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1、 a close shave 幸免于难

We ran to catch the train — it was a close shave

but we just managed to get on.我们跑着去赶火车,我们差点就要错过火车了,不过还好最好我们赶上了。

I had a close shave when a fast car just missed me as I was crossing the road.我过马路的时候差点被一辆开得飞快的车撞到。

It was close shave but I don't think my mum saw us smoking.真险,不过我觉得我妈妈并没有看到我们抽烟。

2、 a sticky situation 两难境地

I'm in a sticky situation: I said I'd go to the cinema with Peter,but I've also promised to go for a drink with John.我陷入了两难境地:我说过要和皮特去看电影,可是我又答应了和约翰去喝酒。

It was a sticky situation — neither side would agree on who caused the accident.这是一个棘手的情况,双方在事故责任方的问题上无法达成一致。

We're in a sticky situation — we've got to catch the train ,but we haven't got enough money to buy a ticket.我们陷入了困难的境地,我们得去赶火车,可是我们没有足够的钱买车票。

3、 in black and white 书面证明

I'm not going to start celebrating until I've seen the deal in black and white.在我看到书面协议以前我是不会庆祝的。

We didn't believe the bank's offer of a loan until we saw it in black and white.在我们见到书面证明以前,我们不相信银行提供了贷款。

4、 take a back seat 让权,让别人做主

I'm going to take a back seat this year and let you decide where we go on holiday.我今年要让权给你,由你来决定我们去哪里度假。

Now he's getting older he's decided to take a back seat in running the company.他年事已高,所以他决定退居二线,让出公司的经营权。

Mary was happy to take a back seat and let Jim run the meeting.玛丽很高兴能退居次要位置,让吉姆来负责会议。

5、 cyberbullying 网络欺凌

They write very negative messages attacking others… it's nasty! And it's something we call cyberbullying. And unlike the traditional bully, the electronic bully can remain anonymous. So we don't know who they are.他们会在网上写负面留言攻击其他人……太讨厌了!我们把这种行为称为网络欺凌。与传统的欺凌事件不同,网络欺凌是匿名的。所以我们不知道是谁做的。

Cyberbullying includes things like spreading lies and rumours online,

sending or forwarding unpleasant messages via instant messaging, text or on social networks.网络欺凌包括在网络上散播谎言和传言,通过即时通讯服务或在社交网络上发送或转发令人不舒服的信息、短信。

Kate is a victim of cyberbullying. It's so bad she doesn't want to leave the house.凯特是网络欺凌的受害者。她不想出门,这太糟糕了。

Someone from school has put messages on social media saying she's ugly and she should die. It's terrible!学校里有学生在社交媒体上说她太丑了,她应该去死。这太可怕了!

美国习语: 语气强硬,真实自然

My wife and I had a real no holds barred talk last night about all the things wrong with our marriage. That TV debate between those two guys running for senator was sure a no holds barred affair. They spent more time saying nasty things about each other than they did talking about their plans. The president has to make so many official appearances that he seldom gets a chance to let his hair down and enjoy life like ordinary people. Sally, we've been good friends for a long time. But lately I get the idea that you are very much upset with me. I wish you'd let your hair down and tell me what's wrong to make you feel this way.

在今天的美国习惯用语: 中,我们要给大家介绍两个表达坦率和诚实的习惯用语。对人坦率,无保留地说自己的看法,有的时候是以友好和轻松的态度出发的,但是在某种情况下也可能是语气强硬,情绪对立。我们今天要讲的两个习惯用语就反映了这两种不同的气氛。我们先来讲第一个:no holds barred。 No holds barred 这个说法是来自摔交运动。但是,在人们争论的时候, no holds barred 是指不顾对方的面子和情绪,毫不迟疑地把自己的想法说出来。比如说,一个美国朋友可能会对你说: "My wife and I had a real no holds barred talk last night about all the things wrong with our marriage." 他说:"我和我的妻子昨晚可真是毫不留情地谈了一谈,把我们婚姻方面的所有问题不管三七二十一都说了出来。" No holds barred 也可以形容那些政客们之间进行的辩论。下面就是一个例子: "That TV debate between those two guys running for senator was sure a no holds barred affair. They spent more time saying nasty things about each other than they did talking about their plans." 这句话的意思是:"那两个竞选参议员的人在电视上进行辩论时真是毫不留情地说话。他们花在互相攻击方面的时间比介绍他们方针的时间还多。" 下面我们要介绍的一个习惯用语是:to let one's hair down。 To let one's hair down 描绘出一幅可爱的画面。过去,西方女子很多都留长头发,出去应酬时把头发盘在头上梳出各种式样来。晚上回家后,她们就把发卡一个个地从头发里拿出来,让头发很自然地披在肩上。 To let one's hair down 的实质意思也就是解除表面的装饰,使一切显得很自然、真实和放松。 To let one's hair down 不一定用于女子,也可以用在男性。下面的例子就可以说明问题: "The president has to make so many official appearances that he seldom gets a chance to let his hair down and enjoy life like ordinary people." 这句话是说:"总统要出席许多公开场合,因此他很少有机会像普通老百姓那样轻松地享受生活。" To let one's hair down 也可以用在朋友之间,就像下面这个例子一样: "Sally, we've been good friends for a long time. But lately I get the idea you are very much upset with me. I wish you'd let your hair down and tell me what's wrong to make you feel this way." 这个人对他的朋友说:"萨莉,我们多年来一直是好朋友,可是最近我感到你对我非常不高兴。我希望你能够坦率地告诉我,到底是些什么事让你这么不高兴。" 今天我们讲了两个表示坦率的习惯用语,虽然它们都具有坦率的意思,可以在含义方面有所不同。我们讲的第一个俗语是:no holds barred,这是指在争论或其他场合毫不客气地对别人说自己的想法。今天我们讲的第二个俗语是:to let one's hair down。 To let one's hair down 是指轻松、自然,或把心理的话说出来。


Son, somebody may try to get you to smoke marijuana or drink, just to fit in with the crowd. But I hope you can stand on your own two feet and say no。 Bill Brown has managed to stay in Congress now for 20 years. The voters don't always agree with him but they really like the way he stands on his own feet and makes his own decisions on which way to vote, regardless of pressures from all the lobbyists. I'm still looking for the right girl to marry. And when I find her, I'll throw myself at her feet and ask her to spend the rest of her life with me. The prisoner who has been convicted as a traitor threw himself at the feet of the judge and beg for mercy.

在美国的成语和俗语中,有不少是围绕着"脚"这个字构成的,"脚"这个字在英文里就是 foot ,多数就是 feet。在美国的成语和俗语中,以 foot 或 feet 这个字为主的俗语为数还不少,它们的意思也各不相同。 今天我们要给大家再介绍两个由 foot 或者 feet 这个字组成的俗语。第一个是:to stand on one's own two feet。 To stand on one's own two feet 的意思恐怕不难猜到。一个人如果能站稳脚跟的话,他就一定能独立自主,靠自己的力量来办事。我们下面要举的一个例子是一位父亲担心他的儿子吸毒或酗酒,所以在劝告他的儿子: "Son, somebody may try to get you to smoke marijuana or drink, just to fit in with the crowd. But I hope you can stand on your own two feet and say no." 这位父亲说:"儿子呀,有的人为了要你合群也许会劝你喝酒或吸毒。但是我希望你能够独立自主,拒绝他们的引诱。" 那些能够独立自主的人的确很令人钦佩。下面就是一个例子: "Bill Brown has managed to stay in Congress now for twenty years. The voters don't always agree with him but they really like the way he stands on his own feet and makes his own decisions on which way to vote, regardless of pressures from all the lobbyists." 这个人说:"比尔·布朗在国会当议员已经二十年了。选民们不一定都同意他的观点,但是他们倒很欣赏他在对各种提案投票时的那种独立自主精神。不管那些游说者给他施加多大压力,他都按自己的决定投票。" 今天我们要讲的第二个习惯用语是: to throw oneself at someone's feet。 To throw oneself at someone's feet 这个俗语可以解释为:公开对某人表示爱慕。比如说,一个男子在幻想自己未来的婚事,他对他的朋友说: "I'm still looking for the right girl to marry. And when I find her, I'll throw myself at her feet and ask her to spend the rest of her life with me." 他说:"我现在还在物色一个我认为合适的女孩作为我的妻子。一旦我找到了,我就要拜倒在她的石榴裙下,恳求她作为我的终身伴侣。" To throw oneself at someone's feet 还可以解释为:为了得到一些好处而溜须拍马,或拜倒在某人脚下。下面的例子是说一个被判了罪的犯人: "The prisoner who has been convicted as a traitor threw himself at the feet of the judge and beg for mercy." 这句话的意思是:"那个被定罪为叛徒的犯人拜倒在法官的面前,求他发发慈悲。" 我们现在来复习一下今天讲的两个以 foot 或 feet 这个字为主的习惯用语。第一个是: to stand on one's own two feet,这是指一个人很独立自主,不依赖别人。今天我们讲的第二个习惯用语是: to throw oneself at someone's feet,这个俗语的意思是为了表达对某人的爱慕之情或为了得到一些好处而拜倒在某人的脚下。













