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《My Holiday》教案模板

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  一个好的教学设计是一节课成败的关键,要根据不同的课题进行灵活的教学设计。首先对每一个课题的教学内容要有一个整体的把握。下面就是小编给大家带来的《My Holiday》教案,希望能帮助到大家!

  《My Holiday》教案



  1、能够听说读写句型:--How did you go there? I went by train .

  2. 能听懂、会说本课对话,并能在实际情景中应用。


  能够用一般过去式询问别人在过去的时间里乘坐什么交通工具去了哪里并作答。如Where did you go on your holiday? I went to Xinjiang. How did you go there? I went by train.




  1,教学重点是掌握句型 How did you go there? I went by train.



  step1 warm up

  1. let`s chant where did you go on your holiday?

  2.Let` s review ;利用单词卡片复习动词短语和句型What did you do on your holiday?

  3.Free talk:

  what did you do on your holiday?

  I took pictures.

  Good !What about you?

  I went ice-skating .

  设计思路:Let`chant 设计是为了活跃气氛并引出本课主题:Where did you go on your holiday?Let`s review.不仅可以复习短语和句型,还为拓展本课句型做了铺垫。

  step2 presentation

  1.present Let`s try

  What did you Chenjie do on her holiday? Let`s listen and circle.

  listen again and check your answers

  (设计思路)通过处理本部分, 达到呈上启下的作用。

  2.Present let`s talk

  What`s the weather like today?

  It`s warm and sunny.

  What`s the weather like in Harbin in winter?(课件出示哈尔滨的一张下雪的图片)

  It`s cold and snowy.

  Did you go to harbin on your holiday?

  Yes, I did.

  How can you go to Harbin?

  I can go there by plane or by train.

  That`s right .Sarah went to Harbin on her holiday.How did she go there?Let`s have a look.听录音let`s talk。

  Ask and answer.

  Look and repeat.

  Read in roles.

  Act out the dialouge.

  Step3 practise

  看图问(Where did you go ?How did you go ?What did you do ?学生根据图回答。

  Step4 Consolidation


  过程:全班学生分成4大组,请两名学生上来,A学生抽取地点卡片,B 同学抽取交通方式卡片。

  (1)A同学问大家:Where did you go on your holiday?大家根据A同学的卡片回答:I went to

  (2)B同学把卡片上的交通方式用动作或模拟声音表达出来,边做边问大家。How did you go there?每组同学根据表演者的动作猜并快速回答:I went....




  请一名同学任意抽取一张动词短语过去式的卡片,对任一个小组进行采访,抽取卡片的同学根据卡片内容边做动作边提问:What did you do? 被采访的小组同学看动作猜出短语是什么,并回答:I....




  (1)一人抽取卡片并根据卡片的内容(地点、时间)提问:Where did you go on your holiday?其他同学根据卡片上的内容回答:I went to ....

  (2) 然后其他同学自由抽取卡片根据内容(交通方式或者动词短语)用动作或模拟声音表达出来并体问:How did you go there?或What did you do there?其他学生根据动作猜短语并回答。




  Step5 :Homework

  1. 听音朗读对话内容并背诵、默写四会句子。



  六、板书设计My holiday

  How did you go there? I went by train.

  《Let's Take a Trip!》教案


  1. Emotion goal: Respecting the culture of the minority nationality and loving our country.

  2. Knowledge goal: Use the sentence pattern “be going to” in a trip and the past tense of verbs.

  3. Ability goal: Can use the sentence patterns “be going to”.






  Step One: Warming up and greetings

  T: Hello, boys and girls! Nice to see you again!

  S: Hello, Mr./Miss…! Nice to see you, too!

  T: The holiday is coming. Are you going to take a trip?

  S: Yes!

  T: Where are you going? How can you get there? Let’s go and have a look!

  Step Two: Revision

  The teacher shows some pictures of transport mode on the computer, such as by plane, by bus, by subway, by bike, by train, on foot. Then practice them in sentences.

  Step Three: Let’s read

  The teacher shows some important sentences in dialogue on the computer:

  A:Where are you going on your holiday?

  B:I am going to….

  A: Who are you going with?

  B:I am going with….

  A:What are you going to do there?

  B:I am going to….

  A: When are you going?


  Step Four: Listen

  Listen to the tape, read after the tape and find out the new words: Kunming, Kathy, folk (folk dance), Stone Forest.

  Step Five: Presentation

  a. Fill these new words in blanks on the computer, read the new words again.

  b. .Analyze the difficulty: How is your family going to get there?

  c. Listen and read the dialogue.

  Step Six: Practice

  Fill in Mike’s trip schedule.

  Step Seven: Consolidation and extension

  Plan your holiday and make a dialogue.

  Step Eight: Homework.

  Pair work to make your own dialogue.

  V.Blackboard Design:

  Where to go? What to do?

  Kunming. See folk dances.

  When to go? How to get?


1.My holiday英语作文3篇

2.my holiday英语作文及翻译

3.my holiday plan英语作文带翻译

4.《I go by train》教案及反思

5.my holiday小学英语作文带翻译


