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《Look at me》教案模板

若水分享 1147

  一个好的教学设计是一节课成败的关键,要根据不同的课题进行灵活的教学设计。首先对每一个课题的教学内容要有一个整体的把握。下面就是小编给大家带来的《Look at me》教案,希望能帮助到大家!

  《Look at me》教案(一)


  1.认知目标:能听懂,会说Look at me! This is my face;nose; mouth; ear; eye;




  1.重点:掌握句子Look at me! This is my face

  2.难点:区分a和an的发音以及S复数用法。 能熟练地使用问候语和介绍语来进行交际。




  Step I Warming up

  1、Greetings .

  Good morning ,boys and girls! I’m Miss Fan.I’m very happy today,.How are you ?

  2、Are you ready for class? Let’s do and sing, “Hello ,Hello ,How are you ?”

  Have Ss do actions with another.(设计意图:轻松欢快的歌曲伴动作 作为开场白,同时复习旧知,带领学生轻松进入课堂主题,音乐、图像使抽象的语言变得更加直观。)

  StepⅡ Presentation

  1、Show a toy ––Mickey.

  T: This is my new friend ,Mickey, I think it’s beautiful.

  Teacher acts the Mickey :”Hello! Look at me! This is my face .” Write on the blackboard .

  2、T: Who wants to touch ?Touch.touch!

  Have Ss touch Mickey’s face . Show word card—-face.(设计意图:用卡通玩偶米奇导入face单词,并鼓励学生touch,学生乐于接受,同时导入了两个新词汇并为活泼轻松的课堂氛围打下基础。)

  Step Ⅲ Practice

  1、 Show the screen, Have Ss read together “Look at me ! This is my face!”

  2、 Give students some people face card(such as Mike,Chen Jie,John,etc.) , Have students say”Look at me!This is my face!” and pass the card one by one .

  T: OK!This group is great! Clap your hands. Stick a letter card for your group on the blackboard. (设计意图:评价是一节活跃而有序的课堂必不可少的措施,也大大提高了40分钟的课堂效率)

  3、 Point to Teacher’s nose ,

  T: Look at me !This is my face .This is my nose .

  Ask one student to stand up .teacher point to him/her nose .T: This is your nose .

  Show word card ,Teach students “nose”.Read the word one by one .Give the best one a winner picture.

  4、 Take out a bear’s face , T: look! Zoom is coming! Use the same way to teach other’s words .

  Stick them on the blackboard(word cards and Zoom’s face) .

  5、 Have students point to the word .as soon as possible. T: Look at me! This is my mouth/nose/ear/eye…. Ask two students come to the front and point to the correct word .

  6、 Show the screen , Ask one student to read the dialogs .”Look at me !This is my eye /ear /mouth/nose…..”

  7、 Play a game,throw a die , Ask some students come to the front and touch the whiteboard . Read the sentence and fill in the blanks”This is my ___.”

  8、 Guessing game . Have students guess ,There are six number pictures on the screen ,Ask student to touch and guess ,what picture is under the number. Have them pay attention to “an eye,an ear”and “eyes”

  9、 Show CAI. Ask students ,“Do you remember colours ?’ Review colours.

  Show some pictures with different eyes. Have Ss fill in the blanks “look at me!This is my_ “red eyes” or “black eyes”.

  10、 Show different pictures who has long nose(elephant) , big mouth(crocodile), long ears(rabbit) , big eyes(owl) , Have Ss fill in the blanks. It has a long___. It has a big___. It has two long___. It has two big ___. Have Ss pay attention to “two ears ,two eyes.”(设计意图:利用多媒体,设置大量的任务型活动,让孩子在愉悦的主动地氛围下学习新知和巩固新知,全方位的增强学生学习英语的自信心。

  11、 Tell students(情感教育)PPT :

  Boys and girls,we have two bright eyes.But if you don’t be careful,you will not have beautiful eyes.Maybe you have to wear glasses just like me .So you should protect your eyes carefully.

  12、 Teacher takes out a baby’s picture. T :Look !This baby is so lovely ,This is the beautiful eye, nose ,mouth and so on .Who wants to have a try ? Touch,touch! Close your eyes . Touch,touch! Can you touch the eyes?Ask students come to the front.

  13、 Play the video. Let’s do .Have students stand up and do together , Say the dialog loudly.

  “close your eyes.open your mouth.touch your nose.touch your ear.touch your face.”

  StepⅣ Wrap-up

  1、 Draw,stick and talk ,

  Draw a face,a nose ,a mouth ,two eyes,two ears,then stick them. Talk about them with your partner. Hello!My name’s ____.Look at me ! This is my _____,this is my___,this is my___,this is my___,this is…

  Ask some students show their cards and talk about them.设计意图:情境表演的输出是可以检验课堂教学成功的程度,它的设置是学生对于本课知识掌握与否的呈现,也是生生合作学习的一个简单而有效的模式。

  2、 T: I want to draw a baby now ! I draw a face.I draw two eyes.I draw two ears.I draw a nose.I draw a mouth. OK! Teacher draws a baby on the whiteboard. Baby says: Haha! Look at me! This is my face.This is my eye.This is my ear.This is my nose.This is my mouth.

  3、 Tell students(情感教育PPT) :

  Boys and girls,we have a nose, a mouth , two bright eyes, two sensitive ears. But not everyone has them,so we should cherish them and help others. Such as crossing the street,writing, reading and so on

  Step Ⅴ Homework

  1,Listen and read new words 20 minutes after school.Talk about them with your friends.

  2,Do exercise book.


  UNIT 3 Look at me!


  1 2 Look at me!

  This is my face.

  This is my nose.

  This is my eye.

  This is my ear.

  This is my mouth.

  《Look at me》教案(二)


  1、能听说、认读eye, face , ear, nose , mouth, 这些关于身体部位的单词,能听懂Look at me!This is my face。并能用英语介绍自己身体的这几个部分。



  教学重点:关于头部的单词 eye, face , ear, nose, mouth的学习。

  教学难点:eye, face 两个单词的元音因素容易发音不到位,教师可鼓励学生张大口型,相互检查。mouth 一词的尾音发音较难,教师可适当提醒学生,注意口型。




  1 热身、复习 (Warm-up/Revision)

  (1)师生问候:T:Good morning S:Good morning!How are you? T:I’m fine.thank you.

  (2)教师播放Let’s talk的录音,学生跟读。让学生进行表演对话。

  2 呈现新课 (Presentation)

  (1)教师在黑板上画一个脸型,然后边画上鼻子,自己介绍说: This is my face 等等,由此引出本课单词的教学 eye, face , ear, nose, mouth,让学生先初步了解单词。

  (2)教师指着自己说:Good morning. I’m Miss/Mr ,, Look at me . 指着自己的脸说:This is my face 用同样的方法依次介绍:eye, ear, nose, mouth,学生进一步学习单词。(注意:教师在介绍的同时指着自己身体各相应的部位。)

  (3)教师再次借助动作和表情,比如,点点头、眨眨眼、摸摸鼻等,学习单词的听说。注意:eye, face 两个单词的元音因素容易发音不到位,教师可鼓励学生张大口型,相互检查。mouth一词的尾音发音较难,教师可适当提醒学生,注意口型。

  (4)认读eye, face , ear, nose, mouth 的单词卡片和图片。

  (6)让学生听录音,跟读 Let’s learn 部分的单词并要求学生指着自己头部和相应的部位,力求做到“眼到、口到、心到、手到”。 (7)游戏:Simon says[来源:学&科&网Z&X&X&K]

  教师发出指令,学生执行指令。规则是:如果指令前有Simon says,学生执行指令,否则被罚下,如:

  T: Simon says, touch your face 学生摸摸头。如教师只说:Touch your face学生则不做任何动作。

  在此次活动中,教师教 touch 一词,并让学生理解 touch、my、your三个词的含义。

  3 趣味操练 (Practice)

  (1)小组活动:Listen and point

  教师让学生按小组练习 eye, face , ear, nose, mouth。方法是,小组的每一个组员分别说一个单词,其他同学指出相应的部位。 (2)全体活动:Listen and draw

  学生按教师的指令画图,如教师说:Draw a mouth. 学生则画出一张嘴,以次类推nose,eye, face , ear, head,最后画出完整的一幅画(可以让一、两个学生到黑板上画,起引导作用)



  (5)学生听录音,边说边做Let’s do 部分中的活动。


  将学生分为两大组,每组各派一个选手,教师说句子,选手快速跑到讲台找到所听句子的图片,并举起图片大声读出,这样即为胜利,为本组加一分。之后,在换另一名选手进行。(本活动中的句子,可以在本课时Let’s do部分的基础上增加一单元Let’s do部分的句子。) 4 扩展性活动(Add-activities) 传话游戏 教师可将本课时Let’s do部分的内容传给每组的第一个学生,由第一个学生往后传,以次 类推,当传到最后一名学生时,由他/她将正确的动作做出,正确率高、速度快的为胜。






  Unit3 Look at me








