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若水分享 1147



  1. especially, specially

  especially adv. 特殊地;尤其是

  (1)侧重于多种事物或人中比较突出的。I like all the subjects at school, especially English. (尤其是英语)

  (2) especially 后可接介词短语或从句。I like the Yuelu Mountains, especially in spring. (尤其是在春天) Noise is unpleasant, especially when you are trying to sleep.

  specially 侧重特意地、专门地做某事 (后面常接for sb. 或to do sth.)

  I made a chocolate cake specially for you.

  2. boring, bored, bore

  boring adj. 令人厌烦的 The book is very boring.

  bored adj. 感到厌烦的 I'm bored with the book.

  bore vt. 令人厌烦 This book bores me.

  有些表示情感的及物动词,有与bore类似的用法。如:interest, excite, surprise, amaze, frighten, astonish, move, inspire, touch, scare, disappoint, puzzle, worry 这类词的现在分词形式,为“令人……”;过去分词形式,为“感到……”。

  3. except for, except, but, besides

  表示“除了”的词或短语有:except; but; except for; besides; except that (when...) 等。

  (1) except 和 but 都表示“除了……之外。没有”,二者大多数情况下可以互换;但在no, all, nobody, nothing, no one 等词后多用 but。No one knows our teacher's address except / but him. (排除him)

  (2) besides 除……之外,还……,有附加性。What other foreign languages do you know besides English? (English与other languages都属于know的范围)

  (3) except for 只不过……,整体肯定,部分修正,用于排除非同类事物,for表示细节上的修正。 Your article is well written except for a few spelling mistakes.

  4. know, know of, know about

  (1) know 用作动词,意思是“(直接地)获知,懂得,认识,熟悉”。I don't know whether he is here or not. / I know him to be honest.

  (2) know of和know about的意思都是“(间接地)获知”,指听别人说到或从书报上看到,二者没有什么区别。

  5. for example; such as

  (1) for example“例如”,用来举例说明某一论点或情况。一般只举同类人或物中的“一个”为例,作插入语,可位于句首、句中或句末。可用for instance替换。For example, air is invisible. / His spelling is terrible! Look at this word, for example.

  (2) such as “例如”,用来列举事物,一般列举同类人或事物中的几个例子。插在被列举的事物与前面的名词之间,as后面不可有逗号。Some of the European Languages come from Latin, such as French, Italian and Spanish.

  [注意]如把前面所述情况全部举出,用that is或namely。



  1. Remove clothing using scissors if necessary unless it is stuck to the burn.



  Unless you change your mind,I won,t be able to help you.

  =If you don?t change your mind,I won ’t be able to help you.


  I want you to keep working unless I tell you to stop.

  =I want you to keep working if I don’t tell you to stop.


  注意:unless 不可用于假想的事情,因此当if...not引导非真实条件状语从句时,一般不可改用unless。



  一、here, there, now, then, thus 等副词置于句首, 谓语动词常用 be, come, go, lie, run。

  There goes the bell. 铃声响了。

  Then came the chairman.主席来了。

  Here is your letter. 你的信。

  二、否定词置于句首,句子应进行倒装。 neither 放句首

  Tod can't swim, neither can I. 托德不会游泳,我也不会。

  用于 never, hardly, seldom, scarcely, barely, little, often, at no time, not only, not once, many a time 等词开头的句子。

  Never shall I go there again. 我再也不去那了。

  Little did he know who the woman was.他基本上不知道那女人是谁。

  Seldom was he late for class.他很少上学迟到。

  用于 no sooner ... than ..., hardly... when... 和 not until... 的句型中

  Hardly had I reached the station when the train left. 我刚到车站,火车就离开了。

  No sooner had she gone out than the phone rang. 她刚离开,电话就响了。

  Not until the teacher came did he finish his homework. 直到老师来,他才完成作业。
















  link A to B 将A和B连接起来

  refer to


  e.g. When he said “some students”, do you think he wasreferring to us?

  2) 参考;查阅;询问

  e.g. If you don'tunderstand a word you may refer to your dictionaries.

  Please refer to the lastpage of the book for answers.

  3) 关系到;关乎

  e.g. What I have to sayrefers to all of you.

  This rule refers toeveryone.

  reference: n. 参考

  e.g. reference books 参考书

  7. to one's surprise (prep)

  “to one's + 名词”表“令某人……”

  常见的名词有“delight, disappointment, enjoyment, astonishment 等

  e.g. I discovered, to myhorror, that the goods were entirely unfit for sale.

  To John's great relief theyreached the house at last.

  8. ... found themselves united peacefully

  “find +宾语+宾补( adj; adv; v-ing; pp; 介词短语;不定式)”

  e.g. A cook will beimmediately fired if he is found smoking in the kitchen.

  You'll find him easy to getalong with.

  They found themselvestrapped by the bush fire.

  When I woke up, I foundmyself in hospital.

  I called on him yesterday,but I found him out.

  9. get sth done =have sthdone 使某事被做…….

  e.g. I'll just get thesedishes washed and then I'll come.

  get + n. + to do

  get + n. + doing

  You'll get her to agree.

  I'll get the car going.

  get done: 用于意想不到、突然或偶然发生,意为“被…….”

  e.g. Be careful when youcross this very busy street.

  10.break away (from sb /sth) 脱离;破除…

  e.g. It is not easy for himto break away from bad habits.

  The man broke away from hisguards.

  break down (会谈)破裂,失败;(汽车等)出故障;(人的健康状况)变得恶劣;(情感)失控

  e.g. His car broke down onthe way to work this morning.

  His health broke down underthe pressure of work.

  He broke down and wept whenhe heard the news.

  Talks between the twocountries have completely broken down.

  break in 闯入;打岔

  break off 中断,折断

  break into 闯入

  break out 爆发;发生

  break up 驱散;分散,拆散

  11. as well as 不仅…而且;既…又…

  e.g. He is a teacher aswell as a writer.

  The children as well astheir father were seen playing football in the street.

  12.convenience: n.方便;便利

  e.g. We bought this housefor its convenience.

  convenient: adj.

  13. attraction:

  1). 吸引;引力(不可数 n.)

  2). 吸引人的东西;喜闻乐见的东西;精彩节目(可数 n.)

  e.g. attraction ofgravitation 重力

  He can't resist theattraction of the sea on a hot day.

  A big city offers many andvaried attractions.

  What are the principleattractions this evening?

  attract: v.


  1) v. 对…产生影响

  e.g. What influence you tochoose a career in teaching?

  2)可数n. 产生影响的人或事

  e.g. He is one of the goodinfluences in the school.

  3) (不可数n.) 影响

  e.g. A teacher has greatinfluence over his pupils.













