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若水分享 1147




  托福口语的六道题可以分为独 立和综合两个类型(Task 1、2 为独 立题,Task 3、 4 、5 、6为综合题)。在评分时,考生的答题录音会在经过数码降噪处理后被自动分为三组,分别是Task1&2,Task3&5和Task4&6,即独立任务(第一组)、校园任务(第二组)和学术任务(第三组);再由经过认证的评分人分别对考生三组任务的录音进行评测,每道题的评分等级由低到高分别用weak,limited,fair和good来标识,最后六道题的总分将被转换为0~30分的标准分,而考生三组题目的最终得分等级,也会标示在电子成绩单上(score report)。

  关于评分,托福官方指南OG里面明确指出,托福口语6大任务的3项评分准则包括:delivery, language use and topic development,, 即表述、语言使用和话题展开能力,这三项考核并无优先等级,各占三分之一比重。



  口语的一二题可以配合独 立写作一起练习。另外就是准备一些自己的模版。模版对于那些思路不是特别清晰、容易紧张没话说同学的托福独 立口语来说还是非常重要的。可以分析总结一下托福口语会涉及到的话题,几个大分类之间是会有重合部分的,也就是有些东西是很多个问题都可以用的。将那些写成模版背下来,将成为你自己的专属模版。而模版的写作也是要遵循总分总原则、一句中心论点、几句分论点、例子加总结。记得自己测试一下是否可以在限定时间内说(背)完。


  大家要知道托福口语考试真正的考察的是语言的实际使用能力,换言之就是,考生对于信息传递的能力。对比托福口语的题型当我们可以清晰的看到,独 立口语题目考生是否能迅速的表达自己的观点,综合口语题目部分就看考生能否准确接收、记录和转述信息了。














  Your listener can get confused if you are not consistent. Look atthe following example:

  My teacher brought five paper bags to school one day. He put us intogroups and gave each group a bag. You have to take the objects out of the bagsin turn and then a person has to tell a story involving the object from thebag.

  The listener may get confused by the change from the past tense tothe present tense, and the change from us to you and then to a person. Thelistener might also be confused by the change from the plural form objects andbags to the singular forms object and bag.

  The listener could follow this speaker's ideas better if the speakerwere consistent. Look at the way this example can be improved:

  One day my teacher put us into five different groups. He gave eachgroup a bag and told us to take turns pulling out an object and telling theother members of the group a story involving that object.


  In order to help your listeners understand, you may need to define aterm that you use in your response. Read the following example:

  My hobby is telemark skiing.

  If the speaker does not define the term and listeners do not knowwhat telemark skiing is, they might not understand the rest of the passage.Sometimes listeners can guess the meaning through the context of the passage,but sometimes they cannot. Here is the definition this speaker gave of telemarkskiing:

  That means skiing using telemark skis.

  Even though the speaker defined telemark skiing, listeners still maynot understand what it means because the speaker defined the term with the sameword. To effectively define aword, use a three-part definition:

  1. State the word or phrase to be defined.

  2. Give the category that the word or phrase fits into.

  3. Tell how the word is different from other words that fit the samecategory.

  Read this example of an effective definition:

  Telemark is a type of alpine skiing in which the boots are connectedto the skis only at the toes, so traditional skiing techniques have to bemodified.


  Your listeners will understand your talk better if you organize whatyou say in a logical sequence or linear pattern. This means that you tell thelisteners what you are going to talk about and then go through the points youwant to make. The most common pattern of organization is outlined below:

  Introductory statement

  Point 1

  Point 2

  Point 3

  Concluding statement

  An example of this pattern is shown below:

  Breeding butterflies has many advantages for the collector.

  1. way of obtaining specimens

  2. spares can be released into the wild

  3. helps survival because butterflies have been protected fromnatural predators

  The experience is a learning experience for the collector and abenefit to the species.


  Your listener can understand the flow of your ideas better if youuse parallel structures when you speak. Read the following incorrect example:

  My teacher gave interesting assignments and motivating the students.

  The listener may be confused because the speaker has mixed differentgrammatical structures. Does the speaker mean my teacher gave interesting andmotivating assignments to the students'? In this sentence, interesting andmotivating are parallel adjectives. Or does the speaker mean My teacher gaveinteresting assignments and motivated the students? In this sentence, gave andmotivated are parallel verbs.


  Connecting ideas by using transition words and phrases tells yourlisteners the relationship of one idea to the next. You can signal to yourlistener that you are going to put events in sequence, add information, or makea comparison. You can signal that you want to emphasize or clarify a point.Using transition words and phrases helps your listener follow the flow of yourideas. Read the following example without transitional expressions:

  In my physics class, we did lots of experiments that helped clarifyscientific principles. Understood those principles better by doing thoseexperiments.

  These sentences would flow better if the speaker used transitionalexpressions as in the following example:

  In my physics class, we did lots of experiments that helped clarifyscientific principles. As a result, I understood those principles better.


  When a speaker keeps repeating a word or phrase, listeners can getconfused. Read the following example:

  My teacher wrote the assignment on the chalkboard. The assignmentwas on the chalkboard until the teacher erased the assignment after we had alldone the assignment.

  This speaker's ideas would be clearer if the repeated words werereplaced with other expressions or with pronouns. Look at the way this examplecan be improved:

  My teacher wrote the assignment on the chalkboard. She erased theboard after we had all completed the task.

  The word assignment has been replaced with task; the word teacherwith she; and the word chalkboard with board.


