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雅思口语还有隐藏加分项 这些你知道吗??下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。

雅思口语还有隐藏加分项 这些你知道吗?



一进考试的房间,我们就要先和考官寒暄一下,然后进行身份核查。一般来说,我们管这部分叫Part 0,概括来说会问四个简单基础的问题,但是我们可以借这个机会,给考官留下一个“我英语很好”的好印象!

Q1: Good afternoon,my name’s Elizabeth. What’s your full name?/Could you tell me your full name,please?/May I have your full name?

- Good afternoon (Elizabeth), my name’s Zhang San.



1. 直接称呼考官的名字即可,不要加上title

√ Good afternoon,Elizabeth.

× Good afternoon, Miss Elizabeth.

如果觉得不舒服,直接说Good afternoon就好。

2. 使用连读,不要逐词地说

√ my name’s Zhang San.

× my name is Zhang San.


3. 发音清晰,不要求快


Q2:What can I call you?

- You can call me Zhang.

- Just call me Zhang.

- Please call me Zhang.


1. 不要解释或补充其它信息。

不要说“All my friends call me Zhang”。这个答案听上去特别像雅思口语参考书的模板句。也不要解释你为啥叫这个名字。

2. 可以告诉考官你的英文名。

You can call me by my English name, Tony.


Q3:Where are you from?/Could you tell me where are you from?

- I’m from Beijing.

- I come from Beijing.

- I’m from Beijing which is the capital of China.


1. 不要进一步延伸。

2. 不要反问考官或者给考官建议。

有的同学回答问题之后,还反问考官,And you?宝贝们记住,口语考试里面不要反问考官问题,是他考我们啊!不是我们考他!

另外,也不要说“I come from Beijing, I think you really should go there.” 只要简单地回答考官的问题就好了。

3. 城市名用英文发音。

举个例子,如果我们想说来自香港,我们要说“I’m from Hong Kong.”而不是按中文说Xiang Gang。

Q4:Could I see your identification,please?/Can you show me your identification,please?

- Here you are.

- Sure. Here you are.

- Of course. Here it is.



1. identification=ID,所以有的考官也会问你要ID,回答的方式是一样的。

2. 当然,你也可以选择这个时候不说话,直接把身份证明交给考官就好了。但是最好还是简单地回答一句,展示我们有礼貌哦~




1. 小孩的趣事

Describe something a child did that made you laugh.

You should say:

Who the child was

How old he or she was

What he or she did

And explain why it made you laugh.

Part 3:

Do you think children laugh more than adults?

Would you like to be friends with a person who laughs a lot?

How are people benefited from laughing?

Is it polite to laugh loudly in a public space in china?

What are the most efficient ways for people to get a good laugh?

2. 早起

Describe a time you got up extremely early.

You should say:

When it was

What time you got up

How you felt when you got up

And explain why you got up early.

Part 3:

How can students be motivated to get up early to study?

What are the ways to ensure you get up on time?

Would you recommend others to get up early if they want to work more efficiently?

Do people get up earlier or later than people 30 years ago?

Under what situations do people usually get up extremely early?

3. 请客

Describe a meal you invited others to have at your home or in a restaurant.

You should say:

Who you invited

Where you ate

What you ate

And explain how they felt about this meal.

Part 3:

Why do some people prefer having important meals in a restaurant than cooking at home?

Does having a meal at home make people closer to each other?

Do Chinese people eat more or less frequently in a restaurant than it 30 years ago?

Would you emphasize more on food quality or service when you eat in a restaurant?

If you were invited to eat at your friend’s, would you be expected to bring a gift?


4. 通过网络解决问题

Describe a time you solved a problem online.

You should say:

When and where it happened

What problem you solved

How long it took you to solve the problem

And explain how you felt about it.

Part 3:

Other than going online, what other ways can help people solve problems these days?

Is the internet more efficient in solving problems?

How can you motivate old people to use the internet for problem-solving?

What are the disadvantages of solving problems online?

As a manager of a company, would you prefer your customers to solve problems online or

offline in a customer service center?

5. 公共场所听到的电话

Describe a time you heard someone you didn’t know talking on the phone in a public place.

You should say:

When and where it was

What the person was about

What you were doing at that time

And explain how you felt about it.

Part 3:

Do you think it’s legitimate to make use of the information you overheard?

How can people protect their privacy when talking in a public space?

In your country, do people talk loud in public?

What do you think of people who talks loud in public?




