinks and conversation. These occasions, the world over, are often times when people relax, tell each other stories, gossip a little, and let their hair down. It’s good to get to know people better, and food is always a good way to get people together – in my culture it’s a very important social occasion and is also something that underscores many business relationships too.

3. Is a country’s identity associated with its culinary culture?

Most definitely. Some countries more than others, of course. In my culture it most certainly is. We have a large country of many regions and regional variations in cuisine. I think quite a few countries are the same actually. So it’s not only about a country’s culture, but also the culture of different regions of a country. Food also goes beyond cultural barriers and isn’t really related to politics or anything people may have contentious differences about, it’s a sort of unifying thing having dinner with people, rather than something that divides people. I think this is the positive thing about coming from a country where food is such an important part of our cultural heritage.


Describe an occasion when you wore your best clothes.

You should say:

When it happened

Where it happened

What kind of clothes you wore

And explain why you wore it

The last time I wore my best clothes was at a company annual dinner and gala. They’re really big occasions in my country, at least in my company. It was before the spring festival around the start of January, and it was held on a Thursday night. It took place in a big hotel just outside of the centre of the city. It was a grandiose occasion and a number of us from each department had rehearsed dance performances and comedy acts for the stage show. So, in fact, I dressed up twice, in my best long ball gown, and high heels, for the dinner, and in a sporty sort of dance outfit for the stage show. I enjoy dressing up in nice dresses and heels and things like this, and I think they really suit me. It’s nice to have these opportunities to wear one’s best clothes and for people to compliment you about how attractive you look etc! I think most people enjoy these kinds of occasions. On this occasion I was really happy because I’d spent a lot of time choosing the dress and a matching pair of heels and handbag. My friends also dressed up really smartly. The boys wore grey suits and ties and their best shoes, and everyone looked fantastic. This created a really cool atmosphere and I could tell that everyone felt proud to work in our company and enjoyed drinking and chatting and getting to know each other in a different context to the office in which we normally see each other.


1. Do you think people should wear formal clothes in the workplace?

I think that it depends on your type of work. We are not a client-facing company so we tend to dress quite casually in the office. If you work in a client-facing company, or in the service industry then maybe you have to dress in more formal clothes, or even a uniform, when in the office.

2. Why do some people like to wear traditional clothes?

There’s a rising trend nowadays of people starting to dress in traditional Chinese clothes, or hanfu. I am not sure if people do it for fun, or whether they want to hark back to their roots, but it can be quite nice to see people in traditional clothing. It helps us remember our roots and our past.

3. Do you think traditional clothes will disappear in the future?

No, I don’t. I think there will always be some people who like to wear traditional clothes that remind them of their cultural heritage. I think it’s becoming something people are a bit more aware of today than maybe a few years ago, even.

4. Do old people often change their dress style?

Usually old people stick to the same types and styles of clothes as they wore back in their time. There are some really hip and modern older people, however, that like to move with the times and wear more modern fashions, and some of them really look good. It depends on their personality, their background and how important they think it is to keep their finger on the pulse with trends and fashions.













