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若水分享 1860



  It must be heartbreaking to be able to appreciate true genius and yet fall just short of it yourself. A man can spend his entire life studying to be a mathematician--and yet watch helplessly while a high school dropout, a janitor, scribbles down the answers to questions the professor is baffled by.

  It's also heartbreaking when genius won't recognize itself, and that's the most baffling problem of all in ``Good Will Hunting,'' the smart, involving story of a working-class kid from Boston.

  The film stars Matt Damon as a janitor at MIT who likes to party and hang around the old neighborhood and whose reading consists of downloading the contents of whole libraries into his photographic memory. Stellan Skarsgard (the husband in ``Breaking the Waves'') plays Lambeau, the professor, who offers a prize to any student who can solve a difficult problem. The next morning, the answer is written on a blackboard standing in the hall.

  Who claims credit? None of the students does. A few days later, Lambeau catches Will Hunting (Damon) at the board and realizes he's the author--a natural mathematical genius who can intuitively see through the thorniest problems. Lambeau wants to help Will, to get him into school, maybe, or collaborate with him. But before that can take place, Will and some buddies are cruising the old neighborhood and beat up a guy. Will also hammers on the cops a little and is jailed.

  He's a tough nut. He sees nothing wrong with spending his whole life hanging out with his friends, quaffing a few beers, holding down a blue-collar job. He sees romance in being an honest bricklayer, but none in being a professor of mathematics--maybe because bricklaying is work, and, for him, math isn't.

  ``Good Will Hunting'' is the story of how this kid's life edges toward self-destruction and how four people try to haul him back. One is Lambeau, who gets probation for Will with a promise that he'll find him help and counseling.

  One is Sean McGuire (Robin Williams), Lambeau's college roommate, now a community college professor who has messed up his own life, but is a gifted counselor. One is Skylar (Minnie Driver), a British student at Harvard, who falls in love with Will and tries to help him. And one is Chuckie (Ben Affleck), Will's friend since childhood, who tells him: ``You're sitting on a winning lottery ticket. It would be an insult to us if you're still around here in 20 years.'' True, but Will doesn't see it that way. His reluctance to embrace the opportunity at MIT is based partly on class pride (it would be betraying his buddies and the old neighborhood) and partly on old psychic wounds. And it is only through breaking through to those scars and sharing some of his own that McGuire, the counselor, is able to help him. Robin Williams gives one of his best performances as McGuire, especially in a scene where he finally gets the kid to repeat, ``It's not my fault.'' ``Good Will Hunting'' perhaps found some of its inspiration in the lives of its makers. The movie was co-written by Damon and Affleck, who grew up in Boston, who are childhood friends, and who both took youthful natural talents and used them to find success as actors. It's tempting to find parallels between their lives and the characters--and tempting, too, to watch the scenes between Damon and Driver with the knowledge that they fell in love while making the movie.

  The Will Hunting character is so much in the foreground that it's easy to miss a parallel relationship: Lambeau and McGuire also are old friends who have fought because of old angers and insecurities. In a sense, by bringing the troubled counselor and the troublesome janitor together, the professor helps to heal both of them.

  The film has a good ear for the way these characters might really talk.

  It was directed by Gus Van Sant (``Drugstore Cowboy,'' ``To Die For''), who sometimes seems to have perfect pitch when it comes to dialogue; look at the scene where Matt and Skylar break up and say hurtful things, and see how clear he makes it that Matt is pushing her away because he doesn't think he deserves her.

  The outcome of the movie is fairly predictable; so is the whole story, really. It's the individual moments, not the payoff, that make it so effective.

  ``Good Will Hunting'' has been rather inexplicably compared to ``Rainman,'' although ``Rainman'' was about an autistic character who cannot and does not change, and ``Good Will Hunting'' is about a genius who can change, and grow, if he chooses to.

  True, they can both do quick math in their heads. But Will Hunting is not an idiot savant or some kind of lovable curiosity; he's a smart man who knows he's smart but pulls back from challenges because he was beaten down once too often as a child.


  The name of the movie is Good Will Hunting, it tells a story of a lonely intelligent young man releasing his encounters in the past; learning to be loved and love others; “hunting” for the correct direction of his life through the things he experienced and the people around him.

  The movie started by the scene of numerous Mathematical books, it shows his first character, he loves reading and has an extensive knowledge in math. The next lens is his friends came to pick up him, the process is muted and both of them said no word, which indicates his silent and introverted personality. Then the following plots present the figures of a group of furious and offensive young men who always attend to fight. Above made a show of personalities and lay the background of the story.

  There are four relationships in the movie: Will and his friends, Will and Skylar, Will and Sean, Lambeau and Sean.

  Will and his friends

  The first are his three friends, they talk to each other with dirty words; don?t have any ambition and work as labors or do some sanitary works because they were not well educated and civilized; hanging out together is the only fun. On the other hand, they got the closest and intimate relationship; they never allow others to insult any one in them. They are

  the same kind of people perhaps because they all have unbeknown misfortunes in the past, they all passive, lonely, and afraid of hurt; they are so afraid of lonely so they like being together and passing in and out the chaos bar; they are so afraid to express themselves so they talk rudely; they are so afraid of hurts from others so they hurt others initiatively. There is a fragment which adequately shows their aloneness that one of them wants to drive farther road for lunch, but another young man said: “because you like the take-out girl in the canteen”. That means they have affections but they don?t express them directly like ordinary people. Will is same with them and also he is different from them. He talks few and sometimes he like taking the bus alone to avoid the noise of people and licking the pain himself, because the noise can only bring him away from the scar in his heart for a little while, being alone can make him feel safe and no one will see him through. And he also has his amazing intelligence on math unknown by others. The three guys are the whole relationship between him and the outside word before he met the people who would change his life. They are not good at expressing their feelings in words, they are rude and poor, but they will bring Will a car for his birthday present. This taught Will that there is a kind of wordless love called friendship.

  Will and Skylar

  Will meet Skylar in the university bar when he defended a young man

  who was embarrassing his friend, as Will never talks to others initiatively, Skylar showed her interest to Will and stroke up a conversation with him. In the contact with Skylar, he found that Skylar was a beautiful, easygoing, humorous and passionate lovely girl and he fell in love with her quickly. Skylar noticed that Will is very special, she loves him and she tried to understand him better and wanted to help him. But love makes Will feel self- abased because he thought he was different from other normal people, and he doesn?t deserve the wonderful girl. He lied to Skylar that he has many brothers to disguise his loneliness because he was afraid she will dislike him if he has no sense of what is normal family love like other ordinary people. He don?t want to tell Skylar why he can?t go with her, because he thinks she will leave him if she know his past. So he drive Skylar away from him because he don?t want to see Skylar leave him, he think that may be less hurt for him; actually he had already hurt both himself and his love. When they talked on the phone, Skylar told him she loves him, he was grieved after they broke up and can?t find a way out. So he turns to his ?hunter? Sean.

  Will and Sean

  Sean is the key of ?hunting good Will?. Will was sent to Sean after several psychologists beaten back, Sean uses his own way to motivate Will to speak out, exposed the pain in his heart toward Will and shared his hurt with him, he told Will about his wife and their love story. He teaches Will

  that if you love somebody, you love his shortcomings and defects, and accept his past, and he will never leave you no matter what you like. He led Will to dissolve the painful memory of the past and inspired Will that people should live without regret and encouraged Will to pursue Skylar back; they share their pain with each other and comfort each other, healed each other and become soul partner of each other, both of Sean and Will saved each other from the pain of the past and open their heart to embrace life in future.


  Sean and Lambeau

  They used to be old friend, but their relationship is not very good because they have the different outlook and pursuits. Sean likes living light-heartedly, he does just what he wants to do and he doesn?t care of fame or money. Lambeau attend to pursue fame and prestige, like to govern others and judge others at his own point. He doesn?t understand Sean, he thought just what he is doing can be called successful and Sean is doing something meaningless and unsuccessful. Will?s occurrence and refusal remind him that people who successful is just do what they what to do. Sean quarrel with him taught him that he is too ego and arrogant; Lambeau finally recognized his deficient and he made the gap up between he and Sean.

  Some inspirations

  There are too many lonely people in the world. All of them experienced some unpleasing encounters and can?t let them go. Everyone has his unchangeable past and sometimes there will be some unforgettable painful memory, people often tortured by the distressed things that had happened and constrained by the pain in subsequent life, if we want to live better life, we?d better let them go, because the world will never abandon you unless you are going to abandon yourself. Learn to enjoy loneliness when we live alone; try to heal the pain in your heart by yourself, because if there is no one can save you, you have to be able to save yourself; open your heart to the world all the time because what doesn?t kill you makes you stronger. The movie makes me think about love, it teaches me that the one really love you will love you no matter what you like ; it remind me that true friend is the most valuable wealth I have even if I have nothing; it makes me think about myself; who am I? What do I want to do? Who is my soul partner? I think am just a tiny dust of the immense universe; I want to realize my value to the people around me and find my soul partner; I will be my soul partner before I find another one.


  Sean and Lambeau

  They used to be old friend, but their relationship is not very good because they have the different outlook and pursuits. Sean likes living light-heartedly, he does just what he wants to do and he doesn?t care of fame or money. Lambeau attend to pursue fame and prestige, like to govern others and judge others at his own point. He doesn?t understand Sean, he thought just what he is doing can be called successful and Sean is doing something meaningless and unsuccessful. Will?s occurrence and refusal remind him that people who successful is just do what they what to do. Sean quarrel with him taught him that he is too ego and arrogant; Lambeau finally recognized his deficient and he made the gap up between he and Sean.

  Some inspirations

  There are too many lonely people in the world. All of them experienced some unpleasing encounters and can?t let them go. Everyone has his unchangeable past and sometimes there will be some unforgettable painful memory, people often tortured by the distressed things that had happened and constrained by the pain in subsequent life, if we want to live better life, we?d better let them go, because the world will never abandon you unless you are going to abandon yourself. Learn to enjoy loneliness when we live alone; try to heal the pain in your heart by yourself, because if there is no one can save you, you have to be able to save yourself; open your heart to the world all the time because what doesn?t kill you makes you stronger. The movie makes me think about love, it teaches me that the one really love you will love you no matter what you like ; it remind me that true friend is the most valuable wealth I have even if I have nothing; it makes me think about myself; who am I? What do I want to do? Who is my soul partner? I think am just a tiny dust of the immense universe; I want to realize my value to the people around me and find my soul partner; I will be my soul partner before I find another one.


  It must be heartbreaking to be able to appreciate true genius and yet fall just short of it yourself. A man can spend his entire life studying to be a mathematician--and yet watch helplessly while a high school dropout, a janitor, scribbles down the answers to questions the professor is baffled by.

  It's also heartbreaking when genius won't recognize itself, and that's the most baffling problem of all in ``Good Will Hunting,'' the smart, involving story of a working-class kid from Boston.

  The film stars Matt Damon as a janitor at MIT who likes to party and hang around the old neighborhood and whose reading consists of downloading the contents of whole libraries into his photographic memory. Stellan Skarsgard (the husband in ``Breaking the Waves'') plays Lambeau, the professor, who offers a prize to any student who can solve a difficult problem. The next morning, the answer is written on a blackboard standing in the hall.

  Who claims credit? None of the students does. A few days later, Lambeau catches Will Hunting (Damon) at the board and realizes he's the author--a natural mathematical genius who can intuitively see through the thorniest problems. Lambeau wants to help Will, to get him into school, maybe, or collaborate with him. But before that can take place, Will and some buddies are cruising the old neighborhood and beat up a guy. Will also hammers on the cops a little and is jailed.

  He's a tough nut. He sees nothing wrong with spending his whole life hanging out with his friends, quaffing a few beers, holding down a blue-collar job. He sees romance in being an honest bricklayer, but none in being a professor of mathematics--maybe because bricklaying is work, and, for him, math isn't.

  ``Good Will Hunting'' is the story of how this kid's life edges toward self-destruction and how four people try to haul him back. One is Lambeau, who gets probation for Will with a promise that he'll find him help and counseling.

  One is Sean McGuire (Robin Williams), Lambeau's college roommate, now a community college professor who has messed up his own life, but is a gifted counselor. One is Skylar (Minnie Driver), a British student at Harvard, who falls in love with Will and tries to help him. And one is Chuckie (Ben Affleck), Will's friend since childhood, who tells him: ``You're sitting on a winning lottery ticket. It would be an insult to us if you're still around here in 20 years.'' True, but Will doesn't see it that way. His reluctance to embrace the opportunity at MIT is based partly on class pride (it would be betraying his buddies and the old neighborhood) and partly on old psychic wounds. And it is only through breaking through to those scars and sharing some of his own that McGuire, the counselor, is able to help him. Robin Williams gives one of his best performances as McGuire, especially in a scene where he finally gets the kid to repeat, ``It's not my fault.'' ``Good Will Hunting'' perhaps found some of its inspiration in the lives of its makers. The movie was co-written by Damon and Affleck, who grew up in Boston, who are childhood friends, and who both took youthful natural talents and used them to find success as actors. It's tempting to find parallels between their lives and the characters--and tempting, too, to watch the scenes between Damon and Driver with the knowledge that they fell in love while making the movie.

  The Will Hunting character is so much in the foreground that it's easy to miss a parallel relationship: Lambeau and McGuire also are old friends who have fought because of old angers and insecurities. In a sense, by bringing the troubled counselor and the troublesome janitor together, the professor helps to heal both of them.

  The film has a good ear for the way these characters might really talk.

  It was directed by Gus Van Sant (``Drugstore Cowboy,'' ``To Die For''), who sometimes seems to have perfect pitch when it comes to dialogue; look at the scene where Matt and Skylar break up and say hurtful things, and see how clear he makes it that Matt is pushing her away because he doesn't think he deserves her.

  The outcome of the movie is fairly predictable; so is the whole story, really. It's the individual moments, not the payoff, that make it so effective.

  ``Good Will Hunting'' has been rather inexplicably compared to ``Rainman,'' although ``Rainman'' was about an autistic character who cannot and does not change, and ``Good Will Hunting'' is about a genius who can change, and grow, if he chooses to.

  True, they can both do quick math in their heads. But Will Hunting is not an idiot savant or some kind of lovable curiosity; he's a smart man who knows he's smart but pulls back from challenges because he was beaten down once too often as a child.


