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百万英镑The Million Pound Bank Note 的教学设计(Warming Up)

陈美杏 文昌实验高中 英语 序号13

I. 教学内容分析

本单元课文百万英镑是根据美国短篇小说家马克吐温写的小说改编的剧本。因为本课文是高中阶段学生接触到的第一篇英文剧本,所以在Warming Up 阶段应该对剧本的相关知识做一下介绍,让学生了解英语戏剧的特色和要素。

Warming Up 是对马克吐温及其作品的讨论,以及关于他本人生平的简要介绍。这部分是本单元的背景知识,并没包括生单词,只是作一个导入。

II. 环节教学目标

1. 使学生对马克吐温及其作品, 有个初步的了解。

2. 使学生对英语剧本有初步的了解,引发学生学英语戏剧即课文的兴趣,可以通过模仿戏剧配音提高英语语调感知水平。

III. 环节教学手段


IV. 环节教学用时:10分钟

V. 环节教学过程


步骤二:让学生自己阅读P.17 的Warming Up小短文,完成旁边的Note。(3分钟)





Unit 9 Technology


1. toothpick n. 牙签 (short, pointed piece of wood, etc, for removing bits of food

from between the teeth)

2. press vi, vt. (push sth. strongly; push steadily against)

1) 压;按;推 He pressed the doorbell. 他按了门铃。

"Just press this button, and you'll start the engine."


2) 熨;熨平 I've pressed your trousers with the iron. 我用熨斗熨了你的裤子。

3)(常与up, round连用)挤 He pressed his way through the crowd. 他挤过人群。

4)(常与on, upon连用)迫;迫使;进逼 The debts pressed on him. 债务威逼着他。


She pressed her guests to stay a little longer.她极力劝说客人们再呆一会儿。

6)(常与on, upon连用)紧迫 Time presses. 时间紧迫

The problem of fuel presses for solution.这个燃料的问题急待解决。

We'll let you know if anything presses."如有紧急情况,我们会通知你的。"

3. teenager n. (十三到十九岁的)少年(a young person between 13 and 19 years old; aboy

or a girl in his or her teens)

Sandy is a very busy teenager.山迪是个非常忙碌的少年。

4. throughout adv, prep 各处,到处;遍及;从头到尾;全部时间

He is famous throughout the world. 他闻名于世界。

It rained throughout the night. 雨下了一整夜。

5. add vt. vi.

1) 增加 to add more hot water 多加点热水

Add a few more names of labourers to the list.名单上再加上几个工人的名字。

2) 加;加起来 If you add 4 to 3 you get 7. 四加三得七。

Add up these figures, please.请把这些数字加起来。

3) 补充说; 又说

I should add that we are very pleased. 我要补充的是我们非常高兴。

I should like to add that we are pleased with the test result.


6. latest adj. 最后的, 最迟的; 最新的, 最近的 the latest news最近的消息; the latest fashion 最新式样

7. calendar n.

1) 历法

From January 1st to February 1st is one calendar month.


2) 日历;月历

Their five-year-old son is able to use the calendar to count how many days it

is until his birthday. 他们五岁的儿子能用日历数出离他的生日还有多少天。

8. remind vt. (常与of, to + inf, that连用)使想起;使记起;提醒

1) remind sb. Of / about sb. / sth 使某人想起某人/某事

2) remind sb. To do sth.提醒某人做某事

3)remind sb. That clause提醒某人某事; 使某人想起某事

Remind me to write to Mother. 提醒我给妈妈写信。

This reminds me of last year. 这使我想起去年的事。

Please remind me that I must call her up before nine.请提醒我九点前给她打个电话。

The film reminded him of what he had seen in China.


9. appointment n.

1) 约定(会面时间或地点)

I made an appointment to see the doctor. 我约定好时间去看医生。

2) 职位 the appointment of a chairman 职位

10. behaviour n. 行为;举动

Everyone praises the children's good behavior. 每个人都赞扬孩子们的好行为。

11. obey vt. vi. 服从;顺从;听话

to obey an order 服从命令

They refused to obey. 他拒绝服从。

12. dare vt

1) 竟敢;敢 Don't dare do that again! 不要再这样胆大妄为!

2) 敢于;敢面对事物 He will dare any danger. 他敢冒任何危险。

3)(与to连用)挑战 He dared me to jump over the stream. 他激我跳过小溪。

13. emergency n. 紧急情况

The hospital has to treat emergencies such as car accidents.


In an emergency, telephone the police. 出现紧急情况时,请给警察打电话。

The patient was asked to ring the bell in an emergency.要求病人在有紧急情况时按铃。 14. whatever adj, pron

1) …什么就…什么

They eat whatever they can find. 他们找到什么就吃什么?

Whatever 常用来引导名词性从句或让步状语从句, 引导让步状语从句时, 可用no matter what


2) 无论什么,不管什么

Whatever(=No matter what)we said, he'd disagree. 无论我们说什么,他都不同意。

Whatever your argument, I shall hold to my decision.


College students are seen doing whatever work they can find.


Do whatever she tells you and you'll have peace.


Whatever happens, the first important thing is to keep cool.


You may do whatever you want to do. 无论你想做什么事,你都可以做。

Whatever you do, I won't tell you my secret.


15. dial vt, vi


Put in the money before dialing.先投钱币再拨号。


How do I dial London? 怎样拨电话到伦敦?

16. unexpected adj. adj.想不到的, 意外的, 未预料到

unexpected guests 不速之客;unexpected results未料到的结果

17.negative adj.

1) 否定的,否认的 a negative answer 否定的答覆;a negative vote 反对票

2) 消极的;无用的;无益的 negative attitude 消极的态度

negative advice that only tells you what not to do 只告诉你不要做某事的消极劝告

3) 没有迹象的;结果为阴性的

The test for bacteria was negative. 细菌试验结果是阴性的。

4)〈电〉阴性的;负极的 negative pole 负极

5) 减的;负的;负值的 a negative profit 减少利润; the negative sign 负号 18. clone n.无性系, 无性繁殖, 克隆; v.无性繁殖, 复制

human cloning 克隆人;to clone sheep克隆羊

19. interview n. 接见;会见

I thank you very much indeed for this interview.非常感谢你这次接见。

2) 采访; 面试 to go for an interview 进行面试

20. department n

1) 部门;部;司;局;处;系

English department 英语系

2)(某些国家的)县; 职责;专长

Advertising is my department. 我负责做广告。

21. electricity n. 电;电力; 电流 make electricity 发电

Do you use electricity for cooking? 你用电做饭吗?

22. planet n. 行星 The earth is a planet.地球是个行星。

23. defeat vt


They were defeated in the football match. 他们在足球赛中输了。

2)使失败;使受挫 Our hopes were defeated. 我们的希望破灭了。

n. 失败;击败

The football team suffered a defeat. 该足球队被击败了。

24. force n.

1) 力,力量 the force of the explosion 爆炸力

You must use force to open that bottle. 你必须用力打开那个瓶子。

2) 暴力

The thief took the money from the old man by force. 小偷用暴力夺走了老人的钱。

3)〈物〉力 the force of gravity 地心引力

The force of gravity makes things fall to earth.地心引力使物体落向地面。

4)(pl) 三军武装力量

The air force is one of the armed forces.空军是武装部队的一种。

25. peaceful adj 安静的; 宁静的;安宁的; 爱好和平的

It's peaceful at home when the children are at school.


26. succeed vi, vt (常与in连用)成功;达到; 完成

He succeeded in the examination. 他考试及格了。

His business has succeeded, and is making a lot of money.


The astronauts succeeded in returning from the moon to the earth according to the plan.



1. stay in touch with = keep in touch with 和某人保持联系;get in touch with与……取得联系;

lose touch with… 与……失去联系; be out of touch with与……失去联系;be in touch with与


2. call for 需要;要求;值得:

The occasion calls for a cool head. 这种场合需要冷静的头脑。

3. in case(of) 万一……; 如果发生……; 假使……

in case假使; 以防(万一); 免得。in case可引导一个条件状语从句或目的状语从句,还可单独使用,


In case of fire, ring the alarm bell.如遇火灾,既按警铃。

In case he comes, let me know.如果他来的话,告诉我一声。

You’d better take an umbrella in case it rains.(=It may rain; you’d better take an

umbrella just in case.) 可能会下雨,拿把雨伞,以防万一。

4. according to prep. 据;按照; 取决于;视…而定

lives according to her means 按他的方式生活

According to my watch it is 10 o'clock. 按我的表是10点钟。

pay is according to quality 依照质量付费

5.take over 接管;接替;继承

what is good and still useful should be taken over.好的有用的东西应当继承。

Our chairman has left, so Jack will take over (his job).我们的走了,因此杰克将接


6. break down

1) 破坏;拆散

Chemicals in the body break our food down into useful substances.


The peace talks are said to have broken down. (喻)据说和谈破裂了。

2)(机器)损坏 Our truck broke down outside town. 我们的卡车在城外抛锚了。

The car broke down halfway to the destination.汽车在到达目的地的中途抛锚了。

3) 失败;破裂 Their opposition broke down.他们的反对意见打消了。

4) 精神崩溃;失去控制 He broke down and wept. 他不禁失声痛哭。

5) 起化学变化 Food is broken down by chemicals. 化学物质引起食物转化。


1. I should be home in about ten minutes. 再过大约十分钟,我应该到家了。

should 在此的意思为“应该”,但在不同的语境中should有不同的含义,注意下列句子:

You should not use your cellphone in class.你不该在上课时使用手机。(表示要求)

I think you should think it over before doing it. 我认为你应该三思而后行。(表示建议)

We’ve got everything ready. There should be no problem.我们已经准备好了一切。应该不 会有问题了。(表示判断)

2. Modern cellphones are more than just phones—they are used as cameras and radios, and

to send e-mail or surf the Internet.现代的手机不仅仅是电话机—它们也当坐照相机和收音机


use A as B 把A用作B。例如:

In ancient times, people used stones as tools for farming.在古代,人们把石头用作耕作的


use sth to do sth用某物来做某事。例如:

In ancient times, people used stones to kill animals for food.


3. The answer seems to be that we have a need to stay in touch with friends and family no

matter where we are or what we are doing.答案似乎是:无论我们在何处或正在做什么,我们都


1) seem 似乎,好像,其用法及搭配有:

seem + adj., 如:

This problem seems complicated, but actually it is simple.


seem to do

I seem to have seen him somewhere before.我好像以前在哪儿见过他。

It seems that…,

It seems that everything is going on well.好像一切正常。

It seems as if…,

It seems as if it’s going to rain.看来快要下雨了。

2) no matter无论,不管,后面常跟疑问词引导的从句,其意相当于疑问词后加ever。如 no matter

what=whatever; no matter where=wherever; no matter how=however; no matter when=


No matter when (Whenever) I meet him, he is always wearing that old hat.


No matter how (However) expensive the cellphone is, I’ll buy it because I need one



3. She says that her cellphone helps her do whatever she wants to do.她说她的手机能让她想



With the money, you can buy whatever you want.有了这些钱,你可以想买什么就买什么。

类似用法的词还有:whoever, whomever, whichever等。如:

Whoever leaves the classroom last should remember to turn off the light before leaving.


You may choose whichever you like.不管你喜欢哪个,都可以选。四、语法



is/am/are/ + being + 过去分词。例如:

A、computer center is being built for the students.

The phones are also being used as cameras and radios.




1. Mum will be back from work _______ half an hour.

A. in B. after C. later D. before

2. ______ the money for protecting wildlife _____ now?

A. Is; being collecting B. Are, collected C. Is, being collected D. Has, collected

3. The old machine _____ our difficulty to finish the work on time.

A. adds up to B. has added C. adding to D. added to

4. ______ home alone after 12:00 in the evening.

A. Do you dare go B. Dare you go C. Dare you to go D. If you dare go

5. He spent what he had _______ a cell phone.

A. bought B. to buy C. buying D. had bought

6. Although they’ve never met, they _____ by e-mail for years.

A. stay in touch with B. get in touch with C. keep in touch D. get in touch

7. Never give up, ______ great difficulty is.

A. whatever B. whoever C. however D. whenever

8. _______ danger, you may call 120 for help.

A. In case B. In case of C. When D. If

9. Mr White is one of the foreign experts who ______ in China.

A. works B. is working C. has been working D. are working

10. The secretary reminded me _____ there was a meeting that afternoon.

A. of B. about C. that D. on


1. A in + 一段时间常与将来时态连用,after + 一段时间或一段时间 + later多用于过去时态。

2. C 本题考查现在进行时态的被动语态结构is/am/are being done,D选项的正确形式应为has

been collected。

3. D “这台旧机器增加了我们按时完工的难度。”add to意为“增加”,在句中作谓语,add up


4. B句中dare作情态动词, 其后接动词原形; 若作实义动词, 答案为Do you dare to go. D选项不能


5. C “他倾其所有买了一手机。”本题考查短语spend…(in) doing/on sth.

6. C stay/ keep in touch (with sb.)意为“保持联系”;get in touch(with sb.)意为“取得

联系”。 get为瞬间动词,不能与for years 连用。

7. C “无论困难有多大,永远不要放弃”。本题的考查目标为no matter how引导的让步状语从句,

此时no matter how = however,修饰形容词或副词。

8. B in case of 接名词,其余选项接句子。

9. D 本题考查定语从句中的主谓一致。先行词为experts,谓语动词用复数。 10. C 本题考查remind的用法。that后接句子,其余选项接名词或代词。



1. 我爷爷70岁了, 却终日忙个不停。

My grandpa is _____ ______ ______ all day long though he is 70.

2. 你知道会上正在讨论什么吗?

Do you know _______ _______ ________ ________ at the meeting?

3. 成功需要勤奋。

Success _____ _______ hard work.

4. 无论我说什么,他就是不相信。

_______ ________ _______ I said, he wouldn’t believe me.

5. 听到这个消息,学生老师都高兴。

_______ ________ the students _____ _______ the teacher was happy at the news.

6. 王先生病了, 我已接管他的工作。

Mr Wang is ill, so I’ve ________ _________ his work.

7. 我苦思冥想,却未能想出一个好办法。

I kept thinking hard, but failed to ________ ________ _______ a good idea.

8. 在比赛中,Douglas成功地击败了其他的选手。

Douglas _____ _____ _____ all the other players in the match.

9. 竹子不仅仅用于建筑。

Bamboo is used for ________ _________ building.

10. 他似乎已经听说了这个坏消息。

He _______ ______ have heard the bad news.


1、adapt v.


(1)How do these insects adapt themselves to new environments?

(2)You can adapt this fabric for anything from divers' suits to gloves.

(3)Many children buy books after they have been adapted for television.


A. 改造;改装 B. 改编;改写 C. 适应;适合

(1)C (2)A (3)B

adapt oneself to…使自己适应或习惯于……

adapt to 适应

adapt sth. for sth. 改造;改装(以适应新用途、新情况)

adapt…from…根据……改写 / 改编

adaptable adj. 适应力强的;适用面广的

adaptation n. 适应; 改编; 改造

adapt / adjust / fit / suit / match



You should adapt yourself to the new environment.


You can't see through the telescope until it is adjusted to your eyes.


The shoes fit me well.


No dish suits all tastes.


A red jacket doesn't match green trousers.


(1)The play is adapted from a Michael Crichton novel.

(2)This teaching material can be adapted for older children.

(3)When you go to a new country, you must adapt yourself to new customs.

1、adapt v.

2、conduct n. & vt.


(1)We are conducting a

survey of consumer attitudes towards organic food.

(2)Non-metals such as wood, glass and plastic cannot conduct heat easily.

(3)The orchestra is conducted by John Williams.

(4)“I can't scold your cheating on the examination,” said a father to his son. “But I'm glad that you conduct_yourself honestly next time. ”

(5)Why has his fellow students' conduct changed towards Marty?


A. (乐队)指挥 B. 为人;表现C. 导(电、热)

D. 实施;进行E. 行为

(1)D (2)C (3)A (4)B (5)E

conduct a survey / investigation 进行调查

conduct oneself 表现

conductive adj. 具有传导性的

conductor n. (乐队)指挥;(公共汽车上的)售票员


Yesterday our chemistry teacher(1) conducted an experiment on wood to see whether it is (2) conductive, after the experiment we drew a conclusion that wood is a poor (3) conductor of heat.

3、congratulate vt.


(1)She congratulated me warmly on my exam results.

(2)I congratulate myself on my good fortune.


A. 祝贺;向……道喜B. (因某事)为……感到高兴

(1)A (2)B

congratulate sb. on sth. / congratulate sb. for doing(having done)sth. 祝贺某人做了某事 congratulate oneself on sth. / congratulate oneself for doing / having done sth. 庆幸自己做了某事

congratulation n. 恭喜;祝贺 (常用复数)

Please accept my sincere congratulations on your marriage. 谨以至诚祝贺你们喜结良缘。

congratulate / celebrate



congratulate意思是“祝贺,道贺”,只能用人作宾语,若要表明所祝贺的事情,后面要用on (upon)连接,构成congratulate sb. on / upon sth.

We congratulated her on winning the contest.

I will congratulate you on / upon your success.

celebrate意思是举行仪式、典礼的“庆祝”,只能用事(节日、胜利、成功等)作宾语,构成celebrate sth.

We had a party to celebrate parents' silver wedding.

They will celebrate your birthday next week.



We congratulated him on having come first in his exam.


Please give / pass her my congratulations when you see her.

4、access n.&v.


(1)Only 40% of 5-year-olds have access to preschool education.

(2)There is easy access to the countryside by rail.

(3)Bank customers can access their checking accounts instantly through the electronic system.


A. 通道;入口 B. (使用某物或接近某人的)权利;机会 C.接近,利用

(1)B (2)A (3)C

have / get / obtain / gain access to…拥有……的机会;可以接近;进入

give access to接近;准许进入

accessible adj. 可接近的;可进入的;可使用的

be accessible to…可接近的,可靠近的;可使用的

access (to) / approach (to)

access to


The only access to that farmhouse is across the fields.


Students must have access to good resources.

approach to


Soldiers were guarding all approaches to the palace.


We need a fresh approach to sports in education.


( )(1)For professional athletes, __________ to the Olympics means that they have a chance to enter the history books.

A. appeal B. attachment C. access D. approach

( )(2)The people living here are __________ to the swimming pool.

A. predictable B. possible C. accessible D. due

5、in other words 换句话说


I soon found that the work I was doing had been done by other people — in_other_words,_I'm wasting my time.


keep one‘s word 遵守诺言

break one's word 失信,食言

eat one‘s words 承认说错了话 get in a word插话

leave word留言 have a word with sb. 与某人谈一谈

have words with sb. (about sth. )(为某事)与某人争吵

in a / one word简言之;总之

beyond words无法用言语表达

with these words说完这些话

word came that…有消息传来说……

sb. sent word that…某人传来消息……

Word came that our duties would be changed.


He sent word by an army messenger that they had arrived in Jakarta. 他通过通信兵传送消息说他们已经达到雅加达。

in other words / I mean

in other words 换句话说,也就是说(尤指转向更简单的说法)

He decided to quit the job. In other words, he had to find another job instead.

I mean我是说 (用于补充评论或解释刚说过的话或原因)

We couldn't live on that! I mean, it is ridiculous.


(1)Nack is good, kind, hard-working and intelligent; in a / one word, I can't speak too highly of him.

(2)I cannot trust him any more because he did not keep his word.

(3)With these words,he left the room hurriedly.

(4)Beethoven wrote many world-famous musical compositions.In other words, he was a great musician.

(5)You also can leave word online, we really appreciate your proposal.

6、out of breath 上气不接下气


After climbing that long flight of stairs she was completely out_of_breath. 爬完那么长的一段楼梯后,她已经完全喘不过气来了。

out of sight看不见 out of control失控

out of date过期,过时 out of order出毛病;混乱

out of work失业 out of patience不能忍受

out of question没问题;无疑;毫无疑问

out of the question不可能的;办不到的

out of fashion过时,不流行

out of reach够不着 out of touch失去联系

out of place不适合 out of cash钱用光了

用out of 的相关短语填空

(1)The Ford car went out of control and crashed over the cliff.

(2)Some popular songs go out of fashion / date (过时)soon.

(3)This medicine is out of order (出毛病).

(4)Hardly had I opened the door when he rushed into the office out of breath (上气不接下气).

( ) 1. (2009?浙江)The good thing about children is that they ______ very easily to new environments.

A. adapt B. appeal

C. attach D. apply

…but I am very outgoing and have learned to _adapt_to my disability.(P2)

A 本题考查动词词义辨析。句意为:孩子们的一个很好的优势就是他们很容易适应新的环境。adapt to适应;appeal to呼吁;attach to附属于;apply to向……申请。

( ) 2. (2010?全国Ⅰ)With Father's Day around the corner, I have taken some money out of the bank ______ presents for my dad.

A. buy B. to buy

C. buying D. to have bought

I have to work hard to_live_a_normal_life but it has been worth it.(P2)

B 动词不定式作目的状语。根据选项此题考查非谓语动词。题干中空格划在名词后,但是空格后的部分不是对

(3)This medicine is out of order (出毛病).

(4)Hardly had I opened the door when he rushed into the office out of breath (上气不接下气).

( ) 1. (2009?浙江)The good thing about children is that they ______ very easily to new environments.

A. adapt B. appeal

C. attach D. apply

…but I am very outgoing and have learned to _adapt_to my disability.(P2)

A 本题考查动词词义辨析。句意为:孩子们的一个很好的优势就是他们很容易适应新的环境。adapt to适应;appeal to呼吁;attach to附属于;apply to向……申请。

( ) 2. (2010?全国Ⅰ)With Father's Day around the corner, I have taken some money out of the bank ______ presents for my dad.

A. buy B. to buy

C. buying D. to have bought

I have to work hard to_live_a_normal_life but it has been worth it.(P2)

B 动词不定式作目的状语。根据选项此题考查非谓语动词。题干中空格划在名词后,但是空格后的部分不是对


一、教学说明 (Teaching Remarks):



二、教学目标(Teaching Aims):

知识目标:通过阅读 Reading这篇文章,学习文中的一些有用的词语和句型扩大学生的词汇量,提高语言运用能力。

能力目标:1. 采用不同的阅读方法理解课文,提高学生的阅读能力。

2. 学习文中成功的语言学习者的优秀品质,并鼓励学生将其运用到实践当中,以便提高自己的英语学习能力。

德育目标: 教导学生:好的学习方法固然重要,但勤勉更重要。“no pains, no gains.”

三、教学重点(Teaching Key Points):

1.采用不同的阅读技巧,让学生了解文章大意,并归纳每段文章的中心意思(main idea)和文章的主旨(purpose of the text)。


四、教学难点(Teaching Difficult Points):


五、教学方法(Teaching Methods):

1. Ask and answer 和 pictures 相结合,导入课文。

2. Fast reading 归纳每段文章的中心意思(main idea)和文章的主旨(purpose of the text), 提高学生的阅读能力。

3. Careful reading 回答问题,了解文章细节内容。

4. Group work 讨论成功语言学习者的经验和特点。

5. Explaining and learning 掌握文中重点词汇、句型。

六、教学辅助(Teaching Aids):

Multi-media Computer,tape


首先利用课文标题 “Learning a Foreign Language: Twice as Hard?” 问学生 “How do you think of this question?” 让学生讨论导入。然后利用图片与Pre-reading部分的问题相结合的方式,展开讨论与问答,启发学生思考,引起联想,使学生对语言学习这个问题产生更浓的兴趣,以

促使他们学习方式的优化,提高其自主学习的能力。由于Pre-reading部分内容都在 “Reading”部分要进一步阐明,这就让学生先行考虑, 做好了准备,使他们提高阅读的自主性。


Question1. How do we learn our mother tongue? 配以 “中国孩子认汉字、学古诗”和“外国孩子学母语,”的图片,学生根据图片和自身的经历便可轻而易举地回答此问题。

Question2. What are the difficulties we must face in learning English?

Question3. How is learning a foreign language different from learning our mother tongue? 配以孩子们围绕着电视看卡通米老鼠学英语的图片。让学生感受到我们从小是如何学英语的以及学英语和学母语 的区别。

Question4. What are the characteristics of successful language learners?

Question5. How can we develop our confidence?

Question6. What can we do to learn better and faster?


有了以上的准备工作,让学生进入Reading 快读。首句阅读并skim the whole text,找出每段的大意,呈现于屏幕上,检查学生阅读的效果,把握学生对文章的总体理解程度。


Question1. How do we acquire our mother tongue? (paragraph1)

Question2. How do different people explain our ability to learn our mother tongue? ( paragraph2)

Question3. At what age have most children mastered their mother tongue? (paragraph2)

Question4. How is learning a foreign language different from learning one’s mother tongue? (paragraph3)

Question5. In the writer’s opinion, which is faster learning mother tongue and learning foreign language? (paragraph3)

Question6. Why are some people better at learning foreign language than others? (paragraph4)

Question7. Why are successful language students able to gain confidence and to relax and enjoy learning? (paragraph5)

Question8. In which areas are

the successful language learners better? (paragraph5)

Question9. How can the learners make their language acquisition better? (paragraph5)

Question10. How can we become successful language learners? (paragraph 6)





Teaching Plan

(Pre-reading and Reading Unit 8 Senior 3)

Ⅰ.Teaching Aims

1.Improve the Ss’ reading ability.

2.Develop the Ss’learning language ability.

3、Learn some useful expressions and sentences

4、“No pains,no gains.” Diligence is the key to success.

Ⅱ.Teaching Key Points

1. Improve the Ss’ reading ability. Sum up the main idea of each paragraph and the purpose of the text.

2.Learn some useful expressions and sentences

Ⅲ. Teaching Difficult Points

1. How do the students use the characteristics of the successful learners to improve their English study?

Ⅳ. Teaching Methods

1. Ask and answer

2. Fast and careful reading

3. Group work

4. Explaining and learning

Ⅴ. Teaching Aids

Multi-media Computer, tape

Ⅵ. Teaching Procedures

Step1. Greeting.

The teacher and the students greet

each other.

Step2. Lead-in.

Step3. Fast-reading to find out the main idea of each paragraph and the purpose of the author.

Step4. Careful reading to answer some questions.

Step5. Explain and memorise the useful expressions and sentences.

Step6. Listen to the tape and then read the text aloud. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.

Step7. Test

Step8. Summary

1. the characteristics of the good language learners.

2.the useful expressions and sentences

Step8. The design of the writing on the blackboard

-Useful expressions:

1.communicate with sb./sth.

2.make sense of

3.be equipped with

4.adjust oneself to sth. / adapt to sth.

5.regardless of

6.take chances / a chance

7.take risks / a risk

8.experiment with sth.

9.contribute to sth ./ doing sth.


Not all of us want to be translators or interpreters.(原文)

部分否定句的构成:not all / both / every---- =all / both / every----not----

eg. All the answers are not right. = Not all the answers are right.

Both of the books are not useful. = Not both of the books are useful.

Not every student wants to take part in the game. = Every student doesn’t want to take part in the game.

Step9. Extra work

Retell the text according to the main idea of each paragraph.

Step10. Record after teaching













