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胡敏读故事记考研词汇mp3+文本(70) a

I went on my first date when I was 16 years old. I was really nervous to go on the date, because my date’s looks were very superb. Because of her superior looks, I had been very nervous to ask her out. I had to summon all of the courage I had just to talk to her, but all of my nerves were a bit superfluous because she was a very kind, down-to-earth girl, not superficial at all. But, suffice it to say, I was still nervous!

When I told my dad that I was going on the date, he said he wanted to come and supervise it because I was too young to be dating. But, I couldn’t suppress my anger and I said that if he came my embarrassment would surpass anything I’d experienced before. After I gave him a surplus of reasons why I didn’t want him to come with me, I asked him to remember when he went on his first date. He thought about it then finally agreed with me. He said that if his parents had gone with him on his first date, he would have tried to sue them.

Before I left to pick her up, I put on my lucky hat. I wear this hat every time I have to do something important. I’ve had this superstition since I was very young. I picked her up at her house and gave her a summary of my plans for our day together. I wasn’t sure if she would be interested in what I had planned, so I made some extra ideas to supplement my original plan. She said that all of my ideas sounded great and she was looking forward to our day together! Hearing her words and seeing her smile brought me a supreme sense of happiness at that moment.

We started our day with a succession of small activities a sum of which involved things at our local mall. We went shopping, played some video games and ordered a large chocolate milk shake and used two straws to suck it all down. I really liked this girl, and the entire day I tried to give her subtle hints to let her know.

Because we’d spent so much time at the mall, we had to subtract a few activities from our plan, but we still had time to survey a map of the local hills and we hiked to the summit and back down. I’ll never forget that wonderful day!


It all started with a nativity scene in a department store. It was about six week to Christmas and the scene was set up in the stationery department. Amidst the stacks of paper and pens there was a small stage upon which the scene was set. The staff had spent many evenings making the figures and painting them by hand. It was a source of great pride. People were startled at how accomplished the scene was. Beside the scene was a collection jar where people could donate money to help starving children in a small state in Africa. A sign nearby gave some shocking statistics about poverty, which, if read carefully, would leave even the most emotionally stable person upset. People who read the sign gave generously and left the stall feeling happy with themselves. Some gave large sums because they thought it would show their high status, but the most touching of donations was one of the smallest.

The department store was very close to the train station where the homeless would while away their days by pestering people for change and consuming cheap alcohol as their staple diet. Often they would lie stationary, drunk as lords, as commuters passed by, their faces sour with disgust. Yong boys would dare each other to stamp on one of the motionless bodies to see if it was dead. The story of the nativity scene soon spread in the small town and it came to the attention of a homeless man named Jack. He had overheard two men talking about the display and decided to take a look. He heaved himself up from the cold floor and staggered to the store. It was a cold day and his stale breath stained the air with clouds of mist. He made his way to the stationery department and gazed in awe at the beautiful static scene. If he had taken a stab at creating such a scene perhaps his life would have been better. He moved his eyes to the nearby sign. As he read, tears welled in his eyes. He had become homeless by gambling with high stakes until he had lost everything. A terrible guilt spread through him until he stood in tears. These poor children had nothing, whereas he had frittered away all he had for nothing. Jack reached into his pocket and felt his worldly riches, it was less than the price of a meal and he needed it for that week. Nevertheless, he gave it all.

胡敏读故事记考研词汇mp3+文本(33) a

A fox and a crane sat on the ground beside a lake. The Fox invited the Crane. The Crane was grateful for the invitation and accepted happily. Foxes, as we know, hail from the forest and fields. So, the Crane left her house near the water, and traveled to the Fox’s grand house to eat with him. The Fox heard a knock at his door, and stood up to greet the Crane. The Fox had prepared a delicious soup, which he served in a shallow dish. No matter how the Crane tried, with her long bill, she was unable to drink the soup from the shallow dish. She didn’t have hands with which to grasp the dish, and her long bill was too thin to eat in this way. Her long, sharp bill only served to hamper her, and she could only get a taste. Meanwhile the Fox with his greedy tongue quickly lapped it all up. As everyone knows, the Crane is an animal known for her grace. So, when she left, with a grim smile, she thanked him.

“Tomorrow, please come to my house and join me for dinner,” the Crane invited the Fox. “I guarantee to grant you the meal you deserve.” The foolish fox happily agreed. He had no grounds to refuse the offer. Following directions written hastily on a piece of thin graph paper, he made his way. The next evening the Crane heard a knock at her door, and stood up to guide the Fox into her little house. She too had prepared a delicious soup, full of grease, which was the Fox’s favorite. She served the soup in tall, narrow-necked bottles. He began to grope at the bottle, but no matter how he tried to grip it, he could not eat what was inside. He ground his sharp teeth in frustration. With his broad tongue he could not get so much as a taste, and the Crane would not give him a helping hand, and only smiled to herself as she watched the Fox’s gross movement. The Crane with her long, sharp bill easily reached and drank up the whole of the soup. Having to grieve the loss of a delicious meal, the Fox stared angrily at the Crane. That evening, the Fox had gone happily to the Crane’s house, but he came home sad. But, the Fox had learned his lesson. He knew that he had to halt his selfish behavior. Thanks to the Crane’s clever lesson, the Fox could now graduate to a new level of kindness.

胡敏读故事记考研词汇mp3+文本(65) b

halloween n. 万圣节前夕(10月31号夜晚)annual a. 每年的,年度的 n.年刊,年鉴carve [ka:v]v.(雕)刻pumpkin n. 南瓜;南瓜的果肉, 南瓜囊flavor n.味,风味v. 给……调味sour a. 酸的;发酸的;酸痛的;脾气坏的;刻薄的candy n. 糖果mischievous adj. 淘气的, 顽皮的;造成伤害的smash v./n. 打碎,粉碎snob n. (谄上傲下的)势利小人;自高自大者, 自命不凡者avoid v. 避免,回避,逃避void a. 空的,空虚的,(of)没有的,缺乏的;无效的originate v. (in, from)起源,发生;首创,创造riddle ['ridl]n. 谜,谜语solve v. 解决,解答span n. 跨度,跨距origin n. 起源,由来;出身,来历Catholic a. 天主教的 n. 天主教徒church n. 教堂;[C-]教会contraction n. 订约;(分娩时)子宫收缩;收缩, 缩短;缩减hallow vt. 使成为神圣, 把…视为神圣observance n. 遵守, 惯例, 仪式, 庆祝honor n.尊敬,敬意;荣誉,光荣 v. 尊敬,给以荣誉in honor of 为了向…表示敬意saint [seint]n. 圣人,圣徒;[S-或略作St.,用于人、地名前]圣celtic ['keltik]n. 凯尔特人(语) adj. 凯尔特的official n. 官员,行政官员 a. 官员的,官方的,正式的,公务的officially adv. 职务上, 正式solar a. 太阳的,日光的equinox n. 昼夜平分点, 春分或秋分sober a. 清醒的;认真的,冷静的,适度的occasion n. 场合,时节,时刻;时机,机会solitary a.孤独的soul n. 灵魂,心灵;精神,精力;人sore a. 疼痛的;痛心的 n. 痛处,疮口possess v. 占有,拥有possessed adj. 着魔的, 疯狂的soar v.高飞,翱翔;剧增 n.高飞范围,高涨程度snatch n./v. 攫取,抢夺villager n. 在乡村住的人extinguish v. 熄灭,扑灭spark [spa:k]n. 火花,火星 v. 发火花,发电花undesirable adj. 可能招致麻烦或不便的; 不想要的; 不受大家欢迎的; 讨厌的 n. 不受欢迎的人pace [peis]n. 步,步伐 v. 踱步ghoulish adj. 食尸鬼似的,残忍的parade n. ,检阅 v.(使)列队行进spirit ['spirit]n. 精神;气概,志气;[pl.]情绪,心情;[pl.]酒精,烈酒sophisticated adj. 老练的; 老于世故的;精密的, 尖端的;高雅的, 有教养的sophisticate n. 老于世故的人ritualize vt. 使仪式化, 奉行仪式主义possession n. 持有,拥有;所有权;所有物;[pl.]财产,财富influence n.(on)影响,感化;势力,权势 v. 影响,感化soak v. 浸泡,浸湿,浸透witch n.巫婆,女巫 vt.施巫术,迷惑social a. 社会的;交际的role n. 角色;作用,任务immigrant a.(从国外)移来的,移民的 n. 移民,侨民flee [fli:]v. 逃走;逃避potato n. 马铃薯,土豆famine n. 饥荒,饥馑soil n. 泥土,土地,土壤 v. 弄脏,(使)变脏sow v. 播种trick-or-treat 不请客就捣乱To engage in the practice of asking for treats on Halloween and threatening to play tricks on those who refuse.tradition n. 传统,惯例Christian n. 基du教徒的 n.基du教徒Christ n.救世主(特指耶稣基du)spare a. 多余的,剩下的,备用的 v. 节约,节省;让给,抽出(时间)bit [bit]n. 一点,一片,一些bring about 使(船)掉转船头;造成, 引起〔导致〕(某事)solid a. 固体的;实心的;结实的,稳固的,可靠的 n. 固体root [ru:t]n. 根,根部;根本,根源 v.(使)生根,(使)扎根ancient a. 古代的,古老的




