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1 to unleash mass unemployment 导致大量的失业

不同的人对于机器人技术(robotics)及人工智能(artificial intelligence)是利是弊一直各执一词,争论不休。反对者反对机器人技术(robotics)及人工智能(artificial intelligence)的一个主要原因就是其会导致大量的失业(tounleash mass unemployment)。而大规模的失业(mass unemployment)使得大量劳动力(labor force)无事可做,从而会影响社会的稳定( to take a heavy toll on social stability)。

2 to outperform 超越

然而支持者们却认为,现如今机器能够在几乎所有任务上超越人类(machines are able to outperform humans at almost any task),所以机器人技术(robotics)及人工智能(artificialintelligence)把人们从繁重的工作中解放了出来,提高了工作效率,人们才可以更多地去享受休闲娱乐活动。只是在这个时刻确切到来之前,社会需要直面的这个问题(Society needs to confront this question before it is upon us)是如何更好地让机器人技术及人工智能为我们服务。

3 prospect of leisure-only life 只有休闲的人生前景

但是一个只有休闲的人生前景(prospect of leisure-only life)是有吸引力(appealing)的吗?有人可不这样认为,毕竟有句话说得好——生于忧患,死于安乐,工作有时候对于人类来说是必不可少的。因此人类应该警惕机器相对于人类智慧的全方位优势的实现(all-round superiority of machine to human intelligence)。

4 harness technology in a wise way 明智地利用科技

其实机器人技术及人工智能本身并没有对错之分,关键是要看人类如何明智地利用科技(to harness technology in a wise way)。比如说人工智能进展最快的领域之一是机器视觉(machine vision),尤其是人脸识别(facial recognition)。装有人脸识别设备的车辆将会实现自动驾驶,而科学家预测相比容易出错的人类司机,自动驾驶汽车(the self-driving vehicles)将减少90%甚至更多的事故。不过与此同时,大量涉及驾驶车辆的工作岗位将会消失。


科技类话题 topic of science and technology

随着科技渗透到我们日常生活的方方面面 with technology penetrating into every aspect of our daily life

科技现代化 modernization of science and technology

人工智能 artificial intelligence

机器人技术 robotics

导致大量的失业 to unleash mass unemployment

劳动力 labor force

影响社会稳定 to take a heavy toll on social stability

机器能够在几乎所有任务上超越人类 machines are able to outperform humans at almost any task

只是在这个时刻确切到来之前,社会需要直面这个问题 Society needs to confront this question before it is upon us

只有休闲的人生前景 prospect of leisure-only life

有吸引力的 appealing

机器相对于人类智慧的全方位优势 all-round superiority of machine to human intelligence

明智地利用科技 to harness technology in a wise way

机器视觉 machine vision

人脸识别 facial recognition

自动驾驶汽车 the self-driving vehicles



1. be in flux 改变

随着网上海淘(online cross-border shopping)的盛起,国人的消费习惯发生了改变(be in flux)。大家平时并不再需要压抑自己的购物欲望(to stifle the desire to buy), 他们平日里也可以通过互联网在网上购物,这样到节假日的时候他们就不会囤积了太多购物清单。现在有很多很火的海淘网,比如Amazon就非常的便捷。同时,海外代购(overseas purchasing)也使得很多外语并不好的国人足不出户便可以在全世界买买买。

2. discretionary spending 可支配支出

同时随着近些年国人观念的改变,一味地通过奢侈品(luxury items/ big-ticket items/premium items)来炫富(flaunt wealth)的做法并不流行了。现如今人们更愿意把可支配支出(discretionary spending)用在健身(body building)、投资家人等上面。这样的改变会使得人们在购买奢侈品时更理性谨慎,而不会再一味的为了买而买。

3. Michelin-starred restaurant 米其林星级餐厅

米其林星级餐厅(Michelin-starred restaurant)大家都知道,可是你能准确无误地拼出它的英文表达吗? 导致国人在海外收敛了奢侈品的购买(rein in purchase of luxury items)的另一个重要原因就是国人在海外旅游时开始更多地关注旅游本身所带来的体验,而非像以往那般只在景区拍照以及疯狂购物。人们更有兴趣去探索当地的影院、饮食及风土人情(local customs and culture)。

4. domestic products 国货

预测国人长假不会再次疯狂购物(go on a shopping spree)的另一个原因就是国人开始重拾对国货的信心和兴趣了(to restore their confidence and interest in domestic products)。有调查表明,在2015年第一季度,华为手机以13.75%的高份额占有率,成为中国市场销量第一,这也是华为手机在中国市场的销量上首次超过苹果等跨国品牌。


心花怒放 to burst with joy/be highly delighted

受时间所限 subject to limited time

疯狂扫货 to go on a shopping spree

并不这么看 to think a different way

网上海淘 online cross-border shopping

改变 be in flux

压抑购物欲望 to stifle the desire to buy

海外代购 overseas purchasing

奢侈品 luxury items/big-ticket items/premium items

炫富 to flaunt wealth

可支配支出 discretionary spending

健身 body building

米其林星级餐厅 Michelin-starred restaurant

收敛了奢侈品的购买 to rein in purchase of luxury item

风土人情 local customs and culture

重拾对国货的信心和兴趣 to restore their confidence and interest in domestic products



1.cash burning 烧钱

不可否认,像滴滴快车这样的叫车应用是通过烧钱(burn cash)来抢占市场份额(to grab market share)的。所谓“烧钱”是指这些叫车应用通过向客户提供高额补贴(provide massive subsidies)的方式来大打价格战(to wage a fierce price war)。这种新商业模式(novel business model)使得传统的出租车行业处于劣势(to put the traditional taxi business at a disadvantage)。很多客户会因为便宜而转向叫车应用。

2.venture capital firm 风险资本公司/private equity firm 私募公司

这种O2O模式的企业,大多是风险资本公司(venture capital firm)或私募公司(private equity firm)。消费者喜欢这种企业,比如这次三亚出租车司机罢工事件,乘客都是一边倒地支持滴滴快车公司。乘客们认为滴滴快车更便捷更便宜,传统出租车行业自身也应该进行变革。

3.online to offline(O2O) 线上到线下

但同时不少人也质疑像滴滴快车这样的O2O互联网企业的烧钱行为能持续到何时。烧钱这一营销策略(market strategy)是否是一种可行的商业模式(viable business model), 因为在烧钱这种商业模式中,补贴起着决定性作用(play a defining role), 烧钱吸引来的用户并没有什么忠诚度,当别的公司提供更多补贴时,这些客户就会“倒戈”。所以在这场烧钱大战中胜出的唯一可能就是在竞争对手破产(go bankrupt/go out of business)前,自己的钱还没有烧完。

4.to publish financial statement 公布财务报表

很多人悲观地认为,眼下这种以叫车应用为代表的整个互联网行业的烧钱热潮预示着互联网泡沫快胀到头了(to heralds the top of an internet bubble).由于这些O2O公司不公布财务报表(not publish financial statement), 所以他们的烧钱规模无从得知。其实O2O这种模式之前在国外已经受到了审视(be subject to scrutiny), 上世纪90年代,硅谷(silicon valley)曾经发生过互联网泡沫。因此,看待这个问题时,我们应该想得更长远一些。


旅游胜地 resorts/tourist attraction

指定地点 designated place

出租车司机罢工 taxi driver strike

手机叫车应用 cellphone car-hailing application

危害了某人利益 damage one’s interest

烧钱 to burn cash

抢占市场份额 to grab market share

提供高额补贴 to provide massive subsidies

大打价格战 to wage a fierce price war

新商业模式 novel business mode

使得传统的出租车行业处于劣势 to put the traditional taxi business at a disadvantage

风险资本公司 venture capital firm

私募公司 private equity firm

营销策略 market strategy

可行的商业模式 viable business model

起着决定性作用 to play a defining role

破产 to go bankrupt/go out of business

预示着互联网泡沫快胀到头了 to heralds the top of an internet bubble

公布财务报表 not publish financial statement

受到了审视 be subject to scrutiny

硅谷 silicon valley



1. Some people think that children should begin their formal education at a very early age and should spend most of their time on school studies. Others believe that young children should spend most of their time playing. Compare these two views. Which view do you agree with? Why?(小孩应该在很小的时候接受正规教育并花费大量时间在学校学习上,还是应该玩耍?)

2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should be required to help with household tasks as soon as they are able to do so. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.(孩子应该在可能的时候帮助做家务。同意与否?)

3. A gift (such as a camera, a soccer ball, or an animal) can contribute to a child’s development. What gift would you give to help a child develop? Why? Use reasons and specific examples to support your choice.(一个礼品比如照相机,足球,或动物可以对小孩的成长有帮助,你愿意给小孩什么礼物帮助他成长?)

4. Some young children spend a great amount of their time practicing sports. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.(很小的小孩花费太多时间从事体育的好处和坏处?)

5. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Games are as important for adults as they are for children. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.(游戏对成年人和小孩子同样重要,同意与否?)

6. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Younger school children aged 5 to 10 should be required to study art and music in addition to math, language, science and history.(5-10岁的孩子应该被要求学习除了数学,语言,科学以及历史以外的绘画和音乐。)


Infant education is the education of children before they would normally enter school.(定义)The term "Infant" is typically applied to children between the ages of 1 month and 12 months.(时间)

Early childhood education focuses on children's learning through play, based on the research and philosophy of Jean Piaget.(理论)This belief is centered on the "power of play". It has been thought that children learn more efficiently and gain more knowledge through play-based activities such as dramatic play, art, and social games. This theory plays stems children's natural curiosity and tendencies to "make believe", mixing in educational lessons.(这句话非常适合用于托福写作中,说明孩子为什么需要玩耍。)

According to Piaget’s theory, when young children encounter information that conflicts with their previously learned expectations, or schemes, they attempt to both accommodate and assimilate the new information. Through accommodation, a child attempts to adapt his / her mental schemes and representations in order to make them consistent with reality. Through assimilation, a child attempts to fit new information into their pre-existing schemes about reality. Through these two processes, young children learn by equilibrating their mental representations of reality with the reality they encounter.(这段非常有逻辑的论证了孩子是如何在经验中和实践中不断学习和成长的。)

By applying Piaget’s theories to school programs, children’s experiences become more hands-on and concrete as they explore the nature of things through trial and error.(很适用于我们托福写作中孩子犯错的情况)He believes that early childhood education includes encouraging exploration, manipulating objects and learning about the world through field trips. (很好用的平行结构加论据)Piaget found that children who were allowed to make mistakes often learned from them and discovered new solutions.(适用于创新)This theory posits that children build their own way of learning - paving the way for early childhood education.

Piaget’s theory have been significant in influencing early childhood education practices – how educators should teach, how they can affect children’s learning, and how they contribute to the cognitive development of the child.(一个非常漂亮的平行结构。)


1. 孩子为什么要玩耍,如为了迎合好奇心,渐渐形成自己的意识,成长以及经验的不断更正的需要。

2. 怎么玩耍,如可以排演戏剧,体育锻炼,参加短途旅游,学习艺术。

3. 玩耍过程中可能犯一些错误都是为了认识世界做准备的,都给予了非常好的解释,这些对孩子的早期教育有着深远的影响。

4. 在词句上大量用了平行结构和学术词汇,虽然不是非常难,但是非常地道,考生们可以学习这样的词句来写托福写作独立作文,一定是非常有效果的。



