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GRE填空题型改革3大备考重点讲解, 除了背单词还需做这些准备工作,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。

GRE填空题型改革3大备考重点讲解 除了背单词还需做这些准备工作








1.Even by the company’s own standards of ____,Its early years were extremely _____: it manufactured as many as three million appliances a month during that three-year period.

A. success.. disappointing

B. profitability.. characteristic

C. efficiency.. productive

D. perfection.. inauspicious

E. ethics.. conscientious


解析:第一空没法入手,由主干大法得知必须先考虑第二空,冒号表示解释型同义重复。由冒号后面完整的信息推出第一空一定是正评价,同义重复后面完整的it manufactured as many as three million appliances a month during that three-year period.第二空选项中是正评价且能表达这个意思的只有C。

2. In the nineteenth century, composers exhibiting ____ skill found themselves ____ as writers by periodicals that afforded them an opportunity to earn money and to make their views about music known.

A. artistic.. censured

B. limited.. lionized

C. remarkable…unknow

D. literary.. in demand

E. financial.. out of favor


解析:根据主干大法,exhibiting ____ skill是修饰主语composers的,所以先不看。先做第2空,第2空显然应该由by后面的所有成分来决定。afforded them an opportunity to earn money and to make their views about music known.是正评价的表述,所以第2空一定填正评价词,B的第2空一看就知道是绝对的正评价词,就算D有点干扰,仔细比较一下第一空也能马上排除D。

3.Writers typically do not ____ the great visual artists of their own generation: for Courbet, considered by many to be the greatest painter of Baudelaire’s time, the poet offered ___ praise.

A. slight.. meager

B. admire.. unstinting

C. evaluate.. extravagant

D. deprecate.. insincere

E. recognize.. scant


解析:此题第一空填动词,正还是负评价读到冒号暂时没线索,冒号后出现了be the greatest painter of Baudelaire’s time,马上想到就是前面出现的the great visual artists的同义重复,再看后面the poet应该是前面Writers的同义重复,主语宾语都重复出现了,而冒号表示同义重复,这就好办了!构成逻辑分析的是冒号前有否定词not,所以得出两空一定相反。构成相反感觉的有CE,仔细推敲无论语义还是逻辑都是E最合适(Evaluate是中性词,与extravagant构成不明显的反义,而recognize有认可赞同的意思,与scant praise构成绝佳的反义词)。.


1. A common misconception is that linguists are concerned only with the origin and development of languages, but these topics, though they constitute an important part of linguistics, do not ___ the subject.

A. frame

B. transcend

C. convey

D. exhaust

E. illuminate


解析:此题主干看转折有点困难,不过ETS仁慈地加了一个though they constitute an important part of linguistics,将它取非即可。显然an important part of linguistics与空格后的the subject构成了上下义词的同义表达。本来应该取非的由于空格前出现了not而改为取constitute的同义词,没有比frame更同义的啦。(如果不用逻辑做,肯定会有人选BDE)

2. Far from being a ___ portrait of the writer, the biographer’s life of Christina Stead is ___ many undigested and discursive excerpts from Stead’s fiction and private papers.

A. multifaceted .. enriched by

B. valuable .. enhanced by

C. succinct.. .padded with

D. disputatious.. discredited by

E. compendious .. studded with

2、远不是该作者紧凑简洁的描写风格,这个传记作家的《life of Christina Stead》一书充斥着许多来自于Stead的小说和私人文档中未经整理的散漫的章节。

解析:Far from表示取非。关键是找到哪里和哪里取非。第一空填形容词,这个形容词应该和undigested and discursive有关,如果填undigested and discursive的同义词,则第2空填负评价完成Far from的逻辑取非;如果填undigested and discursive的反义词,则第2空填正评价完成Far from的逻辑取非。本题只有CE第一空选项是undigested and discursive的反义词。从2个方面看C是答案。(1)succinct有紧凑的含义,直接对应not discursive,(2)be padded with 是填充的意思,be studded with是点缀的意思,一般be studded with后面跟珠宝等美好的事物,而此处显然是undigested and discursive excerpts不好的事物。

3. Traditional Navajo concepts of government are ___; decisions are arrived at through consensus rather than ___ by a single authority.

A. aristocratic.. prescribed

B. egalitarian.. dictated

C. democratic.. censured

D. patriarchal.. legislated

E. hierarchical.. enacted


解析:分号后面作者强调的是rather than前面的decisions are arrived at through consensus,它代表了分号后面的作者态度,所以第一空填进去以后要使分号前面与它同义,先选出BC,再由第2空语意轻松排除C啦。


1.The scientist found it puzzling that his theory encountered _______ despite widespread agreement that it was_______

A. respect … crucial

B. dismissal … simplistic

C. skepticism … unfathomable

D. opposition … indisputable

E. acceptance … comprehensive

2. The rate at which soil can absorb water ________ with continuous wetting, so the longer a _________ lasts, or the greater the rate of precipitation, the higher the percentage of water that will flow across the ground as runoff and enter stream channels.

A. rises … deluge

B. diminishes … drought

C. increases … shower

D. decreases … rainstorm

E. stabilizes … thaw

3. The ideas expressed in the art historian’s book are more _____ than one would expect or the basis of her rather_________ treatment of her subject in the opening pages.

A. compelling … intriguing

B. accessible … recondite

C. hidebound … reactionary

D. insightful … innovative

E. dispassionate … evenhanded




2、无论是基本阅读还是技巧都能轻松做对。按阅读解:伴随持续潮湿的状态,土壤吸水的比率当然下降,第一空BD,so表示因果同义重复,什么越持续,水分越高,BD正好相反,当然是D啦。按技巧解:单独的or表示并列同义重复,所以第二空等于precipitation,只有ACE,再看第一空, AC与D正好相反,看不看懂都马上选出D。




GRE填空题型改革3大备考重点讲解 相关文章:



