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《In a Nature Park》教案模板范文

若水分享 1147

  一个好的教学设计是一节课成败的关键,要根据不同的课题进行灵活的教学设计。首先对每一个课题的教学内容要有一个整体的把握。下面就是小编给大家带来的《In a Nature Park》教案,希望能帮助到大家!

  《In a Nature Park》教案(一)


  1.认知目标:能听懂和会说Is there…? Yes,there is.No,

  there isn’t .并能在情景中运用。

  2.能力目标:能熟练运用Is there…?句型,并掌握肯定和





  本课时需要重点掌握的句型是:Is there ... ? Yes, there is./ No, there isn't.




  1、热身、复习 (Warm-up/Revision)


  (2)练习单词和句型:利用游戏“速认速记”复习单词,在一个小方盒的6个面分别写有 river, forest,grass,path,lake,flower 6个单词,让学生用 Is it…?的句型猜背向他们的单词,教师用“Yes./ No.”评价。


  There’s a nature park in the city .

  What’s in the nature park?

  Let’s have a look.

  There is a river in the nature park.

  There is a lake in the nature park.

  There is a forest in the nature park.

  There is a path in the nature park.

  There are flowers

  in the nature park.

  There are grasses

  in the nature park.

  There are trees in the nature park.

  There are mountains

  in the nature park.

  Is there a lake in the nature park?

  Yes ,there is.

  Is there a path in the

  nature park?

  Yes ,there is .

  Is there a forest in the nature park?

  Yes ,there is .

  Is there a farm in the nature park?

  No ,there isn’t

  Is there a mirror in the

  nature park?

  No ,there isn’t 。

  pair work(合作)

  Is there a…in the nature park?

  Yes, there is.

  No ,there isn’t

  (1)、教师将Let's try 部分的挂图呈现给学生,Look at this picture. Is there a lake in the park? 引导学生回答:Yes. 教师示范完整的答句:Yes,there is. There is a lake in the park. 然后继续问:Is there a river in the park? 引导学生回答:No,there isn't.

  (2)、完成 Let's try:Listen and circle.


  Boy: It's a beautiful nature park. There is a lake and a forest.

  Girl: Is there a mountain?

  Boy: Yes,there is.

  Girl: Is there a river?

  Boy: No,there isn't.


  (1)教师说:I live in a city. Whao is a city? 教师拿出city的词卡展示给学生,领读单词,学生跟读。教师说:Zhang Peng and John are talking about a city. What's the city like? Listen.

  (2)教师放Let's talk 部分的录音,学生听录音阅读。再放一遍录音,学生跟读。教师问:Is there a nature park in the city?引导学生回答:Yes,there is.教师继续问:Is there a river in the park?Is there a f arm?让学生回答。


  (4)教师拿出一张风景照,问:Is there a river / lake / mountain / path?请学生回答:Yes,there is./ No,there isn't.教师换其他的风景照片继续操练。

  (5)Make a new talk指导学生两人一组用风景图练习对话。

  4.巩固和延伸(Consolidation and extension)

  Have a rest. Please close you eyes! Geese! What’s in a nature park?

  做“猜猜盒子里有什么”游戏:教师出示一个盒子(盒子内可以装水果、玩具、家具等学生会说的物品卡片),说:What's in the box?Can you guess?学生猜:Is there a…?



  Look at the…

  There is a river in the nature park.

  The water is clean.

  It’s so beautiful.


  Unit 6 :In a Nature Park

  A :Lets talk

  Is there a in the nature park?

  Yes, there is.

  No, there isn’t.

  《In a Nature Park》教案(二)


  知识目标:1. 能听、说、读、写本课四会单词:flower, grass, river, lake, forest, path..

  2. 能够听、说、认读单词sky, cloud, mountain 以及句子:There is a forest in the nature park.

  能力目标:3. 能够完成Let's find out 中找图片区别的任务。

  4. 学会吟唱Let's chant.



  教学重点:掌握有关自然景物的单词: flower, grass, river, lake, forest, path, sky, cloud, mountain 以及句子:There is a forest in the nature park.表示景物的存在。




  1.播放儿歌“It’s a Beautiful Day in the Park!”

  There's a girl in the park. She's walking in the park. It's a beautiful day in the park!

  There's a boy in the park. He's running in the park. It's a beautiful day in the park!

  There's a bench in the park. A boy is sitting on the bench. It's a beautiful day in the park!

  There's a mother in the park. She's pushing a stroller. It's a beautiful day in the park!

  There are children in the park. They're playing ball. It's a beautiful day in the park!

  There's a fountain in the park. A bird is splashing in the fountain. It's a beautiful day in the park!

  2、看看说说。让学生看着教室物品用There be 句型说句子,简单介绍there be句型再让学生训练,越多越好。能正确运用“There is a… There are…(某处有某物)。


  1. 教学mountain , sky、cloud a. mountain(mountain与mutton读音区分)出示山的图片,观察图片回答:What’s in the picture?教师帮助学生回答:There is a mountain。

  b.老师在黑板上画一个太阳,问学生:What's this? 学生能回答出:It's the sun. T:Where can you see the sun? 老师可以帮助学生回答:We can see it in the sky. 老师带读sky, 板书sky,强调“sky”在该词中的发音,并列出fly.

  c.操练。T:What can fly in the sky? S: …can fly in the sky. ( bird, balloon, plane, leaf, cloud)

  d. 老师顺势在黑板上画简笔画,一朵 cloud,两朵clouds.区别单复数读音、形式。

  e. 合作学习。学生同桌之间互相帮助,检查三个单词的读音及汉语意思。

  2. 教学river, flower.

  a.多媒体出示黄河图片教学,教师板书river,学生空手仿写.出示河图片,学生认读,the River, River,强调river的发音。

  b.课件出示花的图片,教学flower,flowers。帮助学生说出:There is a flower。There are some flowers。

  3. 教学lake,path,grass,forest. (图片教学,让学生养成仿写的习惯,教师板书,学生空手仿写四会单词)

  4. 听读正音。老师播放Let's learn 部分录音,学生看课本跟读,同时手指单词。然后基础好的学生领读。

  5. 合作学习。学生同桌之间互相检查重点单词的读写单词和句子的认读,互相帮助。

  6.课件出示自然公园景观画面,练习There is a




  2. Let's chant. 老师播放P68的歌谣,学生跟唱。

  The grass is green. The sky is blue. The air is clean. The day is new.

  The wind blows. The clouds play. The river flows.

  Beautiful day, beautiful day!

  3. Let's find out.. 老师出示第一幅卡片,请一组学生按座位顺序依次描述卡片:There is a mountain/forest/river/grass in the nature park.老师出示第二幅卡片问:Is it a nature park ?What's in it? What differences can you find?引导学生做答。用同样的方法鼓励学生找出图1与图3、图4的区别,并用There be 句型回答。In picture 1,there is a/are… In picture 2,there is/are…



  1. 小结。复习本课所学知识,检测四会单词的书写。

  2. 小小设计师:让学生自己想象设计一个自然公园,以小组为单位先说一说自己的设想,然后用英语介绍,比一比谁设计的公园最好。

  (设计意图:让学生进一步掌握、巩固There be 的句型。)








