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GRE考试题型有很多,什么是GRE阅读的暗示推理题?在你选出答案以前,其实你并不知道这是暗示推理题,你的概念或许只有细节题,即除了中心思想题以外所有题都是细节题。事实上,在真正做题时,你也不必事先判断它是属于哪一 类题型,我们将其归类的目的是为了让你对考试的题型有一个确切的把握。




New York City, in 1776, lay at the end of ManhattanIsland, in shape somewhat like an arrowhead, with itspoint turned towards the sea and its barbsextended at uneven lengths along the East andHudson rivers. It occupied no more space than isnow included within the five lower and smallest of itstwenty-four wards. Excepting a limited district laidout on the east side, in part as far as Grand street, the entire town stood below the line of thepresent Chambers street, and covered an area less than one mile square. Then, as now,Broadway was its principal thoroughfare. Shaded with rows of trees, and lined mainly withresidences, churches, and public-houses, it stretched something more than a mile to thegrounds of the old City Hospital, near Duane street. Its starting-point was the Battery at theend of the island, but not the Battery of to-day; for, under the system of "harborencroachments," the latter has more than trebled in size, and is changed both in its shape andits uses. The city defenses at that time occupied the site. Here at the foot of Broadway oldFort George had been erected upon the base of the older Fort Amsterdam, to guard theentrance to the rivers, and with its outworks was the only protection against an attack by sea.It was a square bastioned affair, with walls of stone, each face eighty feet in length, and within itstood magazines, barracks, and, until destroyed by fire, the mansion of the colonial governors.For additional security, about the time of the French war, an extensive stone battery, withmerlons of cedar joists, had been built just below the fort along the water's edge, enclosing thepoint from river to river, and pierced for ninety-one pieces of cannon.

We can infer that the larger work from which this passage was taken is most likelyabout:

A.The geography of New York City

B.The battles and fortifications in New York City

C.Seventeenth century New York

D.Changes on Manhattan Island

E.The old City Hospita

According to the author, what part of New York has stayed the same?



C.Fort George

D.Fort Amsterdam

E.Morningside Heights





The tale of Piltdown Man, the most infamousforgery in the contentious detective story of theorigins of mankind, began in 1912. On December 18that year Charles Dawson, a well-known amateurBritish archaeologist, and Arthur Smith Woodward,of the British Museum of Natural History,announced the discovery of some amazing humanfossils. The remains comprised nine pieces of skull, a broken jaw with two teeth in place, a fewstone tools, and some animal bones, all of which had been discovered on a farm near PiltdownCommon in Sussex.

When pieced together the skull looked distinctly human. Although Piltdown Man, as thehominid became known, had unusually thick bones, the brain case was large and rounded.There was no sign of prominent brow ridges or other apelike features. However, the shape ofthe jaw bone resembled that of an ape. The only human characteristic of this jaw was thewear on the two molars, which were ground down flat, as is frequently true of hominids who eattough or abrasive foods, such as seeds. In other words the creature had the jaw of an apeand the skull of Homo sapiens. The primitive stone tools found with these remains suggesteda remote age for Piltdown Man, perhaps the Early Pleistocene or even the Late Pliocene. (In1912 experts thought the Pliocene lasted from 1 million to 600 000 years ago. Scientists nowdate it to between 5 million and 1.7 million years ago.) This date was also supported by someanimal bones found with Piltdown Man. To most scientists of the time, Piltdown Man fulfilled aprediction made by the pioneering evolutionist Charles Darwin, who had believed that humansand the apes could be connected genetically through a still undiscovered creature. Mostsignificantly, it was half-human in precisely the feature that was then accepted as the mostimportant difference between humans and the apes - the brain. At this time there was littlefossil evidence to contradict the idea that the brain was among the first of the humanfeatures to evolve. As time went on, however, Homo erectus fossils were found in Java andChina, while in South Africa the australopithecines were being discovered. All these fossils hadhuman-like jaws and teeth and relatively small brains in contrast to Piltdown Man's largecranium and apelike jaw. The large brain simply did not fit with the rest of the fossil evidence.By 1948 scientists knew that bones buried in the earth gradually absorb fluorine. The older abone, the more fluorine it contains. When the Piltdown materials were tested for fluorine, theskull and jaw fragments turned out to be much younger than the Early Pleistocene animalbones with which the skull had been found.

Scientists were now very suspicious. In 1953 all the Piltdown material was tested for itsauthenticity. Not only was the recent age of the jaw and skull confirmed, but the jaw provedto be that of a modern orangutan, with the teeth filed down in a quite obvious manner toimitate wear on human teeth. But the forger had not stopped there. A bone tool found withthe remains had been made in recent times with a steel knife, which leaves different marks thandoes a stone flake or axe. The tools, as well as the animal bones, had been taken from differentarchaeological sites.

Once the forgery was exposed by modem scientific analysis the mystery was no longerwhere Piltdown Man came in human evolution but who was responsible for the hoax, and why?Although Dawson, the discoverer of most of the Piltdown material, is frequently singled out asthe person responsible for this practical joke, there is no definite proof and the question is farfrom settled.

The Piltdown skull seemed distinctly human because it had (Select ALL answer choicesthat apply)

A.a large brain

B.thick bones

C.brow ridges

The scientists of the time made which of the following mistakes

A.believed that fossil discoveries would reveal much about human origins

B.had preconceived ideas about what features an early hominid should have

C.followed the ideas of Darwin in the face of counterevidence

D.incorrectly judged the size of the brain

E.failed to examine other fossil evidence available at the time

The animal bones found buried with the Piltdown Man were all of the following except

A.shown to be genuinely Pleistocene

B.more recent than first thought

C.unconnected with the human remains

D.deliberately planted at the site

E.not originally from the Piltdown site

It can be inferred that it took so long to expose the forgery because

A.the forger was exceptionally clever making it difficult to detect the alterations

B.reliable techniques for dating rocks did not exist until recently

C.the bones were not subjected to close scrutiny until considerable contradictory evidenceaccumulated

D.the scientists had no reason to doubt the credibility of the team who made the discovery

E.similar fossils from other archeological sites had proved to be genuine





Should we really care for the greatest actors of the past could we have them before us? Should we findthem too different from our accent of thought, offeeling, of speech, in a thousand minute particularswhich are of the essence of all three? Dr. Doran'slong and interesting records of the triumphs ofGarrick, and other less familiar, but in their dayhardly less astonishing, players, do not relieve one of the doubt. Garrick himself, assometimes happens with people who have been the subject of much anecdote and otherconversation, here as elsewhere, bears no very distinct figure. One hardly sees the wood forthe trees. On the other hand, the account of Betterton, "perhaps the greatest of Englishactors," is delightfully fresh. That intimate friend of Dryden, Tillatson, Pope, who executed acopy of the actor's portrait by Kneller which is still extant, was worthy of their friendship; hiscareer brings out the best elements in stage life. The stage in these volumes presents itselfindeed not merely as a mirror of life, but as an illustration of the utmost intensity of life, inthe fortunes and characters of the players. Ups and downs, generosity, dark fates, the mostdelicate goodness, have nowhere been more prominent than in the private existence of thosedevoted to the public mimicry of men and women. Contact with the stage, almost throughoutits history, presents itself as a kind of touchstone, to bring out the bizarrerie, the theatricaltricks and contrasts, of the actual world.

In the expression “One hardly sees the wood for the trees”, the author apparentlyintends the word trees to be analogous to

A.features of Doran's language style

B.details learned from oral sources

C.personality of a famous actor

D.detail's of Garrick's life

E.stage triumphs of an astonishing player

The doubt referred to in line 7 concerns whether

A.the stage personalities of the past would appeal on a personal level to people like the author

B.their contemporaries would have understood famous actors

C.the acting of famous stage personalities would appeal to us today

D.Garrick was as great as he is portrayed

E.historical records can reveal personality

Information supplied in the passage is sufficient to answer which of the followingquestions?(Select ALL answer choices that apply)

A.Who did Doran think was probably the best English actor?

B.What did Doran think of Garrick?

C.Would the author give a definite answer to the first question posed in the passage?






