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若水分享 1147









4、改进发音 我的发音标准吗?




55. What do you usually do in your spare time? ( 5 - 6 )

55. What are your spare time interests? ( 5 - 6 )

As a matter of fact, I have very few spare times these days. My studies are so important to me that I have given up all my other activities. I used to love playing tennis, but now I simply do not have the time.

55. What do you usually do in your spare time? ( 7 - 8 )

55. What are your spare time interests? ( 7 - 8 )

Well, these days, surfing on the Internet has been my only interest in leisure time. I have just bought my first computer, and love to look for exciting web sites that I have not known before. Moreover, by means of web cameras I am able to watch what wild animals are doing in many parts of the world. I particularly like to watch the polar bears playing with their cubs. Surfing on the Internet is of course very time consuming, so I don’t really have time for anything else.

56. Do you often watch TV? What is your favorite program? ( 5 - 8 )

Yes, I often watch TV. My favorite program is called ‘Discovery’. It is not a science fiction but a documentary on real life events and happenings. For example, it had a program on the latest eclipse of the sun that occurred at the end of the year. The program also talks about nature. Last week it explained how some birds have adapted themselves to survive in a desert.

57. Do you think watching TV is a waste of time? ( 5 - 8 )

No, I don’t think so. We can learn a lot from watching TV and it is a good way to relax. Soap operas help me to relax, while the documentaries are informative. Lastly, I believe that TV has become the best source of information these days. For example, it is a fast and convenient way to find out about the latest news from all over the world.


1.Describe a restaurant where you often go to

You should say:

what the restaurant is

where it is

why you often go there

and explain what is special about this restaurant.

2.Describe a shopping mall that you often go to

You should say:

what it is called

where it is

what is special about it

and explain why you like to go there.



考生可以从餐厅里提供的食物的类型或是菜系入手,如提及Thailand cuisine, Indian cuisine等等菜系的总称,然后再细节,具体提及有哪些菜肴,如Chicken curry, Samosa etc. 与此同时,考生还可以比较有针对性地提及其中的招牌菜,对其recipe 和 ingredients 给予细节化的描述。

如果是关于购物中心的话题的话,考生可以从购物,餐饮,娱乐等方面展开,如娱乐中有Tom World和影院;而餐饮又包括各色菜系的餐厅,甜点店,咖啡店;还可以提及各种国际国内知名品牌的店面等等。


首先为了保持一致性,如果考生选择描述一个西餐厅或日式料理,那么对于价位的描述考生可以具体说出人均消费,如300pp;但如果是比较经济实惠的餐厅,考生可以用reasonable, affordable来描述。其中,为了凸显价位的高与低,还可以借助其它同类型餐厅的情况进行比较。

对于购物中心,商品价钱公道合理,经常推出不同的sale 和 promotion 也可以一个亮点。



在每一个餐桌前设有叫服务生的按钮,还包括为等位子的就餐者安排飞行棋,象棋的娱乐区为之消磨时间等等。那么,服务生的service是一定要提及的,除了patient, kind 还可以用well-trained, politely-behaved, well-mannered来描述。

在购物中心的话题中对于sales assistants的描述可以用同一类单词。



而在购物中心里,light background music, centralized air-con system, decoration 都可以提及。


What is your favorite sport? ( 5 - 6 )

My favorite sport is basketball. Please allow me to explain. Firstly, it is very healthy for a young person like myself. For example, it will help to develop the muscles in my body. Secondly, it can be played outdoors, which means that I am able to breathe a lot of fresh air while I am playing. Lastly, it is not a contact sport. What I mean is that the chances of getting injured are not great.

What is your favorite sport? ( 7 - 8 )

My favorite sport is table tennis, also known as ping-pong. Please allow me to explain. Firstly, it is very healthy for a young person like myself. For example, it will help to develop my reflexes. Secondly, it is an indoor sport. What I mean to say is that we are able to play it irrespective of the weather conditions. In my hometown, this is important because of the long winters. Thirdly, the equipment needed to play table tennis is inexpensive. For instance, you can use any table of a reasonable size. Al you then need is a ball, two bats, and a net. Lastly, table tennis is a sociable sport. That is to say, two or four people can play at one time, while a number of spectators can enjoy the game as well.

Do men and woman prefer the same sports? ( 5 - 8 )

That’s an interesting question. Allow me to explain my personal views by shortly mentioning the following points: Firstly, there are few sports in which woman do not participate these days. For example, the woman’s football team from China did well in the Woman’s World Cup held in Germany recently.

What sports are played in your country? ( 5 - 8 )

There are many sports played in China. Allow me to mention a few examples. Basketball and football is played mainly by the younger generation. Football is popular amongst Chinese ladies. We have a strong national team who has done well in the recent World Cup. All age groups play table tennis, better known as ping-pong. Because it is an indoor sport, it is particularly popular in winter. Because of their relatively small physique, Chinese people play the so-called small-ball games like badminton well. Swimming, skating, and volleyball are popular as well.

What is the most popular sport in your country? ( 5 - 8 )

That’s a tough question. Allow me to explain my personal views by shortly mentioning the following points: Firstly, I believe football is the most popular sport. For example, all the big stadiums in our country are football stadiums. Secondly, the majority of youngsters are interested in the sport. For example, during the recent World Cup held in Japan and Korea, many in China followed the competition closely.

What is the most popular sport in your country? ( 5 - 8 )

Table tennis is extremely popular in China. That is to say, many people of all ages like to play it. China is often regarded as the world champions. For example, we often win a number of medals in this sport at the Olympic Games.

What are the sporting facilities like in your region? ( 5 - 8 )

That’s a good question. Allow me to explain my personal views by shortly mentioning the following points: Firstly, I suppose the sporting facilities are acceptable. For example, we are able to play any sport that we like. The problem is that the facilities are not available to everyone. At the moment many of the facilities are owned by universities and are available only to the students of that particular university only. Lastly, I believe the fact that the Olympic games are being held in China in 2008 will help to solve the problem to some extent. For example, the government will have to build many new stadiums and facilities in the next six years. Hopefully after the games, these new facilities will become available to the general public.

What other sporting facilities would you like to see in your region? ( 5 - 8 )

Firstly, I would like to see more baseball courts that are open to the general public. For example, at the moment many of the courts are owned by universities and are available only to the students of that particular university. Secondly, I believe more youth centers should be built in our cities. This would help in getting young people to engage in physically healthy activities, and not sit in front of computers and TV’s all day long.


