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若水分享 1147

我们学会忍受和承担。 但我们心中永远有一个不灭的心愿。 是雄鹰,要翱翔羽天际! 是骏马,要驰骋于疆域! 要堂堂正正屹立于天地! 努力!坚持!拼搏!成功!一起看看外研版高一英语必修四教案!欢迎查阅!





base, command, request, recognize


because of, come up, at present, make use of, such as, play a part (in)


…because of that, English began to b spoken in many other countries.

Actually all languages change and develop…

The latter gave a separate identity to American English spelling.


■ To help students get to know about English development

■ To help students better understand “learning English”

■ To help students understand and use some important words and expressions

■ To help students identify examples of Indirect Speech (II): request & commands in the text




⑴Warming up by listing

Good morning, class. We have been learning English for several years. But how many English-speaking countries are there in the world? Now let’s make a list of them on the blackboard.

English Countries Explanation

Mother tongue the United Kingdom

the United States of America



South Africa


New Zealand The people in these countries are native speakers of English. In total, for more than 375 million people English is their mother tongue.

Second language India



the Philippines These people speak the language of their own country at home but the language of the government, schools, newspapers, and TV is English.

Foreign language China



etc. The number of people who learn English as a foreign language is more than 750 million.

⑵Warming up by answering questions about English

Good morning, class. Today we shall start learning Unit 2 English around the world. But how much do you know about English?

●What is Standard English?

Standard English is the form of English that most people in Britain use, and that is not limited to one area or group of people.

●What is a dialect?

A dialect is a variety of a language spoken only in one area, in which words, or grammar are slightly different from other forms of the same language.

●Do we have standard Chinese? What is it?

In China there’re so many dialects that the government encourages the whole nation to speak Putonghua, which is regarded as standard Chinese.

⑶Warming up by giving reasons

Unit 2 English around the world is what we are going to learn today. We are all learning English now because English is so popular in the world. But do you know why it is so? How many reasons could you giving for the spread of English around the world?

- English is one of the official languages of the Olympic Games and the United Nations.

- English dominates international websites and provides nearly all of the new computer terminology.

- Tourism and trade from Western Europe and North America has contributed to the spread of English.

- Satellite TV, radio programs like Joy FM, CDs and, of course, Hollywood films all broadcast English into China. Also, a number of Chinese films include English subtitles.


We are learning English here. But why are we learning it? Could you suggest to the class as many reasons as you can think of, why people in the world learn English?

for work, as a hobby, to learn about other people, to travel, to read literature in the original, to read research papers, to meet foreigners, to surf the Internet, to pass exams, etc.

Go on with your reasons. I shall write your suggestions on the board as you make them.

3. Skimming the text for general ideas

Now we go to page 9 to skim the text for the main idea of each paragraph.

Paragraph 1: The spread of the English language in the world

Paragraph 2: Native speaker can understand each other even if they don’t speak the same kind of English.

Paragraph 3: English changes and develops when cultures meet and communicate with each other.

Paragraph 4: By the 19th century English is settled.

Paragraph 5: English is spoken as a foreign language or second language in South Asia.

4. Reading and filling

Read the text to complete the chart below.

Time English is influenced by…

AD 450-1150 German

1150-1500 French

In the 1600’s Shakespeare, who make use of a wider vocabulary than ever before

By the 19th century Samuel Johnson, Noah Webster

Now Languages in South Asia, in Singapore, in Malaysia, in Africa and in China

5. Reading and copying

Next we shall go over the text once more. This time try find and copy all the useful expressions down in your notebook.

Useful expressions

at the end of…, make voyages, speak English as…, in the next century, change over time, communicate with…, be based on…, at present, become less like…, rule England, enrich the English language, make use of…, move to…, later in the 18th century, give a separate identity to…, have a very large number of…, fluent English speakers, become the language for…, develop one’s own identity, increase rapidly









1.________ vi. 爆裂;爆发

n. 突然破裂;爆发

2.________ n. 事件;大事

3.________ n. 废墟;毁灭

vt. 毁灭;使破产

4.________ adj. 极度的

5.________ vt. 破坏;毁坏;消灭

6.________ vt. & vi. (使)震惊;震动

n. 休克;打击;震惊

7.________ n. & vt. 援救;营救

8.________ vt. 使陷入困境

n. 陷阱;困境

9.________ n. 灾难;灾祸

10.________ vt. 埋葬;掩埋;隐藏

11.________ n. & vt. 损失;损害

12.________ n. 裁判员;法官

vt. 断定;判断;判决

13.________ vt. 损害;伤害→________ n. 伤害;损害→________ adj. 受伤的

14.________ n. 电;电流;电学→________ adj. 用电的;带电的→________ adj. 与电有关的;电学的

15.________ vt. 使惊吓;吓唬

→ ________ adj. 受惊的;受恐吓的

→ ________ adj. 令人恐惧的

16.____________ n. 祝贺;(复数)贺词

→ _____________ vt. 祝贺


1.a (great) number ________ 许多;大量的

2.dig ________ 掘出;发现

3.________ an end 结束;终结

4.right ________ 立刻;马上

5.as ________ 仿佛;好像

6.________ ruins 严重受损;破败不堪

7.think little ________ 轻视,满不在乎

8.tens ________ thousands of 数以万计

9.be proud ________ 以……自豪

10.judge ________ 从……判断

11.be trapped ________ 陷入

12.be buried ________ 埋头于

13.put ________ shelters 搭建避难所

14.get away ________ 离开

15.pay attention ________ 注意


EX.2 On seeing Jay Chow appear on the stage, the audience burst out _________ (cheer).

burst with anger/ joy


burst n.


a burst of laughter



n. 废墟,遗迹(常用复数形式);毁灭

be/lie in ruins


EX.1 All the towns were/lay in _____ (ruin) after the earthquake.


ruin oneself

ruin one’s health/fame/future

EX.2 过量吸烟损害健康,因此你应该戒烟。

Heavy smoking ruins your health, so you should give up smoking.

EX.3 用 ruin, destroy, damage填空:

① Her heart was slightly _______ as a result of her long illness.

② His life was ________ by drink.

③ The earthquake almost _______ all the bridges in this area.

3. injure vt.损害;伤害

______ n. 伤害

______ adj. 受伤的

________ 伤员


①The soldier was ______ in the arm in the war.

②She was ______ slightly in an accident during the work.

③This bright light will do great ______ to your eyes.

④I was very much ______ at his words.


1. I was shocked to hear that 17 people died in the explosion at a restaurant in Anhui.

2. I was shocked at the news that 17 people died in the explosion at a restaurant in Anhui.

3. I was shocked that 17 people died

in the explosion at a restaurant in Anhui.

excite, discourage, disappoint, encourage, inspire, interest, move, please, puzzle, surprise, worry…

6. trap

vt. 使陷入困境

trap sb. into (doing) sth.

be trapped in

困在 ……中;陷在……中

EX.1 警察设圈套使他讲出实情。

The police trapped him into

telling the truth.

EX.2 对比练习


1) He ___________ (trap) in the traffic jam and felt helpless.

2) When he __________ (trap) in the traffic jam, he felt helpless.

3) When __________ (trap) in the traffic jam, he felt helpless.

n. 陷阱;困境

set a trap to do sth./for…


fall into a trap


7. bury vt.

找出含bury 的短语并翻译

① The army organized teams to dig out those who were trapped and to bury

the dead.


② He has learnt to bury his feelings.


③ You’ll never solve your problems if you just bury your head in the sand----you have to face them.



④ She buried her face in her hands and wept.

bury one’s face in hands


be buried in/bury oneself in


EX.1 对比练习:


1. As he ____________ (bury) in his study, he didn’t know that his classmates had left.

2. As he __________ (bury) himself in his study, he didn’t know that his classmates had left.

3. _____ (bury) in his study, he didn’t know that his classmates had left.

4. ________(bury) himself in his study, he didn’t know that his classmates had left.

5. 8. right away

6. 立刻、马上

7. =right now/ at once/in no time

8. by the end of 到时候为止(常与_________连用)

9. EX.2 By the end of last month, he _________(learn) 3,000 English

10. words or so.

11. EX.3 我会用爱迪生的一句名言来结束。

12. I’ll end up with a famous saying from Edison.

13. 10. Review

14. a (great/large) number of +(pl.) n.

15. the number of+(pl.)n.

16. EX.1 The number of foreign students attending Chinese universities_________ (be) rising steadily since 1990.

17. EX.2 ----The number of students are in

18. the dining hall now.(改错)

19. ----Yes. The number of students

20. _____ (be) about 400.(填空)

21. 11. Thousands of families were killed and many children were left without parents.

22. leave 做使役动词,意为 ___________________

23. leave+宾语+宾补 {doing sth.

24. {done

25. {to do sth.

26. {adj. / adv. /介词短语

27. EX.1 You shouldn’t have left water ___________(run).

28. EX.2 She ran away _____________________

29. _______________. (她跑开了,留下她的男友

30. 一个人在雨中)

31. 12. It seemed as if the world was at an end!

32. → as if用于陈述语气中:

33. It looks as if it’s going to rain.

34. She closed her eyes as if she was tired.

35. → as if 用于虚拟语气中:

36. 1). She behaved as if nothing ______________(happen).

37. →as if___________ “似乎要做某事”

38. 2). He opened his mouth as if _________ something. (say)

39. 12. It seemed as if the world was at an end!

40. → as if用于陈述语气中:

41. It looks as if it’s going to rain.

42. She closed her eyes as if she was tired.

43. → as if 用于虚拟语气中:

44. 1). She behaved as if nothing ______________(happen).

45. →as if___________ “似乎要做某事”

46. 2). He opened his mouth as if _________ something. (say)

47. 13.Translate the following sentences:

48. 1). All hope was not lost.


50. 2). Not everyone has passed the exam.

51. 3). I don’t want both the ties.

52. 部分否定/半否定:

53. all/both/every... not...(not all/both/every…)

54. 意为:______________________

55. EX.1 ________ people can understand you.

56. = _____ people can _____understand you.

57. 并不是所有的人都能理解你。


no, never, none, neither, nobody,

nothing, no one, nowhere…

EX.2 这两个男孩对我们都不粗鲁。

Neither of the boys is rude to us.

Ⅳ. 巩固 考点作文串记

One night, everything began ___________ (shake), with the pipes _________ (burst) and the electricity cut off. It seemed that the world was ______ an end. Some people were ______ (injure), some buried in the _______ (ruin) and some missing. Judging from the situation, there were ______ number of ______ (trap) people waiting for the rescue. But all hope was not lost, ________ soldiers were soon sent to help ______. With the help of the soldiers, everything returned to _______ (peaceful).




Teaching aims:

1) Get the students to master some important words, phrases and sentence patterns.

2) Enable the students to use the language points by themselves.


Teaching important points:

Master the usages of “more than , come up, over, be based on, present, a/ the number of”

Teaching difficult points:

present: v adj




1 Do you know that there is more than one kind of English?

more than one 不止一个


More than one girl in this school holds such a view.

more than one 后跟___________,作主语时,谓语动词要用______。

more than

1). more than +num(数词) :over

She showed the visitors around the museum,_______________________________


2)more than +n: not only

Music is more than just a sound--- it’s a way of thinking.

3) more than +adj/v : very



4) more A than B 与其说B倒不如说A



2. Yes . I’d like to come up to your apartment.

come up






In order to finish the task on time, a good piece of advice came up at the meeting.

误区警示:come up 作“被提出”讲时是不及物动词短语,不能用被动语态。


(1)Can you tell me how the accident came about?_____

(2)I came across my old classmate in the street.______

(3)The author’s new book will came out next week.________

(4)My dream has at last come true._______

(5)The doctor came up with a good idea at the meeting._____

3 So why has English changed over time?

Over: during



The girls sing songs over their work

4 It was based more on German than the English we speak at present.

base: vt 建于…之上;以…为基础

用法:base A on B

A be based on B

One should always base his opinion on facts.






Teaching is an art __________________________________.

at present =at the moment

o Mother is busy preparing dinner at present.

present (adj.)

1) 现在的,目前的,可作前置定语








o present (n.) 礼物=gift

o present (vt.)

present v.赠送,提出,展现,

present sb. with sth.或present sth. to sb.


Eg. On his birthday, his friends____________________________(送给他一本书)

◆ 即学即练


(1)How many people _______________ (出席)at the meeting?

(2)The experts ___________________ (出席会议的)were from different parts of the world.?

(3)What is your_________________ (现在的住址)??

(4)The mayor ____________ (颁发) a silver cup to the winner next week.?

(5)What are you busy doing_______________ (目前)?

(6)He gave his mother__________ (一件礼物).?

5. For example, India has a very large number of fluent English speakers .

Today the number of people learning English in China is increasing rapidly.

a number of 许多,后接______ 名词,作主语时谓语动词用_____.

The number of …的数量,后接_____ 名词,作主语时谓语动词用______.






1 The film ___________(base) on a novel by Lu xun.

2 _________(actual), I am busy at the moment.

3 Many people believe the English _________(speak) on TV and on the radio is standard English.

4 The number of students _________(pass) the exam _____(be) increasing rapidly.


1 She came up a new idea a new idea at the meeting.

2 More than one person are against the plan.

3 I am sorry he is out at the present.

4 Basing on facts, the novel sells well.


1 对于一个中国人来说,把英语说得和说英语的本地人一样流利是不容易的。

2 一个原因就是英语的词汇量很大。




连句成篇: 用上面的句子,根据以下的提示写一篇小短文

对于中国人来说……. 一个原因是……. 为了更好的学好英语,近年来……此外……. 因为众所周知……


Write a passage using the words ,phrases and sentence patterns that we have learn.



